Category: Unit 2 (Page 2 of 20)

To-Do List, Session 19: Tuesday, Nov. 3

Great work on the full assignments all! For today’s Session 19, you will Peer Review drafts of the complete assignment for Unit 2.

For today’s session:

  1. Read: Peer Review Instructions: Complete Unit 2 Assignment (this post includes an earlier video about how to comment on the OpenLab)
  2. Locate: your peer review group here Peer Review Group Assignments: Complete Unit 2 Assignment
  3. Comment: on the complete drafts in your group before 10 am on Thursday, Nov. 5 using the instructions in the above posts. (Participation Activity)
  4. VOTE! If you are registered to vote and have not done so, please do this today!

Participation Activity

(Due before 10 am on Thursday, Nov. 5)

 (See instructions above): Post comments on the full drafts of Unit 2.

Questions about something on our TO-DO List? Email me anytime at: 

We can also meet online for office hours on Zoom.
Office hours are:

11-noon on Tuesdays; 11:45 am-12:45 pm on Thursdays

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