Brain food

Disclaimer: I’ve been evaluated by my physician for any potential food allergies. Please be aware of any food allergies you might have as they can be life-threatning. 

Let’s be honest. Being a student means being on a budget, and when you’re on a budget you tend to buy foods that aren’t exactly keeping you fueled. If we aren’t hydrating and eating the right foods are body begins to experience symptoms such as feeling dizzy, drowsy, headaches, and feeling cranky. I find when I choose to eat unhealthy, I am more prone to feeling irritable, fatigue, and stressed. So what are some foods you can eat that are cheap, won’t burn a hole in your wallet, and keep you energized during that 3-hour lecture?

cartoon of a face and a plate of food

1) Bananas: Grab it and go. Provides a variety of nutrients such as Potassium which helps to regulate your blood pressure. Bananas keep you fuller longer, and are great to relieve crampy muscles.

2) Yogurt: Perfect after a tough workout or a long commute. Yogurt provides B12 which is known to promote healthy brain function. Healthy bacteria found in yogurt helps to keep you, “regular.” Don’t forget the air freshener!

3) Energy Bar: Read the ingredients list carefully. Some bars are better than others, but make sure you’re not allergic to anything listed in the ingredients. These are perfect to keep with you on the go when your stomach suddenly growls in the middle of class or on the train.

4) Overnight Oats: Not a morning person? Prep this the night before so you can just grab and go in the next day. Find a few recipes here. Add your favorite fruits to the mix and you will start your day with a nutrient rich breakfast.

5) Water: HYDRATE! I can’t say this enough. Water helps to flush out toxins, keep you regular, relieve fatigue, and promotes healthy body functions. Signs you’re dehydrated: Thirsty, dry skin, dizziness, dry mouth, ­­­­­

I’m just grazing the surface with these foods. There are countless ways to mix and match your food to not only satisfy those taste buds, but provide you with the energy and nutrients needed to conquer your long days. What are some foods you grab when you’re on the go?


Uncaging The Bronx Zoo

The Bronx Zoo provides us with a very important and sometimes forgotten piece of architecture; Landscape design and development. Landscape architecture is relatively as important as other buildings and structures. It is a lot quieter and more subtle than monstrous skyscrapers or massive cathedrals. Landscape architecture portrays the purest form of the environment, nature, and seasons. The trees, flowers, and various other plants bloom in Spring and flourish in the Summer, then become dormant and beautifully desolate in the fall, and snow-capped in the winter. We are in the season of the diminished vibrant greens and other colors that we cherished in the Summer as the cold naturally washes upon us like a massive wave; leaving us with beautifully calm, serene, and peaceful environments.

The Bronx Zoo that we all know and love unlocked its glorious gates of curiosity to the public 118 years ago on November 8 1898, giving 843 animals a controlled environmental home on 250 acres of land which is equivalent to 250 football fields or 4,000 tennis courts. The land was sold to the city for one thousand dollars from Fordham University, their only demand in closing the deal was that the land had to be turned into some sort of zoo/park/conservatory. Now the Zoo houses over 4,000 animals.

The Wildlife Society wanted to implement a new and more animal oriented style of zoo, so in 1940, when the “Lion Island” exhibit open, began a new trend of uncaging the animals. These changes happened gradually but the Zoo found funding to give the animals a comfortable and less confined space, much like their natural habitats; this zoo was the first to have this concept. The Zoo’s general planning was fixed to uncage the animals and somehow gracefully cage the spectators to keep us safe. We are enveloped by the comfort and safety of restraints and gates; the animals getting most the acreage which is how it should be, in order to make the animals more comfortable and ultimately reduce stress.

Plan your next voyage to The Bronx Zoo. They have special waives in prices if you are a student or if you plan your trip on a certain day that they only accept donations at the admission office.


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Virtues from Motherhood: Be objective

In the last few weeks as judgement flies freely over social media and even in everyday conversation, it’s sometimes too easy to get lost in our own minds. While we know that nobody is perfect sometimes we might forget that our way of life, of doing things or of handling a situation is not the only way. I actually deactivated my facebook a week or so ago because logging in was starting to make me sick and just disgusted with the people I saw every single day bashing and judging complete strangers. It’s one thing to agree to disagree or to acknowledge someone else’s lifestyle but to openly and ignorantly bash someone you know nothing about? It was just upsetting to me.

