Natural Remedies

Good Afternoon City Tech, Genny here continuing with the topic of Midterms. Now last week I discussed a few pointers but this week I wanted to touch back with my roots, nature, the best remedy mankind has. Nature is a wonderful place to get away from the daily commutes, stress of daily modern technology and life itself. A place where we can get in touch with ourselves and to relax; no worries at all just the songs of nature, the birds, and winds. With exams, this is something I recommend to EVERYONE. City life is great and all, but it’s not the best for calmness and comfort when midterms are right around the corner.

The simple things in life are the nest and the best things in life are free. Nature gives us beauty and serene ambiance, one look and my stress is flushed away, Walking can do wonders when you’re in a green thumb area, it’s like soul food but for the mind. If you have a busy schedule and you can’t go far I recommend going to the Brooklyn Heights Promenade. It’s not far it’s walking distance, though do bring a bottle of water with you, friendly tip from  my experience haha.  

Credit: Brooklyn Heights Promenade web.

A beautiful sight to see right?? As I mentioned in previous blogs, nature does have an impact on the mind, it’s just encoded in our genes, before technology all mankind had was nature, to relieve and bring us peace. Now is the perfect time to go on a small adventure to take your mind away for a while, after all you can’t do an exam properly if your head isn’t cleared, maybe it just needs a green touch, and time away from the grey and dull writing of flashcards and review papers. and if you have a place in mind, lemme know! I’d love to hear your nature friendly experiences and perhaps even experience them, I do love exploring new places! As always, positive vibes to all and I wish you the best of luck in any upcoming exams! 10/4.




It’s coming…..

Hey guys! It’s your friendly neighborhood tech blogger here to talk about, DUN DUN DUN midterms – gasp – I know right, the forbidden term we all despise. Now now I’m not here to scare anybody but quite the opposite, I’m here to give you tips on how to survive the scary month. For starters, the basic and more important portion to anything, including midterms is health, take a walk, hike, sit and watch the sunset, or even watch the sunrise if you’re a morning person, my preference as you all know is nature, anything surrounded in nature is my distress factor. On the topic of health, a main factor that keeps us all sane in this time of year, sleep! Ladies and gentlemen I can’t stress this enough, without sleep you CANNOT function  for an exam! You’re deprive your body and your mind of energy, without sleep our bodies can’t reboot and gain the necessary energy for the day, the average amount of sleep necessary is 7-8 but given that it is midterms week, 6-7 is fine, any lower than that is no Bueno my friend.

Photographer: Lokendra Singh

A word for the wise, in any class no matter what always have a copy of your work and store it, take it from a COMD major gal, flash drives are everything!!!!! Whether it’s for typography or labs for physics, always keep copies incase you lose the original, or even scan it and save the documents in your flash drives, you don’t even need to buy anything pricey a simple 16GB is really cheap and good to store small things.

Created by: Gennessy Palma

Now an obvious tip, STUDY! We all become so overwhelmed with planning and creating study guides that we forget to read and let everything since in, read over your notes! A+’s do not come in easy you know, for the first year students, I recommend you ask your professors for some help and asking them how it’s like, perhaps they can help you build a guide to help prepare you for the upcoming exams, remember DO NOT be afraid to ask for help, this isn’t high school, the professors will not come to you and remind you of everything, come to them after or before class, if you’re both available, use the office hours, it doesn’t hurt to ask! Reach out, don’t be silent, because in the end of the day, YOU are responsible for yourself, this is the adult life, but you don’t have to go at it alone, build study groups if you can! Use the recourses available in the school, the library, the computer labs, there’s one in vorhees in the second floor and on in the sixth floor in the main building, don’t lounge around, sit up and do what you can, be strong, get rest, be calm! Deep breathes guys, we’ll make it but you just need to put the effort in!


Silence is killer.

