
Infamy (noun):evil reputation brought about by something grossly criminal, shocking, or brutal

This word was found in the article “A literary Visitor  Strolls In From The Airport” by Charles McGrath which states “During Britain’s general election of 1997, he set a new standard for journalistic infamy by getting himself-bounced off Joh Major’s campaign plane for the snorting heroin in the bathroom”. This word was found on the first page on the fourth paragraph, last sentence.

This word really stood out and since I didn’t know what it meant I ended up looking it up. When i finally found the meaning and understood it, it was straight forward to me what the word meant.Almost everybody has done this if not will soon. What Infamy means is when somebody is known for doing something bad. Most people see it being done to people in Tv shows. For example the Tv show “Orange Is The New Black”  in one of the seasons an inmate named Piper Chapman plants a weapon in another inmates buck. Where the results was that inmate got in big trouble and ended up going to another solitary. After that scene, Piper was known of doing infamy things to other people  that either hurt her or messed with her. Another example is when people plant things in other peoples personal things to get them in big trouble. Which can lead to get arrested for most of the part.

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