
Intro to Psychology 1101


Neuroscience is the study that of the brain and how it functions. Neville article explains to us that poverty has a large impact on the brain. When growing up in poverty kids aren’t able to develop their brains due to their low quality environment. Development in terms of self-control, attention span, and language skills. These effects are long lasting. I personally am a witness of this. I went to public school in New York City and I have met all types of people with different situations. I am one of the many few in most of my classes who was very well off. The kids in my class came from shelters and all sorts of different lifestyles. I noticed they tended to be more aggressive, loud, most likely to get into fights more, and extremely insecure. Just overly dramatic. I did not understand at all. Even taking the subway and seeing the ones who are homeless and hungry. They are not sane. To us, they act very crazy like they did not have any home training.




The difference of the brains between the lower socioeconomic people and the higher level, it’s harder for the lower level people to focus and language skills are lower. The brain skills of the lower people are lower compared to the higher level ones. Poverty affects the development of the brain because of the environment they grew up in and the nutrition they received when they were young. Since lower society people work more hours to earn more money, the parents tend to neglect their children and as a result it affects the children’s brains as well in a bad way.



Neuroscience is experimental psychology which work with the functionality and structure of the brain and nervous system. Neuroscience has been used to explore a variety of theories and scientific research within the subject of how the brain develops. In 2010 a group of scientists at the Society for Neuroscience have proven that poverty changes the brain.  With studies on children ranging from ages 3-5 who lived in poverty, scientist were able to develop a conclusion. Children living in poverty brains develop at a slower rate as well as their development in cognition in contrast to children living in a not so poor environment. Children in poverty have a lower IQ, executive function, self-control, language skills, memory and attention. In order to aid these children they developed games and puzzles to train and develop self-control and attention. Parents were also trained to develop better skills in terms of raising a child in poverty with discipline, attention, giving choices and the importance of talking to their child. Over 100 kids are part of this certain program and improvement in both parents and children have increased. These scientists plan on expanding with different races and population of people living in poverty.


Poverty can have a strange yet unique effect on the brain. Children living and growing up in poverty tend to develop and learn at a slower pace than those who are more fortunate. Many things can be affected psychologically as well. For example; language, self-control, as well as mannerisms are all affected. To counteract this problem parents have tried to nurture their children more and spend more time helping them. Of course this isn’t one hundred percent true. There have been many children that grew out of poverty with better development than those more fortunate. So this study is correct one hundred percent in the fact that being in poverty does affect the brain but in a positive way as well.

Research Project – Group 8

Angela Gonzalez

Motivation is the explanation for the decisions or judgments we make in our everyday life; our attitudes towards tasks and simple actions depend on this called motivation. Yet, motivation is a type 1 thinking. Therefore, even when the pattern of our day might be led by how motivated we are while doing something, we don’t necessarily realize this (as it is part of our unconscious.) There are two types of motivations, Extrinsic motivation, and Intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic Motivation is when something tangible from the outside gives us the impulse to make a decision. We are given a positive or negative reinforcement that motivates us to do something, either because we want to avoid a punishment or because we are trying to gain something, like for example money. However, intrinsic motivation lead to decisions we make based on our inside feelings and emotions.

Intrinsic motivations are driven by anything that touches our emotions, these motivations are based on how happy a decision makes us. They give us this feeling of  empowerment and self-motivation, it’s the belief that we can accomplish our goals. Thus, there is a possibility, we create visions of where we will be if we succeed. Our mind asks different questions to our unconscious: “do you believe you can do it? will it work?” but the most important is the motivational question: “is it worth it?” Because behind this decisions there are consequences and we need to have accountability for them. (Scott Geller.) Therefore, if we believe that it is worth doing something, then we will be pushed towards the pursuit of this idea.

