“Substantive.” Accessed September 26, 2017.
noun sub·stan·tive \ ˈsəb-stən-tiv
Substantive is a word or word group functioning syntactically as a noun.
I encountered the word substantive in the blogging guidelines for English class
what I thought the word substantive too mean was totally something else then what I though
the word to mean. I tried using it in a sentence to see if I really understood what It meant
now that I looked the word up it means to function together as a noun. Not what I thought the
word to mean was to do something a whole lot of times that’s what I though substantive to
mean to do to much of. Now that I have the understanding of the word now I know
what it means by the word substantive when I read the blogging guidelines. Now I can use the
word substantive in a sentence. W e have a substantive amount of work to cover in the class. so
now that I understand the word and can use the word substantive in a sentence I know what the
word really means when I see the word again.