Author Archives: Casylee


Solitude (noun):the quality or state of being alone or remote from society

This word was encounter in the article” Walk with me” by David L. Ulin which states “Th solitude felt crushing, as if I had driven off the edge of the known world”. Which is located in the second page, last paragraph, tenth sentence.

This word is straight forward and easy to understand. So when I put the word back into the sentence I knew what the sentence meant and what the word meant as well.  Re-reading the paragraph it makes sense as to her really lonely and having nobody there for her to support her or take care of her what so ever. For example when if your boyfriend has pasted away and you are all alone in the apartment. Where all his stuff are at you are going to feel some type of. Every body has felt this before in there life and it’s very common. Another example which is a movie called “The Other Woman” where in the  movie  the husband is rich and since he is in the business  he usually travels for  business reasons. Where little does the wife know that she is being cheated on. In the movie there’s a scene where she finds two or the woman that the husband is cheating with and she decides to go on the beach to relax. What she does in that scene is to solitude herself from everything that is happening.


Brittle (adjective):easily broken, cracked, or snapped

Example (brittle clay,brittle glass)

This word was encountered in the article  “Walk with Me”by David L. Ulin which states ” I found the address moved my stuff out of the car: a suitcase and a pile of books. The air was thin, the darkness brittle. I was alone”. This was located on the second page , last paragraph, ninth sentence.

What this word meant to mean was fragile. Reading this sentence it mad sense to me as to what the sentence was trying to say. Which was since she was being kicked out she felt useless and broken inside. Due to the fact that who ever kicked her out hurt her as a person. So her being a woman she was easily hurt and broken inside. For example when somebody is in a marriage and the partner cheats on the other. What usually happens is that the partner who cheater is unwilling to tell the truth because they know that what they will say will break that person. Especially if they are in love or the best couple it will really bring the bad side of them where they can snap and get angry.


Facsimile (noun):an exact copy

  • A facsimile of the world’s first computer was exhibited at the museum.

This word was encounter in the “Walk with Me” article by David L. Ulin which states ” The Statue of liberty has never made me feel at home, either in New York Harbor or on La Vegas Boulevard, where it stood squat and compressed as I drove past, a facsimile in incremental scale”. This was located on the first page, second paragraph,last sentence.

When I viewed the word I knew I have heard of the word but really didn’t understand the full  meaning of it. This word is usually used to describe books or even paper material. What this mean is that its exact copy. For example most people make an exact copy of graphs to do some type of research.


Elusive (adjective):hard to find, capture, or isolate

This word was encounter in the article “Walk with Me” by David L. Ulin which states ” Like las Vegas itself, he was elusive; I’d see him , and then I would not.”This was located on the first paragraph,second to last sentence.

When I encounter this word I was stuck on what it meant. Once I actually looked it up I knew that the word meant that it was difficult to capture or find. So what this meant to me is that for somebody who is trying to find an animal for example that it will be difficult for them to find the animal. So in the sentence” Like las Vegas itself, he was elusive; I’d see him , and then I would not it meant that the homeless guy that she was seeing was never solid. Which meant that he was always disappearing and appearing and it was hard too actually know where he was at all times.

My Mini Journey In New York

As you can see this is the hotel across the street and this is the statue that is in the middle of the street.

In the picture you see the workers on the left of the picture cleaning the building where you notice water on the sidewalk. On the right you see the hotel, as well the statue in the middle of the street and the Manhattan Bridge in the back of the picture.

So my journey was not as bad. So to start off once I got out of school I was already was on jay street so I started to walk and pass the court house. I proceed to continue down jay street, I walk down jay street for two blocks only and then turned left on Willongong Street. Where once I started walking there was many stores. One store that I notice was the one dollar pizza shop. That was the only shop I notice was because I always go there to get pizza. As I walked down this avenue there is a deli across the street. I turned left on Lawrence Street where Chipotle was on one side which was on the left and Five guys was on the other side which was my right. I turned right passing five guys restaurant and continued to go straight on Myrtle Ave. As I continued the street I turned left onto Flatbush Av Ext. Where as I was walking there were construction workers cleaning the building. Once I pasted them I noticed a statue in the middle of the street. The statue was like was of these two woman on the left and on the right. Across the street was a hotel named Hampton INN. The area that I was at wasn’t as crowded yet because it was still early and it wasn’t rush hour yet. There was also a high school two blocks away from the hotel. As well if you go further you will reach the manhattan bridge which was kinda crazy to cross due to the drivers who want to get out of that area so badly that they are willing to hit somebody.