Furthermore, as humans, with this motivation we look for a sense of social support and acceptance; which is one of the principal things that move us forward. Yet, it is important to remark that this kind of social support does not involve the reward of a motivation, the decision to do something must come from the individual alone.“When you perceive choice you perceive motivation,” (Ellen langer) otherwise motivation is driven away. “Human beings want to – and in a deeper way need to- feel a sense of being autonomous ..” rewards take away our autonomy because “now [we] are doing it for something else.” (Shankar Vedantam)  We are no longer motivated, we are not longer doing it for our own happiness and empowerment, but because we will more likely gain something. And your language pretty much changes from ‘I want to’ to ‘I have to’(Scott Geller.)

After understanding this concept, I was able to look at my own experiences and see how motivation affected my life in the past. From a very young age, I’ve always love to swim. I was told that when I was of the age of 5 to 6 years I would jump inside big pools without saying anything and  my parents had to pretty much jump to save me from drowning. Since we lived in Cali Colombia a place where pools are almost everywhere and were also the weekend entertainment of my family,  they put me on classes as soon as they could. From then on I was always in different courses, on and off and it became my passion. As I grew and started High School I got the opportunity to join a swimming group that trained and competed against other schools. The training was intense, we would be in the pool from Wednesday to Friday and Saturdays we worked out at the gym; as intense as it was I love every single bit of it. I was really motivated and became one of the best within my category.I trained hard for a whole year until my mother made it seem as if it was my obligation, rather than my hobby. If I didn’t go to training I wouldn’t be able to go out with my friends and every time we would talk about it, everything that I had accomplished was because of her efforts rather than mine. My motivation went away and I stopped going to class and by the time I decided to go back everyone was ahead of me. Thus, I decided to stop going which now is one of my biggest regrets


TEDxTalks. “The Psychology of Self-motivation | Scott Geller | TEDxVirginiaTech.” YouTube. YouTube, 2013. Web. 28 Sept. 2016.

LisaFosbender. “Psychology 101: Psychological Theories of Motivation.” YouTube. YouTube, 2013. Web. 28 Sept. 2016.

Vedantam, Shankar. “When Play Becomes Work.” Department of Human Behavior, 28 July 2008. Web. 26 Sept. 2016.

Cameron Merisier

I believe that when people can’t guess at a motivation, their brains are not satisfied. Their brains are not satisfied because we are driven to want answers. Type one thinking in my opinion is the reason doctors and scientists that constantly tries to find cures for diseases and viruses or causes for diseases and viruses, and they would do all the research and experiments necessary to find the answer. Another example is historians trying to find out unsolved mysteries. For example, what did Adolph Hitler have against the Jews or who is Jack the Ripper. We are wired to want to receive answers and explanation and when we receive it, our brain cherishes it.

Mitchell Landero

Motivation is view when a boy is always asking for a toy where ever the mother takes him. This toy to him is like a reward but he is a problematic child at home with an attitude and no control to listen. His mother pays no mind for he always does a seen in the location and knows that he doesn’t deserve anything due to the fact he is not passing his math class. The mothers realized that she had to change his mindset and persuade him to exceptional. The mother sets out an agreement where she will buy him a toy for every 85 and higher he brings home on a math test every two weeks. This agreement gave him the motivation or a drive to do exceptional. His instinct was to study because at the end of the day he would come home to something he wanted. So by the parent taking this authority to set out a plan it leads him to have a desire to chase his needs. This also is a positive reinforcement because it makes him study hard to get want he wants and the mother becomes more satisfied with his son’s grades.

Motivation is the reason behind the behavior or actions one acts in a particular way. The curiosity behind the motivation is the explanation of why we ask questions majority of the time its “why” and get an explanation. The explanation leads to the observation of a person’s drive, need or want. This process isn’t really seen or recognized because it’s done unconsciously. Many have motivations in life seen by people and even animals when they desire or are in necessity of possessing an object. A person’s instinct or drive is someone’s natural reaction to a certain situation put in. There is also two more motivations which are total opposites and those are want and need. Want is desire for something and need is the lack of subsistence.

Research Project #1 Learning


Introduction to Psychology 1101


Angel Dominguez

How do babies learn?

