Monthly Archives: February 2017

Living Well

I really enjoyed doing the survey for living well, it was very informative. I also saw the areas where I need to improve e.g. even though I love  to eat a balance nutritious  meal , I still  must use portion control. Exercise: I need to do it at least  twice  a week.

Rochelle Dixon Live well Session 1

This is something that I do on a regular for exercise I enjoy roller skating I usually skate on Thursday and Saturday nights for enjoyment.

Active Minds

Active Mind is a non-profitable organization that founded by Alison Malmon in 2003. She was shocked by her brother’s (Brian Malmon) suicide who had mental illness. Active Minds was Incorporated as a 501(c)3 organization in the beginning,  In ten years, the non-profit organization has grown into a well recognized entity in the field, led by a committed team of full time staff members under Alison’s direction. It helps the people mostly the student who is suffering from mental illness and mentally disorder. There are more than 400 colleges or universities which is known and getting help by this organization. This suicide prevention organization’s office is at 2001 S Street, NW Suite 450    Washington, DC 20009 , take him/her who is in mental illness that you know.

Active Minds

Active Minds encourages people to speak out about mental health. Society unfortunately stigmatizes mental illness and education is the only way to change that. Active Minds chapters exist in schools like City Tech for the sole purpose of changing conversations about and preventing suicide or untreated mental disease. You must imagine how it would feel to have a disease and not be confident speaking about it publicly or privately. Bad situation.

Active Minds

It’s good to know that thee are organizations that help student with very personal kind of problems, like mental health. In some families common answer to symptoms of depression would be “walk it off”, and students really afraid or ashamed to ask for help. Active minds reaches out to students in non-traditional way, idea behind is like a breath of fresh air in standard school environment

Active Minds

After thoroughly going through the Active Minds website, I found many resources college students can make use of. In addition, what I found most interesting was why this program was started. Active Minds brings on awareness and  vital resources/ services to those whom suffer from mental health issues. It shows them: they are not alone, there are others out there who can relate.

Active Minds

After browsing the Active Minds homepage and reading their story, I found that it is a nationwide mental health awareness program founded by Alison Malmon after her brother’s mental health symptoms went unnoticed and concealed from those around him and later ended his life. Alison’s goal was to promote mental health issues on her college campus.

I think Active Minds is a great outreach, not only to inform someone on mental health issues and awareness but also to supply a resource for those suffering and unwilling or afraid to ask for help.

Sharing for another Prof: need a History course to fulfill a degree requirement?

Hello Everyone
The department is hoping to offer History 1103 in an online format for Summer 1 or possibly 2. If you might be interested in taking History 1103 online for either session please answer yes to the survey , provide your name and student ID number. This is not a binding agreement, but just a way to get a sense of how many students might be interested. Please forward to all interested parties because the greater the number of interested students, the greater the chance of the course being offered. Thanks Prof. Stephanie Boyle

Livewell Session 1

Last semester I started making smarter health choices. Soda was first out of my diet. It has been about 5 months soda free and I am much less sluggish. I also stopped taking the elevator at school. Health Psych being on the 10th floor really pushes my legs but I have noticed each week the stairs get easier.  I think the Livewell college will be the extra push I need to solidify a healthier lifestyle.

Livewell – Session 1

For my first session, I was able to go through each survey fully and receive back the stage I was in. For exercise, I am in pre-contemplation, which means I need to come up with a weekly workout routine from now on. Primarily, I would like to focus on strength training but no gyms in my area supply the free weights necessary to deadlift, squat or bench press. Therefore, I will be doing body weight exercises instead at home such as push ups, pull ups and work on my core strength. A workout routine is nothing without a good diet. Being that I am in the preparation stage for healthy eating I will be get rid of soda and juice in exchange for drinking more water, tea and coffee. Food will stay consistent and boil down to one carb, protein and fat per meal. This can consist of rice with beans alongside chicken breast or fish and a piece of avocado while cooking with coconut or olive oil for an added source of healthy fat.  Finally, for stress management, I am in the maintenance stage. For the most part, I have tried my best to be even keel when it comes to work, school and life in general. I try to only focus on the things I can control. I have also been eager to try out meditation and possibly yoga in the future to be more present in the moment, and increase my happiness and self-esteem.