Category Archives: Glossary


 Loathe- to dislike greatly and often with disgust or intolerance detest

verb  \ ˈlōt͟h \

I came across this word in NYTtimes article called: Coffee shops skip WiFi to encourage customers to actually talk. In the sentence that its written in you can easily assume the correct definition of the word which would be “dislike”. However out of curiosity I thought the definition might have been leaning somewhere else. In other words i thought i might also meant “depend”. After looking up the definition, i saw that the word loathe didn’t only mean dislike , but i was a strong dislike that leads to disgust. A useful synonym to remember the definition of this word would be despite.

Image result for loathe




Colloquial- used in or characteristic of familiar and informal conversation

  • In colloquial English, “kind of” is often used for “somewhat” or “rather.”

adjective  col·lo·qui·al  \ kə-ˈlō-kwē-əl \

This term was used previously in class. Its simple meaning is a when your use a conversational tone. For example, when your speaking to your friends and use words such as “yeah” or “wanna” instead of “yes” or ” want to”, is known as conversational tone. Colloquial tone is used in dialogue, in a informal way.

When therefore he, after the lapse of years, resumed his pen, the mannerism which he had contracted while he was in the constant habit of elaborate composition was less perceptible than formerly, and his diction frequently had a colloquial ease which it had formerly wanted.






Inevitable:  adjective  in·ev·i·ta·ble  \ i-ˈne-və-tə-bəl \, 

Inevitable  -incapable of being avoided or evaded

  • “war was inevitable”

As I do with almost all new vocabulary words, I look for a root word within that new word, prefix or suffix. In this case i was fully aware that the “in” in inevitable meant not. I also looked at the suffix which is a word used everyday which is “able”. My definition of the word inevitable is “not able”. I researched the definition to look or the precise meaning which sums of my definition. In my own words inevitable means not able of being ignored.




Wistful- full of yearning or desire tinged with melancholy; also inspiring such yearning

adjective  wist·ful  \ ˈwist-fəl \

When I approach this word, I thought it meant sentimental or gloomy.  Even though that assumption isn’t entirely correct,it isn’t wholly accurate either.”You tried on selves and got rid of them, and this makes your old room look wistful: why must things change?” Feeling wistful can be related to having a craving or what the 21st century kids would call “feeling” for. It can be somewhat to my assumption of sentiment or gloomy, because craving for something might bring forth mixture those of emotions. Wistful is also related to feeling some sort of regret.

Image result for define wistful


Steeling-  a quality (such as hardness of mind or spirit) that suggests steel  ..     noun  \ ˈstēl \

  • nerves of steel

“I speak quickly, steeling myself for a mean reply”

The word steeling is found in Colson’s Whiteheads article. This word is located on the third page and paragraph of the article. “It saw you steeling yourself for the job interview,slowly walking home after the late date tripping over non existent impediments on the sidewalk”. When I initially saw the word, I didn’t have any firsthand idea of what it meant. After looking up the definition, I saw that it relates to doing something in a difficult situation. In other words, its a mental preparation for something that might or about to happen.




adjective  dis·in·clined
disinclined means un like or un willing . I came across this reading in the open lab reading of  Kate Murphy  we want privacy , but cant stop sharing well as I was reading the article I came across this word disinclined which I saw the word before but I wanted to get the real definition of what this word means disinclined  I tried to use it in a sentence while I read it but I really wasn’t getting the understanding of the word and  how I can use it in a sentence so I looked the word up and the word disinclined means and now I can use the word disinclined  in a sentence.
Those who have transferred from city tech seemed disinclined to turn back now.
Disinclined.” Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2017.


incredulous – unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true

adjective  in·cred·u·lous  \ (ˌ)in-ˈkre-jə-ləs , -dyə-ləs \

I came across this word in Colson’s Whitehead article called ” City Limits”. My first assumption when I saw the word was that its prefix “in” meant “not”. When I researched the definition I saw that I was on the right track. Now for the credulous part, It had something to do with how ” credible” something was. Initially I thought that my second assumption was incorrect however that was wrong. The word incredulous (in my opinion) can be related to the word credible, seeing to it that incredulous meant unwilling to accept and credible meant true, Incredible simply means to see or act like a credible truth is oblivious or not true.



Image result for incredulous


Parameters- (1) any of a set of physical properties whose values determine the characteristics or behavior of something

2)an arbitrary constant whose value characterizes a member of a system (such as a family of curves); also a quantity (such as a mean or variance) that describes a statistical population

While reading the outline for project 4, I circled the word parameter. In the sentence that the word was written, I assumed that the word meant “aspects” or part. While that assumption wasn’t necessarily wrong, it didn’t give the whole accurate definition of the word. In my own words, parameter is basically means a variety of different factors or things around you that might cause a reaction.


Glossory wrap up

Elusive adjective

detriment  noun

Roused  noun

commodity noun












with the glossary assignment it was not hard but it was kind of difficult finding words that you really didn’t know what the meant some of the words I know what they meant but I still really didn’t understand the meaning of the word so I still choose to put the words into my glossary. But as I went on throughout the semester I was forgetting to add words to my glossary so that’s why now I had to add five more words to it when I thought I had already done so I think that its a good idea to look up words you don’t know when you are reading so that you can understand what you are reading when you come cross words that you may be familiar with or do not understand .


scaffolding (noun) -a system of scaffoldsalso material for scaffolds

2) a temporary structure on the outside of a building, made usually of wooden planks and metal poles, used by workers while building, repairing, or cleaning the building.

This term was used by the professor in previous days of class. I have written down the word on one of the rubrics for project four in hopes of getting back to it. When a research the definition of scaffolding it basically restate the name of the without, minus the suffix. That definition didn’t seem to further my understanding. Therefore I googled the term and felt I little more comfortable with its meaning. In my own define scaffolding is the resources used for scaffolds. A scaffold is a wooden or metal pole movable equipment that many workers use while they build, fix, or clean the outside part of a building.