Category Archives: Uncategorized

BP 4- Paige Sanderson

In the story entitled “In the Penal Colony” written by Franz Kafka, the narrative transpires within a penal colony, a designated place wherein individuals who have transgressed the law are dispatched for retribution. The penal colony, as depicted in the … Continue reading

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BP 4 – Gabriel Aguilar

The Penal Colony is a story about devotion, perseverance, and blind faith. It revolves around four characters who are gathered together to watch the process of a death sentence via a machine. This machine, which operates by scraping needle-like appendages … Continue reading

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BP4 by Isaiah.S

 The Penal Colony itself was established by the previous commandant, being an organization of individuals that had an established set of rules and instructions that could not be overruled or manipulated by the next in command and so on, the … Continue reading

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BP 4–Due 2/22/24

This post is due Thursday, Feb 24th, along with 4 comments to your peers for BP 3. For BP 4, two to three paragraphs using the following questions as a starting point for Kafka’s “In the Penal Colony.” Make sure … Continue reading

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H.P Lovecraft Presentation (By Isaiah.S)

H.P Lovecraft presentation

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BP 3

The question I chose was “why do the citizens of Omelas have to be made aware of the existence of the child in the basement?” The people in this utopian society must be made aware of this child in the … Continue reading

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BP 3 – Alexis Xinol

The Question I chose is “How does the narrator invite the audience to imagine Omelas? Why does the narrator want the audience to co-create this utopia? In “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas,” written by Ursula K. Le Guin, … Continue reading

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BP: 2

There are residents of the city of Omelas in Ursula K. LeGuin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas.” In this city, the citizens are always happy and never go through hardships; however, there is a reason why the residents … Continue reading

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BP 3

The short story “The Ones Who Walk away from Omelas” by Ursula K LeGuinn describes the utopian city of Omelas. Everyone seems to be joyful and in harmony, even the horses whom are at the Festival of Summer. There is … Continue reading

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BP #3

Why do the citizens of Omelas have to be made aware of the existence of the child in the basement? It is important for the citizens of Omelas to be aware of the existence of the child being tortured in … Continue reading

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BP 3-Omelas

When reading Le Guin’s “Omelas” you grow disgust towards the town’s people, for allowing the horrific treatment of a young child. But if you look at yourself, the pants you wear, the shoes on your feet, the phone in your … Continue reading

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BP 2

The question I chose is “What lessons or warnings can be gleaned from the dystopian narrative, and how do they relate to contemporary society?” I believe that “From Beyond” by H.P Lovecraft is a dystopian text because the narrator finds … Continue reading

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BP 3 Albert Gonzalez

Why do the citizens of Omelas have to be made aware of the existence of the child in the basement?   The question I have chosen for the story  describes a very important concept that can be used in many … Continue reading

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BP_3 C.Caruso

The citizens of Omelas have to be made aware of the existence of the child in the basement in order to understand the duality of their perfect world. On the one hand, they lead beautiful lives in a utopian wonderland … Continue reading

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Blog Post 3

We are Invited to imagine Omelas by the narrator’s decision to leave us guessing or under assumption after his/her description of the festivals that is celebrated every summer within Omelas. It’s described in such colorful kind of way. “With a … Continue reading

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Blog Post 3

The narrator invites us to imagine Omelas as this negative and dark place that is full of people who feel nothing but pain in despair, but still manage to smile and live life day by day. The narrator also invites … Continue reading

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BP 3 Paige Sanderson

The narrator introduces the audience to a joyous festival in Omelas, filled with vivid imagery and inviting them to imagine the beauty and happiness of this utopian city. The invitation to imagine Omelas serves two purposes. Firstly, it draws readers … Continue reading

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BP 3- Edsel Torres

 LeGuin begins the explanation of Omelas with a very broad, general description of a utopian society. Painting a very ideal, scenic description of the town, “ The ringing of the boats in harbor sparkled with flags. In the streets between … Continue reading

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BP 3 – Gabriel Aguilar

Why do the citizens of Omelas have to be made aware of the existence of the child in the basement? Omelas is all about the continued happiness of it’s people and the culture that they hope to cultivate. They realize … Continue reading

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BP 3- Yamilet vasquez

Why do the citizens of Omelas have to be made aware of the existence of the child in the basement? The citizens of Omelas must be made aware of the existence of the child in the basement in order for … Continue reading

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BP 3: Bryan Jimenez

In “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” the narrator invites the audience to imagine Omelas by depicting it as vibrant, joyful, and a ‘perfect’ utopia. Furthermore, the narrative gives a picture of a joyful, thriving city where people are … Continue reading