Babies are one of the most fascinating creatures, the way they absorb information like sponges absorb water. They retain information a massive rate. Whether they perform the task as well as humans, is another story entirely. I was observing my nephew Joey the last time I was there, a couple months ago. I was throwing out the trash and he was asking why i would do that, to throw paper plates out. I could tell he thought I was doing something wrong. I told him that once you  finish eating, it becomes trash that needs to be thrown out. I had to explain this to him quite a few times until he finally started incorporating it into his to do lists. He finished eating a couple hours later, and he looked at me is he wanted me to remind him of something, so I told him to throw out his food and He asked me to accompany him to make sure he did it right. I opened the trash bin for him and he dumped it out, asking if he did it right once the food was disposed of. Every once in awhile, he won’t even ask me to go with him, he just walks up and I find him throwing away the food after he’s done.  It amazes me how awesome my nephew is, because there was a point where I got lazy after eating a lot of food, and he tells me that I have to throw away the food because it’s trash.

There was another observation I made which I believe is quite fascinating, I have a pet lizard who my nephew was scared of because it was so small. I tried to get him to put it on his hand for quite a while repeatedly telling him that he won’t hurt him and he was always scared of him. It’s crazy because, in my case at least, you don’t just get over your fears out of the blue.Last Monday, the 19th of September, I had it with me and he just walks up to me and asks if he can hold it. I say yes and he holds out his hands the way I’ve been showing him for the past few months before. It fascinate me, because I think he’s so scared of the lizard that he completely forgets what I taught him, here we are a few months later and he just does everything I’ve been showing him as if I just taught him yesterday. I tried something different the very next day, I visited him after my college class, the 20th of September. I showed him different pictures of lizards and I told him what specific type of lizards they were, I showed him bearded dragons, leopard geckos, the African fat tailed Gecko, and then I showed him a picture of my lizard, who just so happened to be a leopard gecko. He immediately said that it was my lizard and he a made  motion with his hands, as if he was recalling when he held the lizard the day before.

While the other two observations I made were based on experiments I made,this last one I tried was how babies try to lie to get out of things they don’t want to do. Every single time I sleep over at my brothers house, Joey needs to sleep at a certain time so that a pattern can be established. I was in the next room about to sleep, and Joey comes in saying that his gave him permission to sleep with me. In comes his father not long after, telling Joey that he needs to go to bed in his room. !0 minutes later, he wants milk, but while his father is preparing it for him, he sneaks off to hang out with me. He sent my brother to make milk for him, so that he could be distracted long enough to see me just a little bit more. It’s crazy how at such a young age, babies manipulate people so that they can get a desired outcome. He lied to me, saying that my brother gave him permission to sleep with me for the night, but it was a lie. He asked my brother to make him milk, only for him to sneak off and talk to me for a bit, only when my brother gave him the milk he said he wasn’t hungry. He was just trying to find any excuse to go off and talk to me more before he sleeps. Babies, learning at such a young age, that this item is hot, or that item is cold. They know they aren’t allowed to go to a certain section of the house by themselves because of the dangerous things inside it, such as kitchens and the knives inside them.  They manipulate to get what they want and they learn this as at a very young age. It amazes me how smart they can get and the information they retain when they haven’t even been enrolled in Pre-k.


