Author Archives: Nelly

Part 3

Why we should keep the Nation Historic Civil Engineering Landmark Monument:

> It’s memory of John A. Roebling, the designer of the bridge.
> It’s a constant reminder to both tourist and native New Yorker’s of the history of the Brooklyn Bridge.
> According to “It was the first bridge to use galvanized steel wire in cable construction.”
This is important because the Brooklyn Bridge was the first to use this new method.
> The monument is also a reflection of people’s constant need for innovation and improvement.

After reviewing various articles it is my firm belief that the Nation Historic Civil Engineering Landmark Monument should remain in it’s place. The monument was made in memory John A. Roebling the designer of the bridge who unfortunately passed before it’s completion. The bridge remains in use today and is a reminder to tourists and natives of the dedication and diligence of Mr. Roebling . To take down such a monument would be like erasing apart of New York history and would dishonor his legacy.

~ Ish-Shenelle Jones

I think this project will be very interesting. I’m looking forward to working with my peers and breaking out of my shell. Not only that but this project will inform us controversial situations that occurring everyday. Not only would I be more informed, but I expand my knowledge on the information and make better judgments towards situations. Working with others will help me to see other point of views, which will aid in becoming a better writer. On a different hand I am usually good at working well with others and always make sure that i complete the tasks that i have been assigned.I come from a relatively large family so I understand the importance of everyone being able to work together. I see myself as a supportive teammate and if one of my peers are struggling  I wouldn’t hesitate to lend them a helping hand. You get to know people when your working closely with them and I’m looking forward to getting to know my classmates in a different way. Overall I can’t wait to start the project !

A not so sure journey to a successful life



Hello, my name is Ish-shenelle Jones and I am seventeen years old. I was born in Kingston, Jamaica and emigrated to America at the age of seven. On the twenty second of September I will be eighteen years of age. As a freshman student currently attending New York City College of Technology, my goal is to obtain a 3.5 average or higher. Achieving this short term goal will eventually help me to earn my bachelors in science of nursing (BSN) and fulfill my aspiration of becoming a pediatric nurse. Although I’m currently majoring in Liberal arts, I hope to change my major to nursing, after exploring different areas of study for my first semester. Seeing to it that Liberal arts classes are related to classes of the nursing major I might not have to be in a rush. Implementing this strategy will help me to visualize myself in a profession this suits me best . In order for me to reach my goal I know that by now my mind should already be set, however I will not become oblivious to other interest I may have. After all, after college, whatever I plan to do will become my lifestyle and I rather wake up happy in the morning.
When I was younger I wanted to become an Author. I would sit down and observe other books I’ve read and I would use those books as a guide for creating my own. At the age of thirteen I wanted to make my book interesting and write about situation that could have an sentimental effect on mostly children but people overall. I wanted my book to be about something kids could relate to and look for comfort in. That is how I created my first mini chapter book known as “Annie’s Play-date”. The title of the book was deceptively jolly, but it turned out to me way more emotional. To be more specific the book was about a young girl whose dad died, she began isolating herself from her friends as well as her mom. Instead of communicating with her mother and peers, she’d rather sit alone and reflect on the fun times she had with her dad. Her mother became worried and began inviting friends over to cheer her up a bit. Overall the book left the audience with the lesson that anyone that genuinely loved you and was forced to leave your life will always be with you in spirit. Not only that but they would rather you share happiness with someone else than being miserable about the past.
When sharing the book with my peers at school, they immediately thought that I was writing about a personal experience but that wasn’t necessarily the case. I’ve had friends and relatives who have lost their father figures or someone close to them that shaped the way they treat others around them. Even though I’m lucky enough to have both parents around, I wanted to try and understand what they’re going through. From my perspective my book gave off the message that It’s acceptable to cherish old moments while at the same time being open to new experiences. Unfortunately writing books haven’t sparked my interest anymore, even though
After analyzing all my experiences I had in my early years, as far as things I am passionate about such as ( writing books, making others feel content with themselves, and being supportive, I noticed that those were my aesthetic sensibilities and that they have always been with children. The image I chose to represent myself is a nurse/ doctor checking the heartbeat of a small child. This image resonates with me because it captures all of the thing i wish to accomplish in my adult life. The thought of being able to help a child feel better and not only that but, to put the mind of his or hers parents at ease is something that has always seemed truly gratifying. This women in the image is smiling and appears to be genuinely happy with what she is doing in her life.
Although in my opinion this image appears to very clear and straightforward, there are those who may interpret it as something else. Some may believe that the image depicts a mother who is simply playing with her child. Both the “mother” and “her child” are sharing the same expression. The woman could have just come home from work as a vet or a nurse in nursing home and greeted her child. Even though to me this interpretation seems far-fetched, I can still see how such a conclusion can be drawn. For me this image is a constant reminder of what awaits my future. It helps to motivate me and encourage me to continue to pursue my goal. Even with the many obstacles I face in my day-to-day life having this image around me helps to keep me in good spirits.