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BP-3| Darlyn Marine

The narrator in “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” invites the audience to co-create the utopia of Omelas by presenting a vividly joyful and idyllic city while simultaneously encouraging readers to imagine their own versions of perfection. This approach … Continue reading

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The narrator wishes to convey to the readers in great detail about a land of almost perfect design but to describe perfect to just anyone would mean having to understand what that person’s ideal view of perfect is so in … Continue reading

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BP 3–Due 2/15/24

For BP 3, take one or two of the following discussion questions and develop two to three thoughtful paragraphs in relation to “The Ones Who Walk away from Omelas.” How does the narrator invite the audience to imagine Omelas? Why … Continue reading

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BP2 (resubmitted)

The question I chose to respond to was question 17, “How does the dystopian society impact interpersonal relationships and human connections?” In the short story of “There Will Come Soft Rains” by Ray Bradbury, the dystopian society impacts interpersonal relationships … Continue reading

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Bp: 2

  The question I choice to answer is number 4, “ What are the main themes explored in the text, and how are they reflected in the narrative?” The story “The Machine Stops” by E.M. Forster is about how, in … Continue reading

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BP 2

Out of all 25 questions I decided to go with question number 14 which is “What symbols or imagery are used to convey the mood, atmosphere, or thematic elements of the text?”. In relation to the text “The Machine Stops” … Continue reading

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BP 2- Yamilet Vasquez

How does the dystopian society restrict individual freedoms and autonomy? In each of these stories, the dystopian societies depicted impose strict control over individuals, severely restricting their freedoms and autonomy in various ways. In  “The Machine Stops” by E.M. Forster, … Continue reading

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BP 2 Albert Gonzalez

The question I chose is twenty two. What lessons or warnings can gleaned from the dystopian narrative,and how do they relate to contemporary society? From beyond like the other stories give a dystopian vibe .When science and technology has no … Continue reading

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BP 2 – Alexis Xinol Morales

The question that I chose for my post is “15. How does the author use language and style to evoke emotions or create tension within the narrative?” In “The Machine Stops” by E.M. Forster uses language and style to express … Continue reading

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BP 2-Technology’s Role in the Dystopias

In “The Machine Stops” technology is everything, it is the government, it is the religion, and it is society itself. The technological advancements made to achieve this society were left unchecked, and began to collapse society itself. The society was … Continue reading

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The question that stuck out to me immediately was #3, “What role does technology play in shaping the dystopian society?” Beginning with “The Machine Stops” by E M Forster, technology is the glue that the fragments of society are clinging … Continue reading

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Technology is something that can be seen in almost every form of science fiction and can sometimes play a major role in most stories, and that is definitely true with these 3 stories. For example, in “From Beyond” we learn … Continue reading

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BP 2: Bryan Jimenez

The question that I chose is “1. What is the central premise or setting of the dystopian depicted in the text?” In “The Machine Stops,” the central premise on a dystopian world in which people live underground in cells and … Continue reading

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BP Post 2 – Gabriel Aguilar

For this post I have decided to answer the question “What symbols or imagery are used to convey the mood, atmosphere, or thematic elements of the text?”, I think this is one of the few questions that can relate to … Continue reading

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BP 2- by Isaiah.S

For my paper I ask question number “14. What symbols or imagery are used to convey the mood, atmosphere, or thematic elements of the text?” because there isn’t enough collateral and widespread damage of some kind that makes the world … Continue reading

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BP 2–Due 2/8/24

For Blog Post 2, which is due by 11:59 p.m. Thursday night, there is an extra reading by H.P. Lovecraft “From Beyond” that you can find over in the readings section. It’s short, interesting, and goes quick. Using one of … Continue reading

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BP1 (Late by mistake)

1 Her main argument in “American SF & the Other” would be that in the words of early socialist, women are a part of a necessary majority to societies and thus due to the current statuses and positions of females … Continue reading

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Bp: 1

 Ursula K. Le Guin’s essay “What Is Science Fiction” was the first essay I read. Ursula Guin discusses the writing process of science fiction in this essay. People who read science fiction tend to have the same common misconception that … Continue reading

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BP 1

Ursula K LeGuin’s first short essay titled “American SF and the Other” goes over how women and other groups of people go overlooked in SF and are not given any prominent roles in these stories most of the time. I … Continue reading

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BP 1: Yamilet Vasquez

First Essay Ursula K. Le Guin’s main argument in “American SF and the Other” is that The White Man’s burden is very present in the SF world. People who may be less fortunate than others aren’t depicted in SF movies … Continue reading

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BP 1

I believe that Ursulas argument in her essay “American SF and the Other” is that science fiction has this idea that continues to be written that men, the rich and even aliens always seem to be the heroes. She argues … Continue reading

