Hello every one my name is Casylee. I’m currently a freshman at City Tech, this is my first semester. This picture that I choose was the day I graduated high school which was this year in June. Not only was it the day I graduated but the day I was going to start a new chapter in my life. This chapter was beginning college. When I first started high school I thought that it was going to be how it was on television. People being cruel and nasty to one another but it actually wasn’t, it was the opposite from that. High school wasn’t really hard and now that I’m writing this and thinking back, college is way different. College is hard and this pictures shows that if I could make it throughout high school alive I’m pretty sure I can get through college alive. It is going to be tough but life isn’t easy and sometimes you gotta get through the rough days to get to the better ones. It may seem that in this picture my smile is fake but that’s not the case. This day was important because with all the work I had to do I got to the finish line. It showed that I went through a lot and that I’m a person who works hard for what they want no matter what it is.
In this picture something that stands out is my face, I’m wearing makeup, I have my hair done, and the clothing I’m wearing stands out. Some people may misinterpreted the picture as me going out on lunch or breakfast. As well since the picture is cropped the other person in the picture is my father. He was at my graduation, so people may think that it isn’t my father who is next to me. Maybe it’s somebody else that I was hanging out with that day but it actually wasn’t,. The reason why I cropped out my fathers face was because I like the way I came out in the picture. Plus it very rare that I show my face so I had to crop him out for my own purposes. As well this picture was taken by me, I honestly didn’t want to take a picture with my dad for my own reasons. Some people may view this picture and see that I like to wear a lot of makeup. That’s not the case at all, I only wear makeup when it’s necessary. So don’t mistaken me as somebody who cakes my face, in other words someone who wear a lot of makeup.
My profile shows and tells a little about me and what I want to achieve in my life. It gives people a little inside of me and who I am and what I’m about. I don’t expect people to know exactly who I am and every detail about me but I hope people see that I’m a hard working person. That I want to make it far in life and becoming someone.With millions of people living in this world, a lot of people say that they are going to make it to the top and never do. They never tell people how they did it and if they don’t they probably cheated there way through life. That’s not what I want people to see me as, I want the opposite. I want to have an amazing career so I can support my family and possible encouraged other to do the same for themselves in the future.
To add on, it matters a lot that people see that I’m just not somebody who is lazy and doesn’t work. I want people to see that it took me awhile to get where I’m at and to show people that I did have some downfalls in my life but, it made me stronger. The big picture is that I wouldn’t be here without people doubting me and not believe in my strengths. With me being in college I expect to be better than I was in high school. I expect to do better and be on the top. As well to actually learn what I’m being taught rather just memorizing it. In City Tech I expect to push myself to the limit to where I graduate and am proud of what I have done for my family but proud to do it for myself.