Tag Archives: Prerequisite


Prerequisite: (Adjective) something that is necessary to an end or to the carrying out of a function



“CUNY certification in reading and writing is the prerequisite for this course”. This word was located on the first page of the first paragraph of the “Location Writing” that was given on August 28, which was the first day of class.

When I was looking at the word prerequisite  I thought to myself that it was a big word. I really didn’t think hard to as what it meant so I just ignored it and continue to read the rest of the page. When I looked up the word for the definition it was pretty clear to me. That prerequisite meant something that is necessary. So when i plugged it in to the sentence I actually understood what the word meant. Not only did I understood what the word meant, I understood what the sentence was saying to me. Something that I should do next time I come across a word that is hard or challenging. I should continue to read the sentence and make a guess as to what the word may be and hopefully I understand the word better since it isn’t given to me easily.