BP 3 Albert Gonzalez

  • Why do the citizens of Omelas have to be made aware of the
    existence of the child in the basement?


The question I have chosen for the story聽 describes a very important concept that can be used in many instances within our society today. By people knowing that there is a child that may be suffering in order to build what they have .The politics by benefiting immensely from ones suffering comes to place.


Popular analogies like this story is businesses in real life that take advantage of some children making tech products for barely a livable wage . In hazardous conditions. People just need to be more aware and helpful to the minute amount of poor children who make their products like the聽 child in novel. Work that made the prosperous society to begin with. As one of the聽 quote聽 goes “I cannot describe it at all. It is possible that it does not exist” describes on how nothing聽 can be s聽 perfect utopia .


In conclusion History gets lost for聽 the unsung hero鈥檚 who made this country what it is today. They get pushed aside for the greater good . Overall the more we be kind to everyone especially to all the workers that make our country great as a whole would聽 be the moment we really become 聽more of a perfect utopia.

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2 Responses to BP 3 Albert Gonzalez

  1. Kimberly says:

    I like how you related this story to a real world situation about how there are businesses that take advantage of children and place them in hazardous conditions while also paying them terribly.

  2. I struggle to follow the language here. Make sure you go back and edit and clean up your sentences so they are clear to understand for your audience.

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