Achingly (adverb) : In a way that arouses or expresses intense sorrow or longing.
” Moreover, it’s hard to argue for the value of privacy when people eagerly share so much achingly personal information on social media.”
I came across this word while reading the article “We want Privacy. but Can’t Stop Sharing” by Kate Murphy. I tried using context clues to help discover the denotation of this word but it wouldn’t help. I then analyzed the word, “achingly”, it sounds like aching like a pain in your knee or back. I searched to see if achingly was a synonym to ache or aching and no they are not. The words have no correlation between each other. So after I just searched up achingly synonyms and words such as “painfully”, “sorely”, and “bitterly” came up. After that I finally searched up the definition. I gained an understanding of the word “Achingly” after finding out that it’s an adverb which means that its used to modify other verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. An example of the word in a sentence would be “and because of that, it is achingly funny.”