
algorithms-  noun  al·go·rithm  \ ˈal-gə-ˌri-t͟həm \

a procedure for solving a mathematical problem (as of finding the greatest common divisor) in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation; broadly :a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end especially by a computer.  

The word algorithm caught m eye as I read the article “What if  could choose….”, by Lex Berko. The word is located in the third paragraph of the text, second line. While I was able  to use context clues when assuming the definition of the word, I wanted to now the actual definition. The above definition is fairly simple, however m way of remembering the term is think of the word concept.

WORD WRITTEN IN TEXT: ‘We quantify how people psychologically perceive the urban environment and using existing ALGORITHM, we identify pleasurable detours”


This gives me confidence that, in the wisdom-seeking systems of the future, people will be willing to share data to make the algorithms better.

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