Colson white head city limits

this author comes off to me as a cocky New Yorker and that he is stuck in his way. first he talks about how he was born and raised in NY and how it has ruined it for other places that he visits like nothing else compares to the city of NY.He believes that NY is the best city and nothing else compares to his city.Which to me i would not agree with their are a lot of cities  that are very great to visit. i think that if Colson white head would give other cities a try he might would find out that other cities are nice as well.I like the part where he says “their are eight million naked cities in this naked city.meaning that everyone has their own view of their NY. Which I can agree that every one has their own little NY. He also talks about parts of New York which once was and still is his New York to him.I also like the part in the essay where he mentions that  we each walk past each other every day and never know that maybe we were neighbors before. I think that to sum the article up that Colson White head was kinda stuck up and that he believed that we each have our own views of our own little NY for ourselves and that we view Our NY  different then he view his .

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