
Technology is something that can be seen in almost every form of science fiction and can sometimes play a major role in most stories, and that is definitely true with these 3 stories. For example, in “From Beyond” we learn of a man he has been driven crazy by his own ambition and drive to access a part of the human mind and soul that has been asleep for eons, and technology allows him to awaken that within us. This technology allows him and the protagonist to sense things that we would not be able with our 5 basic human senses. This story shows how technology can, almost, allow us to play God in a sense and be able to do things we could not do naturally.

In “The Machine Stops”, we are taken to a world, much like ours today, is very advanced with technology and has allowed for people to communicate in ways that would not be possible without technology. For example, being able to see and communicate with a loved one who may be far away without having to be physically near them. While this may be impressive, it shows how technology has made things almost too convenient in our everyday lives and has taken away the value of doing things like going outside and traveling to visit a loved one or going out and buying a music album to support your favorite artist instead of streaming it.

“There Will Come Soft Rains” is another story that shows the influence of technology much like the last story, but this time we are shown just how much technology has evolved to accommodate humans. There are small, animal-like robots that clean the house in mere minutes, machines that bring out freshly-cooked breakfast without you having to break a sweat, and even a voice that reminds you of the time and date and what important events are taking place that day. Again, this is a very impressive and creative showing of how far technology has come in this world, but it also shows how technology stripped humans away of doing their everyday routines and things that we may have took for granted like getting up and making our own breakfast or setting our own alarms and making it our mission to get up at a certain time and get ready to start the day.

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3 Responses to BP-2

  1. I agree with you about how the future of technology is great and all but it will definitely strip us away from doing every-day tasks that will inevitably make us lazy.

  2. Enjoy how you describe the advancement of technology in the novels.

  3. Evyatar says:

    Advanced technology does give us humans the opportunity to play god. That progresses in our society, and makes life seem a bit like a sci-fi story.

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