Ever heard the phrase “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger“? Well that can go two ways. Ladies and gentlemen today I’d like to bring light to the topic of cyberbullying. Many people say that words can’t hurt someone, but that’s a lie, words hurt people and it can cause mental pain. We live in the era of technology where unfortunately this has become all too common but what people don’t realize is how words can be deadly. The term deadly, I use it because words cause suicide, I won’t sugar coat it, I will be blunt, words can drive people off the edge. Did you know In just high school alone, over 14 percent of students have considered suicide from cyberbullying and the percentage of students who’ve attempted it? 7 percent. These numbers may not seem all that much but when you consider the amount of students and the amount of schools, it’s pretty scary, yeah reality check guys. Today I chose to speak of something outside of my usual topics because this has a deep meaning  to me. This month is the month where we bring awareness to this dimmed down topic, a topic people just brush away, but this will not go unnoticed.

Created by: Gennessy Palma

I talk today to bring both concern, to this topic and comfort. To anyone who feels out of place, to anyone who is or has been bullied, stand up, stand tall know YOU are not alone! Take a stand and fight for yourself don’t allow anyone to make you feel less than anything in life, I come in peace and today; I want to remind everyone and anyone who is reading this, know you mean something, know you are of value, know that you are beautiful, handsome, a rare jewel. Don’t allow yourself to be brought down by people who know NOTHING about you. There is always help but it begins with you, reach out be strong don’t hold your tongue, and if you’re not being bullied, but you see it, don’t be a bystander! Cyberbullying comes in many forms and can even lead to physical issues, don’t let it reach that far, make a difference and defend someone when they can’t defend themselves. If you suspect that your friend, or family member has been bullied and is considering suicide, take a look at the warning signs. Together, we can conquer anything; and with that being said, I hope you leave with this in consideration, always be careful with what you say, your words can be responsible for a life.

Sizzle Sizzle

Photographer: Gennessy Palma

70’s last week, 80’s this week, the heat just keeps coming back; it seems like summer just doesn’t want to leave! Well with the heat still on, the activities continue. What kinds you ask??? Grills of course! Now we aren’t talking about the typical outdoors but instead, an indoor grill, my recommendation? Kyu-Gaku! A wonderfully exquisite restaurant, Japanese style BBQ cuisines are served here. This restaurant has many locations so if you can’t make it to the city, no worries! They have other locations!

The restaurant is a classic, and can also be rented for special occasions, birthdays, anniversaries, even business meetings. They serve many combos, duck, fish, cow, pork, chicken, you name it! To me the fun part is that we don’t watch them grill it; the chefs season and prepare the food but, guess what?? You cook it!!!!!!!! Now you can tell your parents how great of a cook you are; that’s what I did, gotta prove them wrong somehow, am I right??? Going back to the chefs, well the staff to be exact, are very welcoming and understanding, they greet every guest as they enter and graciously thank the guests when they leave using the  Japanese language, when I went to the restaurant with my significant other, we also thanked them in Japanese, “ arigatou gozaimasu minna! “ meaning thank you very much everyone! In this restaurant the staff takes health seriously, if you’re allergic to something let them know! They’ll prepare separately! The restaurant is very respectable, no professional attire required though, like I said before, this restaurant fits all occasions.

Photographer: Gennessy Palma

My Critique

The food overall was a 4.5 star rating from a scale of 1-5. And the price range? I’d say is $$$ from a scale of $-$$$$$, so in other words not that bad! Every bite is worth the money spent, not to mention the ambiance. The environment in that restaurant is lively yet tranquil, with dim lights and the warm touch because of the indoor grill, it’s like a spa day without all the excess stuff, I recommend everyone and anyone to come to this restaurant and give it a try! You won’t regret it!

  • Gennessy Palma


A leaf for your thoughts

Breathe In, breathe out, college-life has been stressful lately. With so much going on in daily life, I found myself quickly overwhelmed. I thought to myself “ why isn’t everything going as planned? Why am I losing so much time?” Then it hit me, I was overwhelming myself with just thoughts rather than taking action. We’ve all faced a time in our lives where we hit rock bottom, or we’ve had issues maintaining balance within our stressful lives: here’s where you say STOP! and find peace where you can calm down and collect your thoughts. My recommendation? Queens Botanical Garden!

