Jean-Michel Basquiat





This plaque, located in Noho at 57 Great Jones Street, is to commemorate the talented Jean Basquiat.

Basquiat was an artist from Brooklyn during the 1980’s. Some describe him as a “neo-expressionist” painter. He began with graffiti on subway trains and buildings. After years of continuing to pursuit his creative talent, he finally was featured in an art show. Basquiat received much critical praise for his work. Soon after, an original painting of his could go for over $50,000. He collaborated with famous artist Andy Warhol. It was actually Warhol’s old loft at 57 Great Jones Street, that Basquiat later lived in. Unfortunately Basquiat had an addiction to heroine. He died of an overdose on August 12, 1988 at the age of 27. Being of Haitian and Puerto Rican decent he was known to have incorporated the “African-American and Latino experience” in to the prestigious world of art.

Its such a shame to see someone with so much talent let it slip away because of an addiction. His art was original and political. He touched on racism and class systems. He was a voice that us minorities needed. Basquiat continues to inspire many. The way Basquait turn his talent into art that made an impact, continues to inspire the world.

The plaque reads:


“From 1983 to 1988 renowned artist Jean Michel-Basquiat lived and worked here, a former stable owned by friend and mentor Andy Warhol. Baquiat’s paintings and other work challenged established notions of high and low art, race and class, while forging a visionary language that defied characterization.”


Sugar House Prison Window



The mystery of the Sugar House Prison Window near the municipal Building in Lower Manhattan, it is called the David Dinkins Building and the plaque is in front of the Police Headquarters is to believed to be hunted by former prisoners.

This memorial was placed in their honor, because the death toll was so high in this prison, which held Americans of the Revolutionary War. This placed was described as has having horrible living conditions and unhealthy food for the prisoners. The food was spoiled and filled with maggots that the prisoner refused to eat it and starvation was one of the causes for death. The cold bars on the window gave me a creepy feeling to think that people had to be in prison for various reasons while a major war was going on and the thought of them not being able to have a meal. Similarly, the prisoners in New York complain about the food and living environment today, I’m sure can’t compare to what these prisoners had to go through. These prisons are remembered in the Trinity Churchyard and cemetery on Broadway and Wall Street.

The plaque on the wall says” This window was originally part of the five story Sugar House built in 1763 at the corner of Duane and Rose Streets and used by the British during the Revolutionary War as a prison for American Patriots. The Sugarhouse was demolished in 1892 and replaced by the Rhinelander Building incorporating this window into the faced as an historical artifact. The Rhinelander building was demolished in 1986 and the site is now occupied by Police Headquarters. “ John Lindsay, Mayor (1965)

Henry Ward Beecher


Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887)

For the past year I walk past this monument and haven’t had the time to stop. But today I decided once and for all to find out more about this monument. This monument is located in Cadman Plaza by Johnson Street. It is a male standing and next to it is a female and two children. The inscription reads Henry Ward Beecher / 1813-1887 the grateful gift / of multitudes of / all classes creeds / and conditions / at home and abroad / to honor the great / apostle of the / brotherhood of man. I found out that Henry Ward Beecher was a White American abolitionist, speaker, minster and writer. He opposed slavery and had mock auctions to help the slaves. As a minister, he helped spread the word with other churchgoers on freeing the slaves. He then helped raise funds to supply weapons to others who opposed slavery. “The rifles became known as “Beecher’s Bibles” because they were shipped in boxes labeled “Bibles.” I am glad I took the time out to stop and appreciate his accomplishments. A great man who helped create a better society.

Monica Prado

How we Commemorate: Andrew Platovosky



New York is one of the busiest cities in the whole and when someone passes away that takes the time to make sure New York remains beautiful, a memorial must be made. Andrew Platovosky died at the tender age of 49 on July 17th at his home. His mother Florence and his siblings Sandy and David survived him. My condolences to the family and thoughtful co-workers who decided to place a plaque near the Municipal Buildings in lower Manhattan for Mr. Platovosky. He was the designer of the Veterans Memorial Garden at Queens Borough Hall, the new pedestrians plaza surroundings municipal buildings and the Police Headquarters in lower Manhattan. The memory of decedent will forever be in the area he created for his friends, family and co-workers to remember him. The area is quite, beautiful and makes that small part of New York behind the Municipal buildings feel safe for tourist, New Yorkers and the people who just want a quite area to sit on a nice summer day. The area is filled with seating, food vendors and landscaping that Andrew still maintained after construction and with the police headquarters and the Catholic Church in the area it is peaceful and tranquil area. Thank you Andrew Platovosky for your time, creativity, hard work and commitment to the buildings you created. We are still enjoying it every chance we can.