I struggled with what to tell Ava about this election or how to understand the things happening around her in a way that wouldn’t damage her innocence. Finally I just decided it was best to tell her the minimum, she’s only 7 after all and her teachers did a great job of explaining the government, elections and democracy so I saw no reason to tell a 7 year old about the racial and gender issues that embedded themselves into the 2016 presidential election. What I did want her to know or understand is that we live in a big big world and every single one of us is different, and that’s okay. Diversity is what makes this world and this city so great.

I wanted Ava to understand the ability to be objective and to know how to step back and view a situation out of her own shoes. It’s a hard thing to do especially if you’ve got a vested interest in the topic, but it eliminates ignorant hatefulness. It’s easy to condemn a life we have never lived but it is easier to understand if we remove ourselves. For example, I’ve seen great debate over public assistance and the stigma that comes with it. People don’t seem to understand that not every person who gets food stamps is living off the government unemployed, in fact most are hard working people who just need a little help to make ends meet, and there’s nothing wrong with that. When you retain the ability to be objective you can separate the people who abuse the assistance from those who truly need it.

Not everyone gets the same affordances to start out with in life and the road to getting there for some takes longer. Sometimes people deal with things outside of their control and do the best they can to keep going. Remember, judging someone’s path to a destination only sets us back in our own.

Introducing Samantha Pezzolanti: Virtues From Motherhood

By Pamela Drake

Our Stories: An Intimate Connections Series

a young woman with long brown hair wearing a black blazer

Photograph by Samantha Pezzolanti

No matter what you’re going through in life, know that you are not alone. There are other people just like you. Samantha Pezzolanti, for example, a student and a passionate writer in the Professional & Technical Writing program at City Tech. Her life hasn’t exactly been easy.

For a person who went through some hardships—once a single teen mom herself—Samantha has endured quite a lot in her life. Yet it’s those very hardships that allow her to speak from a place of experience. Inspired by her 7-year-old daughter, she inspires other parents with her own blog, Virtues From Motherhood.

1. Describe yourself in one word? How does this word represent you?

Resilient. I chose this word because, in a nutshell, it means being able to bounce back and overcome odds and in my life I’ve had every reason not to succeed. Albeit a result of my own choices, I found myself in some rough patches in life. But, I’ve managed to navigate them to get to this point in my life.

2. Who are your biggest influences? Who do you admire most? Who or what inspired you to do what you’re doing now?

My biggest influence would be my mom. She’s been my cheerleader, bad cop, and more. Through my whole life, no matter what it is I’m dealing with, she reminds me I can just do it. I admire my mom for being out of the workforce for a decade to raise kids, then jumping right back in and building a career. I also admire every young mom like myself who has taken the somewhat impossible lifestyle and silenced all naysayers. My daughter has influenced me to do what I’m doing now because I don’t ever want her to doubt her abilities like I’ve doubted mine. I want to show her the sky really is the limit.

3. What tools or personality traits do you think is indispensable for accomplishing your goals?

Firstly, confidence. You can’t get others to see your worth and abilities if you yourself don’t see and advocate for them. Secondly, perseverance because you will strike out sometimes but if you don’t lick your wounds and keep going you’ll never rise above it. Lastly, be personable. You have to know how to talk to people and more importantly, listen to them.

4. What is still your biggest challenge or stumbling block(s) and what are the best ways you’ve found to overcome them?

My biggest challenge would probably be becoming a mother as a teenager. I love my daughter and I love being a mom but having to grow up, learn to be a mom, navigate college and make enough money to live on is a huge challenge. In fact, I’ve had professors and advisors tell me to give up and get into a trade and for a while, I listened. However, the best way I’ve found to overcome them is to ask for help, use my resources, and trust the people that love me. I’ve also learned to manage my time and trust in my abilities, and when I need to, work a little harder.

5. What’s the best advice you ever received?

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible.” This quote is what the speaker at my graduation said and it’s always stuck with me.

6. What would you have done differently if you knew then what you know now?

I wouldn’t have dropped out of college. If I had recognized my own potential, I would have been able to recognize and reach my goals a lot sooner.

7. What’s your best advice for handling criticism?

Realize early on that not everyone will like you or want to be your friend, even more so when you become more successful or have a position or skill they want. So sometimes people who secretly envy you will be harsh and a little mean but try and sift through that and find some valid points. If you can’t, don’t let them get under your skin. When getting criticism from superiors or professors, however, remember again not to take it personally. Remember they have deadlines and people to answer to as well. Take what they’ve said and make a bulleted list on what you need to work on. Then look back through your work and see what you can feasibly do on your own and don’t feel shy about asking for help.

