Around the world there are many monuments that mean something. With each monument is a message and sometimes that message is meaningfully to a group of people or an individual.When looking at a monument comes a good question.What happened, Why is this here, and What does it mean. Knowing that almost every monument has been built to show some type of history it can also offend people or it can not. Everything that has happened in history has been a good turnout and some have not.The question that some people should really consider is whether it offends people, and whether it’s a good idea to place the monument in that area. Monuments can indeed disturb people and people will always have an opinion and try to argue the fact that it’s offensive to them. So instead to avoid conflict all monuments should be put in a museum.
As of today most people don’t really pay attention to monuments. Unless they are going on a school trip and have an assignment on monuments. Where others such as old people or tourist are usually the ones looking or viewing the monuments. In this case if you live in a state or country you usually aren’t interested in the monuments around your neighborhood.Which brings back to as why it’s a good idea to place monuments in museums. With what has happen in the world there’s a lot of hate and anger which have reflect into violence and possibly war. It has divided people and their beliefs. Since a lot has happen over many years people have established this idea of continuing history by building monuments that have had a big impact in society.
Monuments should be put into museums just for the fact that it can create conflict with other people.If there’s a monument that a group of people don’t agree on or feel strongly about then they will do anything to remove it know matter what the cost is. People will even start to protest just to get their message out. Where instead it will be in best interest to just put all monuments in a museum and if a person feels strongly about the monument then they don’t have to go to the museum. Even so if it’s in a museum then they won’t have to worry about it at all because of it’s location. It will be better because then it will be surrounded with history. What will happen is that since people are already protesting for one monument, they will think it’s okay and will continue to do the same for other monuments. So just to stop the conflict all monuments should be put into museums. For example the statue of Robert Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia which is a confederate statue, was offensive to a certain group of people. Since all Confederate statues are white supremacy people felt that, this monument need to be taken down. Just based on the history behind it and what also happen in 2015 with a man name Dylann Roof who was a white supremacist and actually took action into going into a church and killing 9 black people. So with monuments like this can be offensive and people will take it a certain way where they will feel strongly about taking it down. Where in my criteria when looking at a monument it can affect people or not and if it does what can someone in charge do about it. In that case can consider putting it in a museum.
If you really think about it, it’s a great idea. Cause if a monuments is inside of a museum you don’t have to worry about gratified, or even the affects that the monument may have due to the weather. If a monument is placed in a museum then there’s no worry about people vandalizing it. So if the monument was outside what people can do is actually do gratified on every Confederate statue just because they don’t want that monument there. Plus if you think about it there would be money wasted on cleaning up the monument where in this case that money can be used somewhere else that is more valuable.To add having monuments in New York City with the weather we get can possibly turn it a certain color of have the color faded. With that can cost more money to recolor it. Even so if there’s a monument that is located in an area that has a lot of snow, that bring it to looking like a rusty color where it shows it has not been taken care of.
In conclusion my criteria of looking at a monuments is thinking of whether or not it should be placed there and does it affect people. Where in many cases all monuments should be put into museums. Cause if people in charge of these monuments are concern about the color fading or someone or something destroying the monument of vandalizing it.It will be in the best interest to then put the monuments in a museum so that it’s secure and it safe from anybody destroying it, which once again will save money. To argue that a majority of people will feel some type of relief of not having it in a certain place will help out with conflict. Furthermore to as why monuments will be a great idea to place in museums is so that people can learn about history a little more and with monuments being in museums people won’t feel the need to protest or have a grudge on that monument. By a monument being in a museum can help others learn and it won’t offend people because museums are a place to learn about history and the knowledge of how this world came about.