what i gather about the essay is that unlike the other Author this author is trying to come off a different way a little . even though he is not excited about the city itself and that he doesn’t think that NY is better than every where else . he is coming from a point where he talks about his 26 mile walk from the airport to Manhattan which was interesting which i myself will never walk 26 miles with all the transportation in place. He goes on to discuss the different neighborhoods he walks by he also talks about different places in Brooklyn that no tourists would ever want to come but he did . He also talks about his different routes through different neighborhoods was suggested by one of his friends and how one of the neighborhoods he visited he really admired a lot.he came across many neighborhood that he wasn’t so happy about either and how he felt bad for he also was disappointed on his walk through period even though their was some interesting things that he saw on his journey he wasn’t really pleased with nothing that he saw along the way . The walk through Brooklyn to Manhattan was a good thing for him to do he compared his walk to when he was doing drugs it was something that he wanted to do. maybe to get experiences of walking through neighborhood where tourists other wise would not want to see and maybe just the walk itself was good for him