How We Commemorate


This mural is of Bob Marley and was taken on Herkimer Street and Nostrand Avenue. Bob Marley was a very famous reggage artist, singer, songwriter, and musician. He was born February 6, 1945 in Jamaica. He sold over 20 million records in his lifetime. He brought a new sound to music. Most famous for his songs “Jammin, Is This Love, One Love/ People Get Ready”. He’s also very known for his long dreads, which he was Rastafarian. It’s a religion which believes in your hair being in dreads because this type of religion does not believe in cutting off any hair on your flesh. As far as his music, he wanted his music to promote peace. He was very famous around the time where racism was very evident. He died very young at the age of 36. He died from a form of cancer. It was melanoma cancer found in his foot which first was a soccer injury he had. Doctors recommended he get his foot amputated but he did refuse to. When he finally decided to do it was too late. His cancer had spread. Shortly after he died May 11, 1981. His music is very peaceful and relaxing. You can still here his music being played all around the world. This mural looks just like him. He known for that beautiful huge smile. People of huge impacts are known to have murals all around the world.

How We Commemorate


This photo is of Harriet Tubman and was taken on Herkimer Street and Nostrand Avenue. She was born in the 1820s in Dorchester County, Maryland. She was well known for helping to free slaves from the South to the North. She herself was a slave who ended up escaping. She was very successful at it. She used the underground railroad as way to help free slaves. She’s a very important person in history. She was very brave for what she did. It was not really known for slaves to escape and to keep coming back just to help free other slaves. It was very dangerous of her to do. If she were caught, she would have been murdered brutally. She died on May 10, 1813. She died of pneumonia. This portrait was well done by the artist who created it. She’s a reminder of how history once was.

How We Commemorate


This photo was taken of a mural of Christopher Smalls (AKA Biggie Smalls). This photo was taken on Franklin Avenue and DeKalb Avenue. Biggie Smalls was a known phenomenal rapper of the 1990’s. He was well known for his blunt metaphor raps, as well as his controversy animosity with Tupac.  He was born on May 21, 1972 in no other than Brooklyn, New York. He grew up in the ghetto of Brooklyn and grew up on hard times with his mother being a single mother. He was hustler who turned into a rapper. He was discovered by Sean Combs aka Puff Diddy. It was no time before Biggie’s name began buzzing in the streets. Most famous for his songs “Juicy, Big Poppa, Hypnotize”. It was murdered shortly after. He was murdered on March 9, 1997. You can still here is songs playing on the radio still today. He’s one of the most famous rappers of all time. This mural was done phenomenally. The portrait looks exactly like him. He was known for this mean- mug pose on basically all of his albums.

How We Commemorate


This picture was taken in Brooklyn on Herkimer Street and Nostrand Avenue. It’s a mural of Martin Luther King Jr. He was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He was a minister and social activist who was assassinated for voicing his opinions on American civil rights. He was assassinated April 4, 1968 while standing on a balcony in Memphis. He stood up for the African American community during a time where white Americans and black Americans were very divided. It was during the times of segregation. He is very well known for his “I Have A Dream” speech. His speech was his thoughts on one day the nation reuniting as one. His murals can be seen all around the United States. I think the portrait was made very nice. Everyone who walks by the portrait can’t help but to reminisce on history during a time of sadness. It shows how far we’ve come as a country.


How We Commemorate


This photo was taken at Brooklyn College. There’s brick pathway remembering all of the special people who has passed and played a huge part to Brooklyn College. The pathway is located at the West Quad building. Jennie Glass was being remembered. She was a faculty staff who had such a bright spirit. Many adored her and she lived a long life. She passed away at the age of 94. She was a great person and very helpful to those who needed any help. I thought it was such a bright idea for Brooklyn College to remember those by making a brick pathway. For ever person that enters the West Quad building you can’t help but to look down and see all the names of people who has passed. Although, they’ve passed, I know it is an honor to have your name cemented on the ground.


American Merchant Mariners’ Memorial

American Merchant Mariners’ Memorial


The American Merchant Mariners Memorial is located of the shore of Battery park. This work of art is powerful and captures the attention of all who walk by it.  on the plaque with the description of the memorial it states “This memorial serves as a marker for America’s merchant mariners resting in the unmarked ocean depths,” during World War II many mariners lost their lives during raids and attacks, mariners would sometimes burn to death, be blown apart and froze to death in the icy waters  and these statutes show how as a boat sunk one mariner fell off and was reaching for help and during low tides you can see the body of the mariner with a petrified face and his body stretched out trying hard to reach the arm. Their sacrifice and hard work will never be forgotten.