A Million naked citys

Different experiences of New York leads to different perspectives, just because some one has seen something on a particular street and its not there anymore doesn’t make them entirely wrong. The city is always changing and with those changes comes different points of view or routines might change. Its almost as a string is connected to all of the past buildings that use to be there and it always leaves a little part of it self when it leaves. New buildings get made constantly and put under construction rapidly as the city grows as time passes and moves forward. My personal experiences for this city has changed me and made me grow as a person, the city’s not perfect but it is a place I’m use to compared to other states or countrys, I tend to have a bitter sweet feeling twords the city, as much as this place feels like home I cant say I want to live here forever. Sure the attractions and the fast paced lifestyle might be fascinating for some and I can definitely see the appeal, I don’t think I can live my whole life that way.

I’m not going to give you my whole life story on how I see New York or I can explain it a million different times but it will never convey how I truly see this place. I have gotten use to the speed and adjustment of the city on how it works. They’re will be places you love and places you hate, areas you think that will stay there forever in your mind subconsciously even when they disappear. I’ve lived in the city since I was born and have yet to see what it still has to offer but I tend to miss the simplicity of just living in a quiet neighborhood and having the ability to travel somewhere with my friends or family. Everything is so close together that the destination becomes more important then the journey to the destination. I tend to find a lot of the time that I focus more on where I’m going rather then where I am now. Most of the time I am going somewhere I think to myself “where am I going, How will I get there” my mind wants to rush and tell me to get there at an expected time rather then look around me and the changes ofĀ  how A place looked when I was younger or what store use to be there. One example is my journey to Barclays Center in Atlantic ave.

It was a rather cold day. I had originally had no plan or location to go to so I decided to just walk straight out of the atrium building exit and just went to where my legs took me. From all I could hear was the traffic passing by me on my left side, walking down Tillary St. As I walk pass McLaughlin park as i start wondering what might have been there before. Its very odd to think about it but to realize how old an area must be and how it holds so much history to it makes me start to realize what this project starts to be about. I then made a right turn down Flatbush ave. and saw that it was more of a fast pace neighborhood and thought how long it must have taken to make it such a place. Because it was so close to Manhattan people are moving both in and out and passing by fair amount of universityā€™s on the way. being close to Manhattan the place must have been similar too it and as you go lower into Brooklyn you start to feel the authentic Brooklyn experience . To me it almost feels like Iā€™m in Manhattan. Once I saw the tall building and the giant odd shaped center I made it to Barclays center and decided this is where my perspective should lie. the place was littered with the noise of cars and people trying to get passed one another on such a busy street. The bright light wrapped around the loop, it was almost like a Manhattan style building. It was festive and full of life then the last time I remembered of it. Brown old warn down residential buildings. It was a lot more dangerous back then it is now with the high crime rate. It was a more dead and un-lively place that always tend to frighten me while I passed by it when I was little. apparently during that time there was a protest opposing the development of said Barclays center for the fear of people losing their houses and businesses. leaving a both positive and negative outlook on the area that sums up my feelings about the city of New York. Just because people say its an improvement twords the area does not mean that people wanted to sacrifice their jobs or living space.

I chose Barclays center as my point of interest because I really find that this was the place I began to understand the message behind the project. I truly find this was the place I started to comprehend the message behind the task. That everybody’s version of New York is distinctive as a result of the experience they have in the city, they create this picture of their own particular perspective of the city one more unique to the last. One persons experience could be the complete opposite of another.I understood its sort of an fascinating thought blended in conclusion and basically demonstrates the people identity towards their feelings over the city. For example Colson Whiteheadā€™sĀ  ā€œcity limitsā€ essay at one point explains in the third paragraph: ā€œonly skyscrapers visible from your stroller were the legs of adultsā€ that even at an early age an idea of a personal New York can exist. one individual could love the clamor and happiness of the city and consider it to be a place for circumstance, others can be the opposite twords the city and think that its misrepresented and the city does not fit theĀ clicheĀ of what others think. Iā€™m some where in the middle. As much as I enjoy living here there are things I do dislike about it. That is how I see my New York. How crime rate is climed significantly and much of the controversy tends to drive people over the edge, homelessness, addicts, ect. much I would enjoy changing.Ā  Another perspective of New York and the difference between them is also in ā€œCity Limitsā€ is a passage found in the second page ā€œThere are eight million naked cities in the naked city ā€” they dispute and disagree. The New York City you live in is not my New York City;ā€ further explaining that no ones version of the city is exactly the same and how the city overlaps with one another showing the juxtaposition of the buildings that use to belong there. They may be similar but never the same. The ideas can argue with each other of what New York is really about and to appreciate that we are here and be grateful before our versions of New York change, the city is always having new buildings and tearing down others. That we should not take things for granted.

The city is always changing whether the residents want it or not it is going to happen, as much as I love the city I also dislike a lot of its features, which is why I cannot see my future in staying in here. my perspective of New York has changed over the years I’m sure but I do not feel like my feelings twords the city will change in the future, in a way it is my first home. Not perfect but a place that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Image result for barclays center

works cited:

Whitehead, Colson. ā€œCity Limits.ā€Ā The Colossus of New York:Ā A City in Thirteen Parts. New York: Random House, 2004. 1-12.Ā Shared Google Doc.

4 thoughts on “A Million naked citys

  1. Donald

    I agree with your conclusion where it starts with “The city is always changing whether the residents want it or not it is going to happen, as much as I love the city I also dislike a lot of its features, which is why I cannot see my future in staying in here. my perspective of New York has changed over the years Iā€™m sure but I do not feel like my feelings twords the city will change in the future, in a way it is my first home. Not perfect but a place that will stay with me for the rest of my life.” I agree that the city is always changing and I do also think that the city is my first home as well because I grew up in NY for my whole life.

  2. Donald

    I agree with your conclusion where it starts with “The city is always changing whether the residents want it or not it is going to happen, as much as I love the city I also dislike a lot of its features, which is why I cannot see my future in staying in here. my perspective of New York has changed over the years Iā€™m sure but I do not feel like my feelings twords the city will change in the future, in a way it is my first home. Not perfect but a place that will stay with me for the rest of my life.” I agree that the city is always changing and I do also think that the city is my first home as well because I grew up in NY for my whole life.

  3. Donald

    I agree with your conclusion where it starts with “The city is always changing whether the residents want it or not it is going to happen, as much as I love the city I also dislike a lot of its features, which is why I cannot see my future in staying in here. my perspective of New York has changed over the years Iā€™m sure but I do not feel like my feelings twords the city will change in the future, in a way it is my first home. Not perfect but a place that will stay with me for the rest of my life.” I agree that the city is always changing and I do also think that the city is my first home as well because I grew up in NY for my whole life.

  4. Donald

    I agree with your conclusion where it starts with “The city is always changing whether the residents want it or not it is going to happen, as much as I love the city I also dislike a lot of its features, which is why I cannot see my future in staying in here. my perspective of New York has changed over the years Iā€™m sure but I do not feel like my feelings twords the city will change in the future, in a way it is my first home. Not perfect but a place that will stay with me for the rest of my life.” I agree that the city is always changing and I do also think that the city is my first home as well because I grew up in NY for my whole life.


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