

noun  af·fec·ta·tion  \ ˌa-ˌfek-ˈtā-shən \
affectation the act of taking on or displaying an attitude or mode of behavior not natural  to ones self not genuinely felt . Speaking honestly without affectation mocked his plenty as affectation.

I came across the word affectation  in the reading of Colson whitehead city limits.
when I came across the word when I was reading it I didn’t quite understand how that word fit into the sentence that’s what made me look up the word to help me understand the meaning of it and why he used that word for that sentence.
once I looked the word up and I used the word in my own definition I now not what the word means and how to us it the correct way. The affectation of his different language. so I used the word in a sentence that would help me to understand what the word means.

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