In Ursula K. Le Guin first essay “American SF and the Other”, she talks and argues about the other, the other refers to the characters in SF and how their being is different from who they are themselves. This concept is regarding their sexual,Social,cultural, and racial. She sees a huge problem regarding diversity in American SF with women being objectified while men assert more of their dominance. According Ursula she believes in equality, liberty, and fraternity.
When it comes to Ursula’s second essay “What is Science fiction?” She gives us a summary of what Science fiction actually is and how it differs compare to other ways of storytelling like fiction,art, and even weather broadcast. She argues how Science fiction tell you the truth and not lies and how it’s also not about predicting, but describing. “Prediction is the business of prophets, clairvoyants, and futurologists. It is not the business of novelists. A novelist’s business is lying”. She believes that the future is fiction and how truth is a matter of the imagination. This helps my frame of mind by teaching me to focus more on the truth that is given to me rather than what is to come because at that time everything is uncertain.

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2 Responses to

  1. Make sure to go over your work before posting. Eliminate spacing, capitalization, and other technical mistakes. Clean up the work before posting!

  2. I like the use of quotes that you used in the second paragraph, it made me understand that section of the essay.

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