8. What surprising lessons have you learned along the way?

That it is possible! I had let go of the image of myself walking across the stage for a degree for years but as I get closer and closer to my second college degree, I realize it isn’t out of reach. I’ve also learned that nobody is perfect, in fact, most people are just as messy as I am and the trick is to making messy look easy.

9. What’s next for you?

Well, first on the list is get my bachelor’s degree. After that, I want to dive into a career in technical communication or content management. After that, I might consider a graduate degree. Who knows?

10. What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered?

I want to be remembered for being human. This sounds peculiar but I want to be remembered for making a difference with my words, helping other people and blazing a path I was told I would never walk.

As you can see, it’s Samantha’s positive attitude that has taken her this far. She could have given up but she believed that there were more opportunities for success ahead of her. This interview was important because too many people feel that they are alone and that no one knows what the’re going through. Like Samantha, maybe you’ve had a similar challenge. Was there ever a time that you wanted to give up but didn’t? What was it that kept you going? Or maybe you’re out of school and want to return. Just believe in yourself and know that success awaits you.

Academic Self-Discovery: Learning to Fly

“He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.”- Friedrich Nietzsche. I first read this quote my freshmen year of college and I understood it to mean that certain things take time and patience. Reading it now, I see it as one having to take multiple steps to reach whatever goal they have. Like Drake states, “we started from the bottom”. It can take time when you do not know what career choice is right for you and it can feel as if you’re running out of time when everyone else has it figured out. That is how it felt for me.

I have felt as if I wasted time in figuring out what I wanted to major in but thinking about it now I think I needed that time. It made me grow as a student. It helped me realize what classes I enjoyed and what classes I disliked which made me question if that major was the right one for me. What I had to learn was to focus on my own path instead of comparing myself to others and also explore just what occupations caught my interest. That is why I find it important to explore careers that intrigue me. That could mean taking classes on it or doing an internship because then I would actually get a feel for that job and see if I still like it.

For me, back in high school I wanted to explore music therapy because it was something different and not heard of which I thought was cool. I had looked up the field, the requirements and even spoke on the phone with a music therapist. The career was about having a way to heal others through the form of music. At that time I had recalled the ways music influenced my moods and outlook. If I was trying to motivate myself I would listen to something upbeat with encouraging lyrics. If I wanted to calm down I would listen to something soothing and if I was upset I would find songs that I felt communicated that emotion. The way music can touch others was just amazing to me and to find a career that applied it to treat patients that struggled with physical, emotional, and mental difficulties seemed like the right path for me.

I changed my mind later on as I mentioned in my last post. The reason for this could have been because I did not know how to play an instrument or that I realized I’m not that good of a singer. However, it was because of this exploration of music therapy that made me interested in physical therapy. Though physical therapy is more about helping patients with injuries and physical disabilities learn how to move and function, it is similar to music therapy in the sense of what mindset and attitude is necessary in treating the patient. They are both about compassion and encouragement. My next step in exploring this career path is to find an internship or volunteer to actually see how I would enjoy being in the environment of a physical therapist.

In my opinion, exploring different career paths is a great way for people going through academic self-discovery to broaden their ideas and interest in hopes of getting closer to the career that suits them. Explore.

The New York City Marathon

The 46th New York City Marathon was one of the most emotional, passionate, and inspirational events I’ve ever experienced. Three weeks ago, I was just one single person in a sea of thousands of spectators, and in those moments I truly felt that we were all one big family. Peace, love, unity and sportsmanship were all being thoroughly stirred in the melting pot known as New York City on November 6th, 2016. Thousands of men and women from all over the world ran the grueling 26.2 mile marathon through all five boroughs, trying to make their cities, families, and most importantly themselves proud. While observing the runners, I immediately felt the intensity and the motivation to finish the run just by the determined expressions on their faces. As the marathon runners inched closer towards the finish line, breathing the harsh cold air, dripping their blood, sweat and tears, and pouring their hearts out onto the course, I captured some of these candid moments.


people running in a marathon elderly man running a marathon, with a T-shirt that says "NO TEARS" two women running the marathon in rainbow hats two men at the race a man in the race wearing a turquoise T-shirt, giving a high five to someone in the crowd

Happy Thanksgiving

a sunset backdrop with a banner that reads thankful

Image by: Bianca J. Klein

Today is Thanksgiving and with all that has occurred this year, both publically and in my personal life, I am not exactly in the holiday spirit. I am struggling to find something to be thankful for. The truth is, even the smallest of things make up the large majority of what there simply is to have thanks for. Life is honestly a roller coaster ride, it can be great at times or utterly terrible momentarily, but there is always something to be thankful for. The holidays have evolved so much over the years, now it’s more oriented on gifts or shopping deals rather than giving thanks, enjoying company, and being in the holiday spirit.