Elu Saif

For everyone that knows me I’m an unofficial soccer analyst so when I am viewing a soccer match is not just a game for me. When everyone is watching to see their favorite team win I’m observing to see how the teams playing technically, tactically and strategically, so when is time to give an observation it will not be based on being biased it will be an open minded opinion with logic and reason. While I was watching the game I started to see a lot of flaws in both teams from the minute the whistle was blown from Trinidad and Tobago perspective there were a lot of miscommunication and tactical errors defensively that the Trinidadian team was making hence the reason Guatemala scored the first goal. On the other hand Guatemalans strikers were not technically good in front of goal because they did not capitalize on the errors that their opponents was making hence for all the miss opportunities the Trinidadians were able to scrape through and score to make both teams level before the first half ended. During the halftime both teams had their work cut out to come and give a better second half showing because it was a nail biting clash and who ever won was going through to the next round and the other team was being eliminated.
In the second half the Trinidadians came out fresh all hyped the team was much more composed the defenders were very tight at the back the coach made some adjustments and the communications was on point the way the team was possessing the ball because of that they were able to score and lead 2-1. Guatemalans on the other hand was baffle on the field the chemistry that the Trinidadian team was playing with because the composure in which they were playing with was flawless. Guatemalans started to play aggressively and to dirty which resulted in players getting sacked from the game because of their ridiculous challenges on the Trinidadian players. The game started to get so dirty that the Trinidadian team started to make changes with different players which affected their chemistry that they started with in the second half and the miscommunication started back again and they stared to do what the Guatemalans was doing in the first half started to create a lot of miss opportunities and therefore Guatemala got right back into it and scored a goal in the last minute when the game was near end. The game actually ended 2-2 which both teams earning a point and because Trinidad and Tobago had one point above them before the game the Trinidadian team advanced and the Guatemalans were eliminated and the move on to the next round.
 From the game I observed a lot of things from a football fan perspective when you miss a lot of opportunities the next team will make use of them and both teams had the price to pay for that. The other thing is when something is not badly broken do not fix it because when the Trinidadian team started to make changes it started to affect them and it also had an effect on the outcome of the game. Sometimes when you are confused you do not have to start playing dirty or aggressive to win it will only result in your team getting hurt more and you are hurting other people at the same time.
Meshal Muhammad
Observational learning is a form of cognitive learning in which new responses are acquired after watching others’ behavior and consequences/ out comes of their behavior. An example of this type of learning occurs is when long time prisoners come out of prison and are faced with the challenge of adapting to society. Majority of the prisoners who get out of jail end up going back or committing suicide  because they revert to their old ways and were unable to adapt to the new environment due to the gap between life; before and after they’re release. Many prisoners forget previously learnt skills such as driving and have to relearn. Technology, seems to be a big hurdle for many prisoners. Something that is now unconscious like turning on a smartphone takes focused learning for these freshly released prisoners. Prisoners also have very little contact with outside world during their sentence and as soon as they are released, bombarded with changed culture  and complex political agendas. Prisoners are forced to throw out all they know and adapt to a whole new environment to merely get by. We all learn how to adapt to society and how to be a productive member of it at an early age, making us forget how difficult and demanding it can be to relearn such a basic thing. Such in the movie Shaw shank redemption where the librarian decides to take his life because he is unable to coup with being treated like as an inferior . Minuscule tasks which would usually take very little time to perform take extra focus which can make one feel lesser than and exhausted.
Fatima Bah
Though the dog mind is way different than human mind, dogs can learn up to 10 skills a day depending on the type of dog. All dogs go through the same series of processes when learning a new behavior. Dogs have a short attention span and learn best with short, 5 minute, bouts of teaching, several times a day. Start teaching a new behavior somewhere with no distractions. When your dog is FLUENT, introduce distractions gradually, so that GENERALIZATION takes place. The quickest learning will take place when your dog can focus on you and the task in hand. I took some time out of the week to sit in a dog park near my house to observe the behaviors of a dog and how they learn. I witnessed a lady with a German shepherd training, she would throw a ball on the other side of the park and the dog will fetch coming back to a reward such as a treat. As well as picking up what you teach do a lot of learning of their own. They learn from other dogs that they see, and imitate their actions. There are more complex tasks that dogs seem to learn by observation as well. Some are of sufficient complexity that it would be difficult to design a program to train dogs to do effectively.
Ricardo Condado
Learning is to naturally apply new information. Everyone has different ways of learning. For example, in my math class during my junior year in high school, I sat at the back of the class. There was a group of friends who would always talk through the teachers lectures. Eventually, the teacher got tired of it and decided to separate them throughout the classroom. One of them sat next to me. He usually got lower than 50 out of 100 on his quizzes. But as soon as the teacher switched his seat, his grades started going up to a 70’s and 80’s.
This student didn’t focus at all in class because he was distracted in his conversation with his friends. His mind blurred out everything in his surroundings, including the teacher, and put all his focus on his friends. The mind works in a very interesting way, as it focus into what seems to be most important at the moment.
This is an example of behaviorism. Due to this students surroundings, which are his friends, he became oblivious to his teacher’s lectures. His behavior also changed in the class, as he used to be one of the loudest students in the class. But after being separated from his friends he became really quiet. Again, another sign of Behaviorism. This can also be a form of negative reinforcement, as he was taken away from his group of friends and it benefited him by having higher test scores.
There are many ways a person can learn. It would all just depend on the situation and the type of person they are.
Group 7
Angel Dominguez
Ricardo Condado
Meshal Muhammad
Fatima Bah
Elu Saif
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Group 2: Cognition