Queens Botanical Garden
Photographer: Gennessy Palma

With so much going on in my life, I decided I needed a change of scenery. This was the place to go, with so many species of flowers and life. I realized I needed space to calm down and relieve myself, in order to feel reassurance of myself and what I’m doing, and there’s nothing wrong with that, to feel uneasy or unassured of what your next step is and to fear what’s to come. In the end we are human; we feel, we stress. For me I get anxious but nature alleviates that, it’s even proven by researchers that nature has mental health benefits.

Queens Botanical Garden
Photographer: Gennessy Palma

Tori Rodriguez, MA, LCP stated that “ As humans become less connected with nature, we lose an essential health buffer. “ In her article she also quoted Mardie Townsend PhD, a professor of health and social development at Deakin University. PhD Townsend says “ It is associated with reduced levels of stress — which also has huge ramifications for physical health, reduced levels of depression and anxiety, increased resilience, increased engagement with learning for children and adolescents otherwise disengaged from the education system, improved self-esteem and increased capacity to engage socially.” In other terms, we need nature to thrive and succeed in life, the city life isn’t always the highlight, ever had these same pressing emotions??? That goes to you as well freshman, I understand life can be complex, balancing college and things at home, it’s all new to you, and is a heavy responsibility. Keep in mind, that in the end it gets easier, but you have to allow yourself some time to de-stress and find a way to balance yourself, as I balance myself with nature. I’m sure you can too, what’s there to lose? One can only gain from this experience, so the next time you feel the need to just let loose, try what I do! Give nature a chance!

Model: Lokendra Singh
Photographer: Gennessy Palma

Positive Vibes

Afternoon fellow City tech students! The past week has been a rough week for us all with the worries of Hurricanes, and earthquakes, the basis being natural disasters. Mother nature is a powerful force and we often underestimate. Though she is fierce, she is also beautiful and we often take that side of her for granted. Lately in the news all we’ve seen are the negatives of nature, but today, we focus on all that is good about nature. When I’m stressed or anxious I normally find myself turning to the green side, nature. There’s a place in Howard Beach Known as “The Lookout” or “ El Mirador “ In Spanish. The Lookout offers two different sceneries, on one side you see JFK airport, it’s truly a beautiful sight, and the other is the city, from afar you can see the buildings. My favorite part about The Lookout is the sound of the waters, just something about the waves softly touching land and becoming smaller is so relaxing, it brings me into a tranquil state of mind.


The Lookout, Howard Beach Photographer: Gennessy Palma

In an article I read from Huffington post, they believe that naturalistic sounds such as waves, crashing waves bring a sense of peace within us. Huffington Post states that In our everyday lives, we’re constantly bombarded with sensory stimuli, whether from our devices, busy homes and offices, or hectic city streets. Our brains need downtime, but they rarely get enough of it.

Being around water gives our brains and our senses a rest from overstimulation.

“The sound around us, from an auditory perspective, is simplified. It’s not quiet, but the sound of water is far more simple than the sound of voices or the sound of music or the sound of a city,” Nichols tells the Huffington Post. “And the visual input is simplified. When you stand at the edge of water and look out on the horizon, it’s visually simplified relative to the room you’re sitting in right now, or a city you’re walking through, where you’re taking in millions of pieces of information every second.”When we’re near, on, in or under water, we get a cognitive break because there’s simply less information coming in. Our brains don’t shut down — they keep working, but in a different way, according to Nichols. “When you have that simplified, quieter ‘blue’ space, your brain is better at a different set of processes,” he says.“When you experience that feeling of awe, you get that ‘one with the universe’ feeling,” says Nichols. “You feel connected to yourself, the world around you, and whoever you happen to be with. That puts you in a ‘we’ state of mind.”It’s no coincidence, then, that many of life’s most romantic moments take place by the water — engagements, weddings and honeymoons overwhelmingly occur in waterside locations.“We hold important ceremonies by water. Both in life and in death, we gather by water when we can,” says Nichols. “

Beachside view, The Lookout; Photographer: Gennessy Palma

See? Nature doesn’t look so bad anymore does it??? Nature can offer you so many benefits, in both mind and physical health, it has for me. I find myself coming here with my significant other to take a breather from classes, and it also helps me improve my photography skills. 