I have been working with The Buzz for over two years and I am extremely thankful for the time that I have graciously had working with this academic project. It is easily accessible for all students at the school, as well as the general public, as a forum to be a haven for all as they navigate through their individual college experiences. Next semester will be my last and it is a tad bittersweet, I have had the most amazing opportunity to write about my innermost passion which pertains to food, more specifically baking. I absolutely appreciate being able to share my love for a hobby that is truly overlooked. Honestly, anything that is of interest can be a passion.

In certain aspects, my hobby of baking saved me. It gave me an escape from the struggles in my world to be in tune to something that has never disappointed me, the way the life has at times. Baking is the only thing that can really comfort or relax me so completely. But the most valuable part of baking is being able to share your edible masterpieces with other people in order to put a smile on someone’s face by the simplicity of enjoying a baked good. My time with The Buzz has surely shaped me into a better writer. I have greatly improved in my writing skills and feel that I have become a writer in all its meaningful value. I hope to have found a way to reach out and touch people through my eloquent sequence of words to be an encouragement and a help for them.

I suppose what I am saying is that I am so completely grateful to be able to write for The Buzz as I hope that those who read my posts can find a haven, such as I have found one in baking. But, more importantly, I want you to challenge yourself to find a haven for yourself, whatever that may be. So in a celebration that truly reunites families and friends, I want to encourage you if even for a single moment in all the business and chaos of holiday shopping or family dinners, to find something to be thankful for. I hope all my readers have a great holiday season.

Share a holiday tradition that you enjoy partaking in for the holidays.

Diary of a Former Nomad: History Repeats Itself.

a sign that says "THOSE WHO DO NOT REMEMBER THE PAST ARE CONDEMNED TO REPEAT IT"Coming back from the last few weeks have been tough. Each day I wake up wondering how people see me more than ever. I wonder if they base their judgement of me solely on my race, the curls in my hair, or my accent. As I sit on the train feeling alienated and quite frankly like an outsider, I recall a time where I felt just like I do today. When I was about 5 years old, I moved to Barbados and it was the hardest transition of my life to this day. Although the culture was similar to my Guyanese heritage, nothing felt similar. I don’t even think people saw me the same. I was different and people treated me as such. I was bullied and outcasted for being different; no one wanted to be friends with the girl who spoke or looked very different.

If I had known history would repeat itself, I would have paid more attention to how I dealt with it all then. I would have told myself to pay attention to the ways I kept my morale high, and the ways I found hope. As I look to my past for advice and answers to share about how we can all adjust to this part of our history, I find myself at a loss. Many of us have faced discrimination, bullying, and plain hate, but we thought things would different by now. Here at City Tech, we have such a diverse community. The hallways echo with many different languages and origins. The cafeteria offers various types of foods, students are mixed, and it is all working ecosystem. We all intertwine and coexist peacefully but in a time where that harmony is being disrupted, how do we adjust to this?

I think we have to take steps forward to accept the fate we have been given no matter how hard it is to swallow. Do not get me wrong, this does not mean to just let things be the way they have planned but to organize how we will move forward. When I was being bullied for being different, I tried to better myself not for others to like me but for myself. I looked to myself for comfort and compassion. In a world where not much is promised we can always seem to count on ourselves and our inner strength. We must count on ourselves to do better. What I mean by this is adjusting to this period in history will not be an easy road, but we must look deep within ourselves and figure out what we really want and deserve. As I remember the frightened little girl I used to be, I recall that I would tell myself that it would get better because I would make it better.  We educated one another on smarter ways to advocate for our rights and we collaborate on efforts to spread positivity. Together, we can change this! Let’s adjust to the idea that we can change this and we have to make smarter choices moving forward.

the 3 H’s of Halloween : Haunted Hotel/House

Halloween, a time for kids to dress up like something completely out of their character and also an opportunity to receive free treats from the community. But what’s in it for the adults? How about the college students? Well first there’s an annual parade put on in the East Village on Halloween in the evening. Then there’s the local haunted houses. But do you want to know something even better? City Tech’s Entertainment Technology Department puts on their very own Haunted Hotel every year! That’s right, City Tech students host a Haunted Hotel in the very “home” of the department, the Voorhees Hall. Free for all City Tech students to attend! It is not only an opportunity to get “frightened” by the flickering lights and random witches popping out at you, it gives you a chance to appreciate the work behind the scenes put on by your peers. This year, I attended the Haunted Hotel for the first time. Going in not knowing what to expect, walking in anxious to see the next room and get frightened.