Jesus Medina

After many observations of my father I have realize that varies he uses both types of cognition type 1 and type 2. My father is amputated on his right leg from the knee down, he walks up and down the stairs with a prosthetic leg he has trouble walking up and downstairs because his prosthetic ankle doesn’t rotate. While going up the stairs he makes a decision in which  weather to step with his left leg first then his right leg, even though he is a lefty. Then, I notice that there are times where he would go forward with his right leg first. After the third observations I have seen he doesn’t use the stairway railing going up, for that he can lose his balance going Upstairs. My father use type two cognition where he would walk up the stairs unknowingly about which leg he used to go up the stairs. As, for him using type one is my father going upstairs And Sometimes Using the stairway railing, he would make the solution of walking upwards with no trouble, because he thought about holding on to the railing.

Who: Father                                                                                                                           Where: Apartment staircase                                                                                                 When: September 1, 2016

Carlos Galaza

Through numerous observations, I have came to the conclusion that even animals come to use cognition. I had been observing my dog Snowball. A few days ago she hurt one of her paws; it’s nothing too crazy but she can’t really use her left paw. Then, I notice that she wouldn’t be able to eat the treats that I give her. For instance she uses both her paws to grab the treat and eat it. Then, I saw her start using her bed and her right paw to eat the treat she comprehended the fact that she couldn’t use her left paw to eat and solved that problem using her surroundings. Cognition is a mental process that involved you gaining knowledge and comprehension.

Who: Snowball (my dog)                                                                                                          Where: Living rooom                                                                                                                Where: Sept 18-22

Jordan Medina

Cognition is the mental action or process of obtaining knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and senses. I began to observe my cat to understand her way of cognitive learning and the way she can adapt. On a daily basis, my cat automatically wakes up at 6am and goes to the kitchen to sit in front of her bowl. After countless times of feeding her, she began to learn the specific time and moments she would be fed throughout the day. She also knows that whenever someone gets up to go to the kitchen she would be fed if she follows them around. Her senses help her learn as well. For example, at night her whiskers let her know if she is approaching an object as well as her smell and vision.

Who: My cat                                                                                                                    When: Last week                                                                                                                Where: My house

Yuseth Torres

We all process our situation in a different way. Our mind sometimes make decisions without thinking it twice. For example, on a summer night I got off the train and there was a little girl crying and ran toward the train. That moment, I just grabbed the little girl and I tried to calmed her down first so she could explain what happened. She was with her dad on the train but she got out thinking it was her stop. Few minutes later, the police came and I explained to them what happened and that I wanted to stay with the little girl until she reunited with her father. At the end, the girl met up again with her father. I didn’t have to over think on whether to hold on to this girl because I have smaller siblings too. I just had to help the little girl because something in me told me too.

Self Experience

Who: Me, the little girl                                                                                                               When: Train station                                                                                                                 Where: Summer

Andrea Zambrano

Couple of months ago, my sister was put into a tough spot where she had to reconsider and decide whether to move out on her own in a studio or keep living with my parents and I. However, there were a lot of important things to take in mind; such as rent, school, work, transportation, location, etc and whether she could afford it all. Since, she came across a very difficult decision, she engaged herself into type two thinking mode. In this kind of cognitive thinking, she was more thoughtful about her act since it was going to be a big change/ transition in her life. So, my sister evaluated the situation and thought about what would be more financially convenient at the moment in order to make an  intelligent decision. My sister began comparing on all the costs that she had to take care of if she were living alone and realized that she would barely have any savings left if she moved out. After a couple of days thinking about it, my sister finally decided that it was best for her to stay where she was.