Model: Lokendra Singh; Photographer: Gennessy Palma

Water, wind, sunrise, sunset, some of the many things that we see or here everyday but we may often take it for granted or pay no mind to it, sometimes we forget to just enjoy the simple things in life, when in reality, those are the most beautiful things we are given, and at no cost. Mother nature may be brutal sometimes, but can we blame her? If we can do our part and help, then she wouldn’t be causing such disasters, ladies and gentlemen I urge you to do the right thing, recycle, and use reusable bottles, that way we can protect mother nature and the environment, so we may continue to live to see another sunset.

“Beauty is everywhere, and within everyone.”
– Genny

– Gennessy Palma

A Treat to Remember

Photographer: Gennessy Palma

Good Afternoon City Tech, Genny here! I hope everyone’s had a very successful first week of classes! Knowing all too well how the struggle is; new syllabi and piles of homework. But I’m here to bring you a change of mind, let’s put away the homework for a second and take a short break now shall we? Now then, we all know we can’t work with an empty stomach so to give you an option why not try Blend on The Water. “ What’s Blend on The Water? “ you might ask, well In my opinion, it’s one of the cleanest and utmost delicious restaurants New York City has to offer.

Front Cover of Menu at Blend

Blend On The Water is a Latin Fusion restaurant with exquisite cuisines. This fine restaurant is found in Long Island City and you can’t miss it. Whether there’s an occasion such as an anniversary or birthday, or just a casual brunch day with friends this is your go to restaurant. But why?? Good question! Blend on The Water Is a fine dining restaurant with reasonable prices in my scale of $$$$$, this establishment is a $$$ meaning that it’s sensibly priced given that the restaurant also offers other amenities such as  valet parking, beautiful scenery, and outside seating. Be warned though! There is a dress code for this establishment so ladies and gentlemen button up!  

Food Ordered at Blend, perfecto! Photographer: Gennessy Palma

My Experience With Blend on The Water:

On August 30th I had reservations to Blend on The Water, it was my birthday so my other half Lokendra Singh surprised me into bringing us here. As always Blend on The Water was very cooperative and they did not delay us in giving our seats, because of the gorgeous day they gave us the option to eat inside or outside and of course we chose outside, after all I am a nature person, fresh air will always make me happy. Upon sitting down the waiters already had our menu’s ready and gave us the time we needed to choose our foods, being what is seen above. The chefs were very clean with the food and as an artistic being I highly appreciated the integrity and choice of placement the chef made with the food on my plate, isn’t it gorgeous? Concluding my critique, I give this establishment a 5, being the greatest  based on a scaling of 1-5  because not only did they provide quick service but it was kind service as well, and the scenery was remarkable; I saw the city from across the restaurant. So If you like a view while eating this is the place to go!

beautiful view near Long Island City.

P.S: My recommendation to you is to bring friends along! The more the merrier, enjoy!

  • Gennessy Palma

Welcome One, Welcome All!


Photographer: Gennessy Palma

Greetings City Tech! Welcome back to the campus and as we all know It’s that time of year again where classes begin and a new chapter arises from our lives. I’m now a second year student and it feels great coming back to the campus; my first year was a success. At first I was a bit lost and confused as to where I had to go but thankfully with the help of friends and staff I gained more aspects of the school and the environment. With the aid of the SGA or Student Government Association, I was able to find my way around the school and even help in many events such as going to the CUNY Board of Trustees meetings in which we became the voice for many students in the decision of tuition hikes and how it impacts lower and upper class economists.

Within my first year I was also able to help with voter registration with Mayor De Blasio. It was amazing having to see the level of professionalism and superiority SGA had and how responsible they were. I remember attending a meeting in which Lubna and Maria allowed me to attend. They were creating so many plans for the school and finding ways to fix problems people had within the school; that’s what I loved about them, they reached out to so many people.This college is so friendly and the environment here is extremely welcoming; no matter what, there is always a helping hand. There are so many opportunities in the school that you can contribute your time and effort to while being with your peers. Remember you are the author of your own story so make the best of everything and make it count, reach for the skies towards your mighty path of success. I wish everyone a happy first week of classes!

P.S: If you ever need help with something you can always go to The Student Center or go to SGA located at G-400!

-Gennessy Palma