Two weeks prior I had visited the Pure Terror Scream Park located in Monroe, New York. This was my first time ever visiting a haunted house and boy can I tell you I was spooked! From the moment I walked in with my group of friends we were scared by the workers. Visiting 6 different sites, one of which included clowns (my worse nightmare) I was freaked out. Taking us roughly 2 hours to go through all of the scenes (long line problems) it was an indescribable feeling.  Where in most times all we could was laugh. Despite the high ticket price ($50) overall the experience was extraordinary.

I would hate to ruin the surprise for those who are looking to attend next year but I will say this, put on your least favorite sneakers, as you will be crawling into one of the creepiest scenes of your life!

Below are links with details of both the Haunted Hotel and Pure Terror Scream Park

City Tech’s Haunted Hotel

Pure Terror Scream Park

Feelings of Home


In the spirit of the Thanksgiving Holiday, reminding us of family and our childhoods. I thought it would be a good idea to take a trip down memory lane to a building that I hold near and dear to my heart. When I was a young child my grandmother used to take me and my sisters to this magical library in Greenwich Village known as The Jefferson Market Library. Before I even knew the correct terms to describe a building, I grew to love this structure not only because it automatically symbolized togetherness and family but it also amazed me how greatly defined the structure was; almost like entering those doors was synonymous to stepping into an entirely different era.

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The Victorian Gothic Building started construction in 1875 by architects Calvert Vaux and Frederick Clark Withers and was completed in 1877. The project was funded by the city since the building’s main use was for government and community purposes as The 3rd Judicial District  Courthouse. Vaux and Withers budget for the project was 3.6 thousand dollars, which does not seem like a lot of money in present day, but in the time period was a massive fortune. With a conversion of inflation, 3.6 thousand dollars in 1875 is equivalent to about 7.8 million dollars in 2016 (present day).

They masterfully crafted the place in a Victorian Gothic style which celebrates pointed arches in any form of entrances, stained glass, and other means of ornamentation. The courthouse had three different main floors; the top (second floor) was used as a civil court which now houses DVDs, adult and young adult literature, and CDs, the floor below it (first floor) was a police court and is now the specified children’s area, and lastly the basement (sub-level floor) was used as a holding space for criminals and prisoners, waiting to be transferred to jail is now used for resources. The bell tower was juxtaposed the main floors and was utilized by the community fire department as a watchtower. Also, the large clock that adorns a facade of the building was a necessary means for everyone in the community and all who used the courthouse.



In 1927 the courthouse was solely used for women’s trials, dismissing its co-ed method of before and only settling women’s cases. After a series of changes of usage came upon the courthouse, it finally discontinued its use for court due to redistricting in 1945 (which was 75 years after it was built). The building was then used by various community agencies; including the police academy, at one point. Slowly the need for the building dwindled as architectural natural selection took place. In 1959 the once, one of the top ten most beautiful buildings in America in the 1880’s, was now completely unused and became a home to the city’s creatures. Something that used to be so beautiful was dejected to the pressure of being demolished to build a new apartment building. The area’s population thought the aging courthouse was an eyesore and depreciated the value of Greenwich Village. But the community officials did not allow this grim fate to occur and fought to keep the previously beloved courthouse. In 1961, it was later announced that the courthouse would be preserved and used as a public library. So under architect, Giorgio Cavaglieri’s supervision, the courthouse was spared and opened for business as a library in 1967; which is how we know the Jefferson Market Library today.

Now, every time I go to The Jefferson Market library, I think of my grandmother and how we would connect through literature and other discoveries. So on this holiday I will happily reminisce of the great times I had with my family in New York City.20160914_121029-220160914_121222-220160914_121418-2

Join in on the holiday memory lane fun. What places in New York City makes you think of family or gives you the feeling of home?