Who: 26-year old sister                                                                                                      When: August                                                                                                                 Where: Home

Jesus, Carlos, Jordan, Yuseth, Andrea

Observation of learning


Learning is an ability that is essential to all living things in other for them to progress and evolve. Not only human beings but animals as well have the ability to absorb data that is presented to them through their surroundings and then it is interpreted in different ways, shapes and forms. We will be observing different form of learning and how it helps us to grow and form our own dependencies. We will observe operant conditioning, social learning, and classical conditioning, through familiar scenarios.

You want to get your son to do his homework, so you walk into his room nicely and you see him playing video games and you ask him to do his homework and he says ok, so you leave and then after a couple hours you go back to check up on his homework and then he says he didn’t start on it yet so you take away his video game console and then you told him if he finished his homework efficiently not only he gets back his game but he can stay up later.  So by the parent taking away the video game is an example of negative reinforcement because that parent wanted to be obeyed the first time but then that parent added a reward if it was done so this is an example of positive reinforcement . Now the child knows to do his homework not only because his game will be taken away but he can be rewarded for his job. Operant conditioning which is a method used through behavior, punishment, rewards and consequences. This scenario can be used as an exemplification for operant conditioning.

One form of learning that we observed that is most effective is social learning. Social learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and can occur purely throug observation or direct instruction, even in the absence of motor reproduction or direct reinforcement. We human’s are what can be called political creatures which means we are very dependent on one another. From birth are parents’ holds our hand in order for us to maintain our balance till we can do that ourselves. Parents know when the child no longer needs their hand to be held when the child pulls their hands away from them. Philippe experiences this with his nephew. He would hold on to his nephew hand just as when he started to walk but as time went by his nephew refused to have his hands hold when trying to walk. This observation taught us that kids are very much dependent on their guardians, but at the same time they’re learning to be independent through experiences. Behavior like so repeats itself as a child gets older. They go from wanting to hold your hand while crossing the streets to “mom I’m too big for you to be holding my hand.”. This statement is proof that a child has absorb information bestowed upon them from their guardian(s).

Another example social learning is, when Kiara was making an observation of a child swimming with her mother, but what kiara notice was that The child was struggling a little. You can tell by the expression on the little girls face that she was filled with determination not to give up. The mother offered assistance by the child refused as she wanted to learn on her own. So the mother went off to swim on her own.. The mother didn’t notice that the child stopped swimming to watch her swim. As she watched her she stayed in place and mimic the body motion of her mother. After some time has passed the child prodded the mother to watch her progress, in which she agreed. There was a noticeable difference in the child’s form so much so that even Kiara noticed, but was solidified when the mother said “ Wow you’re doing good, keep going!”. The amount of pride the mom had on her face could not be hidden, and asked the little girl how did she get so good so fast? The answer she received was “ I did it by watching you”.

Classical conditioning is a learning process that would occur through environmental stimulus an naturally accruing stimulus. Classical conditioning involves placing a signal before the actual natural reflex occurs. Kiara gives us a simple a example “ I would pick up a bag of cat food and th and shake it every time I feed my cat. I am teaching my cat a signal that every time she hears th bag of food being shook, she will be fed. My cat will build a natural reflex because of this ritual. The reflex is to respond to the signal of the food. The signal was the shaking the bag of cat food . The natural reflex was when the cat responded to the food.”.


In conclusion learning has become vital for our survival, and has also become a almost transparent act that we do everyday. There are different forms of learning like Operant conditioning, Social learning, and classical conditioning. Mostly these types of learning happen beyond our cognitive functions.

Education is what survives when what has learned been forgotten

Author.B F Skinner “ Education in 1984” New scientist 21 May 64

This digresses to a perverse reality, that the only time something is relevant in our minds is when we must learn it.




