Monthly Archives: December 2017


Haunts – verb

Definition: to visit often : frequent

“Go back to your old haunts in your old neighborhoods and what do you find: they remain and have disappeared”

When first reading this word i instantly thought about ghost, this is semi true. Everyone has heard of this word and knew what it mean’t but it seemed a little weird to me at first in this sentence. I used context clues and thought about visiting or places. One example would be the ghost haunts the house.


Hokum – noun

Definition: pretentious nonsense

“History books and public television documentaries are always trying to tell you all sorts of facts about new york. That Canal Street used to be a canal. That Bryant Park used to be a reservoir. Its all hokum.”

I came across this complex word while reading City Limits. This is basically one of those words that the average person has never heard of. I had no idea what it was or meant. The context clues helped out a lot because after that quote he then said “I’ve been to canal street and the only time I ever saw a river flow through it was during the last water main explosion. I thought of something that was untrue. One example of this would be buying clothes from canal street would be complete hokum.


Braggarts – noun

Definition: a loud arrogant boaster

“Except for that bit about the Dutch buying Manhattan for 24 bucks there are and always will be braggarts who got in at the right time”.

I had no idea what this word meant and was pretty curious. I thought of bragging and its actually similar. Example Back in high school kids always used to be braggarts when they brought food to class


Groggy – adjective

Definition: weak and unsteady on the feet or in action

“When you’re sleeping, your muscles become sore so that waking leaves you groggy. ”

As i came upon the article “8 Ways to Energize Each Morning” I came across this word and I used context clues to figure it out and I basically thought of the word tired and restless. I was pretty close and a little accurate on my guess. One example would be When i come to class on Wednesdays i feel groggy.

All Vocabulary



















For the glossary I was able to follow how a post for the glossary was done. From each glossary  I took my time doing each one individual. With the words, I learned a lot about each word and how each word can have multiple meaning. As well I made sure the word was clear enough to understand.  Not knowing these words didn’t really make sense to me and what I was reading. I wasn’t able to really understand what the sentence meant. Even when I looked up the word it was still difficult to understand. Where using another source was a good idea to better understand what the word means. After looking up the word I got a better understanding of the meaning. Which help me get a clear sense on what that word meant in that specific sentence.

As well each word was different and had there own mean there was one or two words that had a similar meaning but the rest of the words had there own meaning. Knowing what these words mean makes me a better reader and researcher. The fact that I can compare these words to real life helps me understand the concern of the word and how it’s being used. To add on most of these words I have heard of but never really understood it the full meaning. My goal for the glossary was to really give examples and try my best to explain the word the best I can.


Anticipation – noun

Definition: the act of looking forward; especially : pleasurable expectation

“Make your playlist long enough that it takes a week to get through and you’ll never get bored. Bonus tip: play it on “random” and the anticipation of what song might be coming next will boost your mood.”

I was reading the article “5 things your commute needs right now” by Kimberly mikesh as I came across this word. Again this is one of those words that you play but can’t really explain or give a proper definition to. I used context clues and thought of the word outlook or expectation. One example would be The anticipation of waiting for a package is better than having it and opening it up.


Prominent – Adjective

Definition: standing out or projecting beyond a surface or line

“Traffic can be the most prominent stressor on the road, especially if you think it’ll make you late for work.”

I came upon this word while reading the article “HOW TO MAKE YOUR MORNING COMMUTE MORE FUN AND ENERGIZING”. I heard of the word before but had no idea of what it meant. I used context clues and i thought of the word outstanding and noticeable. One example would be Waiting for the city tech elevator can be the most prominent stressful situation in life.


Inevitable – Adjective

Definition: Incapable of being avoided or evaded

“To get more energy in the morning, you don’t need to drink an extra cup of coffee. That will only lead to an inevitable caffeine crash mid-morning that will ruin your afternoon.”

As i came across this word from reading the article “HOW TO MAKE YOUR MORNING COMMUTE MORE FUN AND ENERGIZING”. This was definitely a word i knew and heard of, but i just couldn’t think of a definition at the time. I tried to use context clues and I thought of the word unstoppable. One example would be it is inevitable to go outside and not feel cold.


Monotonous – Adjective

Definition: tediously uniform or unvarying

“Routine can get monotonous, especially if you drive every day in traffic and don’t have the option to take a different route to work.”

I came across this word while reading the article “HOW TO MAKE YOUR MORNING COMMUTE MORE FUN AND ENERGIZING” by Kate Harveston. I knew that Mono meant one but i couldn’t figure out exactly what tonous meant. I still can’t really see myself using this word.

Advice for final exam

Based on reading practice final exams:

  • be sure to include the author’s name in the introduction
  • be sure to include the article’s name in the introduction
  • identify the focus, or even the claim or argument, not just the topic.
  • give at least one example from the reading
  • give at least one example from your experience
  • when referring to the author: 1st time, full name; subsequent times, just last name
  • no need to take the time to use white-out–just cross out.

For the day of the final:

  • bring the reading with you!
  • mark up the reading so you know what’s where and what you think about it
  • look up any words you needed to understand better
  • sleep
  • eat breakfast
  • come to lab (10:00-10:50) to brainstorm how to use the 75 minutes of the exam most effectively
  • come to class (11:30-12:45) to write the exam

Anticipated topics for questions:

  • more specific: pro/con about having wi-fi in coffee shop? does it take away from interpersonal communication?
  • more general: are people too engrossed in technology?