Tag Archives: Hampton Inn Hotel

My Mini Journey In New York

As you can see this is the hotel across the street and this is the statue that is in the middle of the street.

In the picture you see the workers on the left of the picture cleaning the building where you notice water on the sidewalk. On the right you see the hotel, as well the statue in the middle of the street and the Manhattan Bridge in the back of the picture.

So my journey was not as bad. So to start off once I got out of school I was already was on jay street so I started to walk and pass the court house. I proceed to continue down jay street, I walk down jay street for two blocks only and then turned left on Willongong Street. Where once I started walking there was many stores. One store that I notice was the one dollar pizza shop. That was the only shop I notice was because I always go there to get pizza. As I walked down this avenue there is a deli across the street. I turned left on Lawrence Street where Chipotle was on one side which was on the left and Five guys was on the other side which was my right. I turned right passing five guys restaurant and continued to go straight on Myrtle Ave. As I continued the street I turned left onto Flatbush Av Ext. Where as I was walking there were construction workers cleaning the building. Once I pasted them I noticed a statue in the middle of the street. The statue was like was of these two woman on the left and on the right. Across the street was a hotel named Hampton INN. The area that I was at wasn’t as crowded yet because it was still early and it wasn’t rush hour yet. There was also a high school two blocks away from the hotel. As well if you go further you will reach the manhattan bridge which was kinda crazy to cross due to the drivers who want to get out of that area so badly that they are willing to hit somebody.