Thinking psychologically

Observation on learning

By:philippe paul, kiara wright, shawn villeta, Justin Casiano Continue reading

Observation on Learning

My little nephew, who is about 3 years old, would always follow me around and ask what is it that I am doing. I remember one day I was washing the plates, since I have chores. He asked me why I was washing the plates, since he didn’t know what it was that I was doing. I explained to him that we need to keep the plates clean so we could eat, he would ask me this every day and little by little he would start getting the hang of what it was to clean plates. I saw him at one point, he wanted to clean his plate so he went to the kitchen, and he started putting water on the plate and washing it with his hand, granted he’s a baby so he still doesn’t know how to clean the way grown ups do. there were still bits of food stuck to the plate,  he was there for a while and I asked him if he needed help, he said he couldn’t do it, so I proceeded to use the sponge and I saw the way his eyes lit up like he just saw magic for the first time. The food wiped away by some object that absorbs water, he’s like a sponge in a way too, he’s learned so many things and absorbed them in a relatively short amount of time. Still, it was amazing to see him absorb this information and try to clean the plate for himself. Needless to say, every time I have to clean piles of plates at the end of the day, he always helps me clean them. At the age of 3, he doesn’t really know to clean plates properly, but its remarkable to see the progress he’s made with only about a weeks worth of explaining the art of cleaning.

Observation on Learning

Antony Zhao

On weekends I usually play basketball with my friend Barry. Barry is a really competitive guy and really stubborn about his losses and, recently he’s had a slump. The problem was that when he played, his left hand was useless because he did everything with his right hand. I told him to start learning how to play with his left hand. Of course he was really stubborn and didn’t want to listen to a lower tier athlete like me. So I challenged him to a game were he could only use his left hand to score. He lost convincingly. Disgusted by his loss, he started coming out to the court earlier just to practice scoring and dribbling with his left hand. He soon realized he was harder to defend against and harder to predict because he wouldn’t always dribble toward the right side of the court. This led to me realizing that proving a point with action really did speak louder than words.


Every Saturday my little cousin comes over to my house and she would admire how I played my piano. So on Saturday, I decided to give her a lesson. I started her off with the song Canon in D by Johann Pachelbel. She was so excited and thrilled when she touched the keys. She’s not used to being close to anything so artistic because she’s one who stays at home and never really goes out to see new things. It’s sad but it’s life. She grasped the notes so quickly. She is usually a very slow learner but this time she was so enthusiastic to learn that she caught on very fast. I think this was a positive reinforcement because teaching her how to play the piano was rewarding for her.

Observation on Learning

Ricardo Condado

Psychology 1101



Learning is the ability to obtain a skill through the process of experience or it being taught. I personally experienced an example of learning. I own a dog named, skipper. We took him from a family friend since they didn’t want skipper. Before owning him, he didn’t know how to cover himself in his blanket. Skipper loved to sit next to my father. Every time skipper sat next to my father, my father would cover him up with his own sheets. Eventually, skipper learned to cover himself up in his blankets. And hasn’t been cold since then.

Observation on learning

Jared Wiggins

Hello readers. Today I would like to tell explain to you an observation about learning. My little sister Jordyn who is only 5 now is someone I observe a lot when she learns new and exciting or even difficult stuff. She never gives up when trying to learn so it is often easy to teach her new things if you know how to teach her that is, and try to not sweat the small stuff. A few months ago I was teaching her how to pronounce the name of a character on her game we brought her 2 years ago. Everyone( or a large majority) of people are familiar with the game smash brothers I presume? Well if you don’t know smash brothers is a game that puts all or most of the Nintendo characters together in a classic fighting arena to fight against each other. My sister loves playing smash brothers on the wii u and enjoys it. However there are some characters she used to have a problem saying and even now still has some small minor issues, I however was able to teach her how to say a few character names. She knows how to say simple names like Link and Pit of course but some more intermediate names such as the names of the pokemons that come from the pokeballs she has trouble with. Such as Chespin. She used to say Chest man. I however taught her how to say it the right way but breaking down the words in a more simple way. I told her to say Chess. I then asked her to say Pen. After that I simply put the words together and she started saying Chess- Pen witch translated to Chespin. There are other words I see her say correctly that she learned eventually such as Refrigerator she used to say ‘Frig frazor’ but she got past that and has learned to say her words more efficiently.