Tag Archives: experiences

different eras, different places

It was a rather cold day but I decided that I needed to finish this project. I had originally had no plan or location to go to so I decided to just walk straight out of the atrium building exit and just went to where my legs took me. From all I could hear was the traffic passing by me on my left side, walking down Tillary St. As I walk pass McLaughlin park as i start wondering what might have been there before. Its very odd to think about it but to realize how old an area must be and how it holds so much history to it makes me start to realize what this project starts to be about. I decided not to do any research because I believed that it would ruin the point of the project or rather the experience of it. I then made a right turn down Flatbush ave. and saw that it was more of a fast pace neighborhood and thought how long it must have taken to make it such a place. because it was so close to Manhattan people are moving both in and out and passing by fair amount of university’s on the way. being close to Manhattan the place must have been similar too it and as you go lower into Brooklyn you start to see the authentic Brooklyn look. To me it almost feels like I’m in Manhattan. Once I saw the tall building and the giant odd shaped center I made it to Barclays center and decided this is what my project should be on. the place was littered with the noise of cars and people trying to get passed one another on such a busy street. The bright light wrapped around the loop, it was almost like a Manhattan style building.