My most beautiful route during the holiday season the detour i decide to take is on of where i would get off the 5 train at Nevins before my regular stop of borough hall.As i get off and walk the platform to the stairs and come up and i walk towards the Fulton Mall as I walk across the street and I pass by all the restaurants along the Fulton Mall as i come to one of the famous restaurant ‘s downtown Juniors restaurant It smells so good i love walking pass it . As I continue my walk pass the Fulton mall I pass by the retail stores they are so pretty at this time of the year the holiday season decorations which i really love seeing is very pretty in each one of the retail front windows.I also love seeing the decorations along the outside also its so pretty to me i love seeing the people shopping going from store to store enjoying the holiday shopping .Their are so many people at this time of the day around 12;00 in the afternoon their still so many people shopping and enjoying the sites of the decorations in the windows of the stores , children enjoying the time looking at the Christmas trees and all of the holiday decorations tourists taking pictures of all the fun sites and everything that’s going on around them. As i walk pass the store windows i stop and take a look at the decorations and how they make me feel it gives me such a warm feeling to know that the holiday season is here and this is on e of the time of the year that i really enjoy seeing the people shopping and the beautiful decorations on display. This detour is a little longer than i would expect because i stop and look at all the decorations they have on display in the store windows as i walk through the Fulton mall to get to city tech its such a beautiful area to be at this time .I enjoy this route its much more beautiful at this time of the year than mu normal walk would be.
More decorations more people just a lot more for me to see this detour is about a 10 to 12 minute walk to school where my usual walk is about 5 to 7 minutes walk from borough hall train station . What does the holiday decoration do to us during the holiday season?does it affect us where we want to go out and spend money because of all the sells they have going on during this time. I feel that not only does the sells influence us to come into the stores but the holiday decorations does also.And i think that is the point of the decorations to get people to come into their store and buy things because of the holiday’s As you are taking your walk through the Fulton Mall area the decorations in all the retail stores tend to draw you in even if you don’t want too i think that the holiday decorations affect your mood . The mood that the holiday decorations put me into is of a positive one because i want to go into the store because i see all the pretty decorations and all the sells going on during this time of the year the smell of the holiday fragrances the Santa clause inviting you to take pictures with him.”According to sally Augustine of the huff post can holiday decor affect us she states that the sorts of red,green and blues which are popular during Christmas and Hanukkah they tend to boost a person energy level during this time.
So with that being said the holiday decorations can affect your mood well it affects mine in a positive way that’s what i like so much about my walk along the Fulton mall the Christmas lights the decorations the Christmas trees, the store front decorations along outside it allows me to get in the holiday spirit and. those are some of the reason why i like taking this detour just seeing the people more happy and more festive during the holiday season. I think that the holiday season tends to bring people more closer together during this time of the year people coming from all around just to celebrate with their families that’s what the holiday season reminds me of . I think that what i also like about the holiday season is the smell of chest nuts the smell of hot cocoa the smell of the real Christmas tree the funny Christmas sweaters. according to Sally Augustine “we find holiday smell most calming . Even though the holiday smell are good but the overall decorations is what i like to look at along Fulton mall area very calming to me. The holiday season decorations is something i enjoy seeing along my route so by detouring and taking this route is more beautiful than taking the shortest route to city tech. The feeling of the holiday decorations while you are shopping or just walking by should be of a positive one during the holiday season where i think most people are in a positive mood.” According to kids health ,org’ preparing for the holidays can help you to learn about yourself it also can affect your actions and your mood during the holiday it can have a negative and a positive affect but more likely to be a positive during the holidays Holiday decorations can put you in a positive mood i enjoy this route because of so many things during the holidays not only the decorations but the smells the people just everything about the holiday season.
sited sources :
Sally Augustine Can holiday Decor affect us psychologically huff post October 11 , 2012
M . kids Getting in the holiday spirt