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Hello, My name is Yamilet but you can call me Yami. Being in the Cuny BA program I was able to create my major in human rights/Community Innovation & Applied public interest Technology. One of my favorite science fiction films … Continue reading

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BP POST 1 Naheed Reyhad

The first essay, “What is Science Fiction” by Ursula Le Guin, explores a benchmark per se; a guideline on how most science fiction stories and novels are. This allows exploring the chance that writers give themselves on what rules to … Continue reading

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In Ursula K. Le Guin first essay “American SF and the Other”, she talks and argues about the other, the other refers to the characters in SF and how their being is different from who they are themselves. This concept … Continue reading

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BP Post 1: Ronneil Williams

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Bb 1: Paige Sanderson

In the first essay that I read entitled “American Science Fiction and the Other” written by Ursula K. Le Guin talks about how women are either ignored in science fiction stories or presented as characters that are mistreated and/ or … Continue reading

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BP Post 1: Bryan Jimenez

In “American SF and the Other” Ursula criticizes gender biases, social inequalities, and lack of diversity in the realm of science fiction. Ursula advocates pushing science fiction in a world where there is no bias and where the genre can … Continue reading

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BP Post 1 – Gabriel Aguilar

The first essay I read, entitled “American Science Fiction and the Other” describes a lack of “person” within the characters of Science Fiction. That is to say that the general populous, the royal we, do not act with agency in … Continue reading

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Hello everyone. My name is Vincent Zheng. My major is Architectural Technology. I am expecting to graduate after next semester. What first drew me to science fiction were the Alien vs Predator movies. I found the concept of it very … Continue reading

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Chris Caruso: An Introduction

Hello everyone! My name is Christopher Caruso, and this is my third semester at NYCCT. I am currently an Industrial Design major expecting to graduate in the spring of 25′ and so far, so good! My interest in science fiction … Continue reading

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Hi everyone, my name is Kimberly and my major is Healthcare Policy and Management. Two of my favorite science fiction movies are Oxygen and Divergent. I’m mostly drawn to dystopian and alternate reality sci fi movies and shows. My anticipated … Continue reading

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Hi! My name is Nevaeh Figgures and my major is applied chemistry. Some of my favorite science fiction films are The Matrix, Interstellar, Moonfall, and I Robot. These movies are my favorites because of their themes. End of world, artificial … Continue reading

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My name is Carolina Reyes and my major is health science. I should graduate in summer 2024 . I plan to transfer to Brooklyn College and continue studying. Im interested in becoming a physical therapist. I chose to take this … Continue reading

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My name is Evyatar Man. I moved to the US more than 10 years ago from Israel. I major in Architecture, and expect to graduate next year. I currently work in an interior design office, and would like to continue … Continue reading

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Isaiah.S Introduction

Hello My name is Isaiah Santiago, my Major is with Emerging Media Technologies. My favorite science fiction films would be Superheroes and science based movies and Shows Such as Back to the Future, Judge Dredd, Robocop, the Alien and predator … Continue reading

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Introduction – Alexis Xinol

Hi Everybody My name is Alexis Xinol, I am a student at NYCCT I am majoring in Business in Technology and Fashion. I am into many Marvel Movies, specifically Avengers movies or Spiderman Movies, I like the movie Godzilla as … Continue reading

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About Me: Bryan Jimenez

Hello everyone, my name is Bryan Jimenez. I enjoy playing basketball and videogames. The game I currently enjoy playing is Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege. My major currently is computer science. My favorite science fiction films are the Star Wars … Continue reading

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About ME, Hi, my name is Naheed Reyhad. My major is Computer Information Systems, I learn many programming languages and code databases and software projects. I loved the idea of creating my little world filled with mysteries and maybe a … Continue reading

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Hello, my name is Paige Sanderson. I am a senior majoring in human services and minoring in psychology. my favorite science fiction stories are the terminator one and two as well as Marvel films. The themes that I am most … Continue reading

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Hello, my name is Joshua Caesar and I am a Liberal Arts Major. One of my favorite sci-fi franchises is Transformers, I saw the first movie when I was 3 years old and I have been in love with the … Continue reading

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Introduction: Gabriel Aguilar

Hey everybody, My name is Gabriel Aguilar and I am a student here at NYCCT. After high school, I ended up working in the commercial video industry. I made a lot of commercials and internal videos for companies and honed … Continue reading

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BP 1–Due 2/1/24

For your first blog post due Feb 1, your job is to read two short essays by Ursula K. LeGuin. You can find the readings on the right-hand side of the website. DO NOT use ChatGPT or another such program … Continue reading

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Welcome 2420 Students!

When you first login into this site, you should write your initial blog post. Title this post “Introduction,” “About Me,” or something like that. This is a warm-up post. You should introduce yourself tell us what your major is what … Continue reading

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