Introduction: Gabriel Aguilar

Hey everybody,
My name is Gabriel Aguilar and I am a student here at NYCCT. After high school, I ended up working in the commercial video industry. I made a lot of commercials and internal videos for companies and honed my craft through those kinds of projects. As I kept working I found that I wasn’t being stimulated enough creatively and intellectually, for the most part, that is why I came to this college, to learn and grow.

My Major:
Emerging Media Technology

Favorite Science Fiction Films/Stories:
– Black Mirror; Particularly the episode where the women in the elderly home go on a queer-empowered romp through virtual reality.
– Ready Player One; I’m not sure how much I would relate to this one now, but I distinctly remember loving it when I was younger.
– Ender’s Game: This is probably my favorite science fiction book of all time.. heartbreaking.

Graduation Expectation:
I expect to graduate sometime in 2026/27.

Expectations After Graduation:
I will most likely work towards my Master’s at Brooklyn College’s PEMA program. After that I would love to be some sort of Creative Technologist or Creative Director!

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One Response to Introduction: Gabriel Aguilar

  1. Cool. Very cool interests. Good luck!

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