Welcome to my page ! I’m Akeira Ferguson and I’m from Queens. My family descent is Jamaican all around. My mom and dad are both from there but I was born here, in NY. My mom is from Clarendon, Jamaica and my dad is from Kingston, Jamaica. My interest are reading, photography, watching drama shows and cosmetics. I’m attending City Tech to achieve my associates and baccalaureate degree in Radiologic Technology and Medical Imaging. I chose that field because I’ve always been curious about it but it pays great. Another great advantage about this field is that the job is less likely to disappear or be dropped years from now. Not many like this field or know the benefits of the job so I found that to be interesting. Some of the benefits are that I’m able to save lives and help others, bring new ideas to others and get paid to do it, and not many hours at work so I can have time for family and friends. When I chose this field/major, I kept in mind my phobia of blood. I really don’t like the blood, cuts or scars from others and the same goes for myself. I really get scared and upset once I see that. I get completely turned off when people talk about things like that to me or around me. I’ve been told that this field is quite competitive so that is another motivation for me, throughout my years in college. Although I am determined to be a Radiologist, I have a backup plan to be study dental hygiene because it is a much simpler job and it is not far from Radiology.
I cannot imagine where I’d be in five to ten years because I can’t imagine where I’d be a year from now. All I can say is that I know I’ll be in school still because I have one main goal for myself. That goal is to gain a career in Radiology but I want to gain my independence while I’m doing it. I want to be able to at least driving occasionally if I can’t own my own car. I don’t really want to live with my mom anymore so I have hopes to get my own apartment. Along with that, my goals for college is to carry out a 3.0 or 4.0 GPA, do very well on my assignments and maintain my attendance.This is a challenge for me because trying to transition from high school to college is going to be hard but I hope to gain academic support from my classmates and trusted professors. I can’t wait to see all of your writing and views, as you will mine.
I didn’t chose an avatar at first because I could not find one good enough in my gallery and I felt that it was best if I stayed unidentified. I’m still finding myself and trying to understand myself so I thought I wouldn’t have an avatar for a while. This represents me because I am the same as all of you but different at the same time. Some may chose a avatar that they like and find eye catching and some may not but we all have our reasons for what we chose to put to advertise our accounts and our work. Those of whom who may not have had an idea at first for an avatar like me may not have had the same thought of not caring or indecisiveness. One thing we do have in common is that we all have a message to convey and what better way to get it across than through our writing.
I went back afterwards and added a more recent picture because I want people to put a face with the name or else I’d be that anonymous student with great ideas or posts. That may even allow me to become one of the “forgotten”. This means: a person or a group of students, that students tend to see but don’t really hear them. For example, in a group chat a student without a picture and username that is quite unfamiliar (to most), may be acknowledged for their ideas but everyone will pose the question of, “ Who is that ?”. Eventually they’ll stop asking and move on without them. I much rather not be that student so an avatar may help me gain some supporters in the class. I like the picture that I later on added because it shows me in a happier place and that is something you don’t always see. I typically like to keep to myself and/or my closest friends.
Images are viewed differently based on the audience and their perception. This occurs often times on social sites because everyone has a different perception of things compared to the next person. An example would be of someone viewing my avatar might see it differently than I intended for them to see it. One misconception can be that my photo isn’t fit for the purpose of the class. Typically you’d put a more noticeable photo without filter and it looks professional. My photo was more about what I like and how I wanted others to see me.