Summary of “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport”

In the article “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport” by Charles McGrath something that was pointed out was that a man named Will Self came to New York to discover the city life. The way he explores New York is interesting. The fact that he walked 26 miles from his house to the airport is amazing. The fact that  a lot of people don’t do that or have the same mindset as Mr.Self. As well something that this article covers is the fact that he enjoys exploring New York. Mr.Self likes getting to know what New York is all about. What this article covers most is how Mr.Self goes everyday walking in New York. Which makes readers question whether or not he is obsessed with walking.  The amount of walking he does from certain areas and describes his interactions with other people around the area shows he is trying to react something. As well it ties on how Mr.Self overcomes his challenges which is walking. It states in the article “Alcohol and drugs tend to keep you from taking walk…But I’m not addicted, he said. I don’t need to score a walk”. So what this shows is that how some people are addicted to drugs where in Mr.Self situation he isn’t addicted to walking. It’s the fact that it’s a goal of his to achieve and it happens to be in New York that he achieves it at. The key point from this article is Mr.Self walking. The fact that he walks 20 miles and 26 miles shows that he wants to accomplish something big.


Afflatus (noun):a divine imparting of knowledge or power :inspiration

This word was encounter in the article ” A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport” by Charles McGrath which states “The afflatus of the city’s bowels– now we’re getting into the real body of the city “. This is located on the three page of the article, sixth paragraph, last sentence.

When I read the definition I was still off about what the word meant  so I decided to read other source to better understand it. With that made me understand what the author was trying to say in the sentence. What afflatus means is inspiration. Afflatus is a divine imparting of knowledge or power. So in others words what I got from the word is that people get the desire to do things in there own way to get noticed or seen.  I then tied it back to the sentence which was “The afflatus of the city’s bowels– now we’re getting into the real body of the city “. What this meant to me was that since New York usually shows big building, lights, stores , amazing foods, and a lot of people. When Mr.Self discovered the train it was like saying now we are getting to the real New York and not the New York that is showen to people.


Inadvertently (adjective): not focusing the mind on a matter

This word was encountered in the article ” A Literary Visitor Strolls In From the Airport” by Charles McGrath which states ” Will Self’s new novel,”The Book of Dave”(Bloomsbury USA) ,is about a London cabdriver who inadvertently founds a religion when a ranting diatribe he buries in a garden of his ex-wife is dug up five centuries later, in a now apocalyptic word, and becomes a sacred tex”. This word was on the first page of the article in the first paragraph, first sentence.

This word was a big word and what it means is that somebody did it with no intention of doing it. To better describe the the word it means when its accidentally and with it being a accident most people don’t really pay attention it because it was not like they did it on purpose. For example when somebody spills coffee on somebody or falls on top of somebody on the train when the train is going fast, most of those situations aren’t on purpose. So what it means to not focus the mind on a matter is that people should say sorry but shouldn’t really worry about the situation too much.


Infamy (noun):evil reputation brought about by something grossly criminal, shocking, or brutal

This word was found in the article “A literary Visitor  Strolls In From The Airport” by Charles McGrath which states “During Britain’s general election of 1997, he set a new standard for journalistic infamy by getting himself-bounced off Joh Major’s campaign plane for the snorting heroin in the bathroom”. This word was found on the first page on the fourth paragraph, last sentence.

This word really stood out and since I didn’t know what it meant I ended up looking it up. When i finally found the meaning and understood it, it was straight forward to me what the word meant.Almost everybody has done this if not will soon. What Infamy means is when somebody is known for doing something bad. Most people see it being done to people in Tv shows. For example the Tv show “Orange Is The New Black”  in one of the seasons an inmate named Piper Chapman plants a weapon in another inmates buck. Where the results was that inmate got in big trouble and ended up going to another solitary. After that scene, Piper was known of doing infamy things to other people  that either hurt her or messed with her. Another example is when people plant things in other peoples personal things to get them in big trouble. Which can lead to get arrested for most of the part.


Perilous (Adjective) :full of or involving word

This word was found in the “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport” article by Charles McGrath which was stated in the article ” Upon arriving in New York, he walked from Kennedy Airport tot he nearby Crowne Plaza Hotel– a journey more perilous than he expected, because it involved a nighttime traverse of expressways with no curbs”. This word was found on the first page of the article on the second paragraph, last sentence.

When I encounter this word I had know idea what it meant.When I read the definition at first I was still confused but then understood that perilous meant full of danger or risk. So I put the word  into the sentences and understood what the sentence meant.Some people still won’t understand what it means so,the word perilous means it’s basically somebody who is willing to go beyond the task. For example jumping out of a plane is dangerous and somebody who loves the thrill will love the fact that it is dangerous. Certain people aren’t afraid to take risk they don’t hesitate. Another example if you still aren’t understanding the word some people have seen this movie and some have not. The movie is named the “Twister”. The movie is about hurricanes and to sum it up a little the main character is obsessed with catching a hurricane. Him knowing that it’s a risky job is what makes him excited and motivated.