I enjoy the fact that we are getting into groups for this project. I feel like it will break everybody out of their shell and have everyone get to know one another. The only thing that might cause a problem is if somebody doesn’t do their part and have the other group members do the work. Finding the monuments is a good addition to this project to because it will help be get to know the school better and how it came about. For a project like this I think it would be best for the group members to have contact outside of school in case we need help, communication is key especially if we’re working on this as a team. I like to get things done as soon as possible instead of waiting last minute and I hope my group members will possess the same mindset.
I am also excited about the idea of getting to know everyone better and that the groups will break people out of their shell also the contact outside of class is something that should be done
I agree with you and the idea of getting to know each other better and brake people out of there shell. I also agree with the idea that communication is the key to a successful project. Waiting for the last minute to do the project is not a good idea especially if we working in groups. Contacting each other outside of school would be a great way to keep the group focus on project.