- This image was taken at Battery Park.
- The statue represents the diversity of immigrants who have came to the United States. The statue reads “dedicated to the people of all nations who entered America through Castle Garden. In Memory of Samuel Rudin.” Rudin is the son of Jewish immigrants who came to the United States though Castle Garden. Rudins father bought his first property in 1905, a three story brown stone located on 153 E 54th street then advising his children to never sell the property and purchase buildings surrounding it. Rudin founded the Rudin Management Company which deals with leasing and managements of businesses. At his death, his children created a foundation in honor of Samuel and May Rudin.
- This statue symbolizes all the immigrants who have came into this country. My parents came into the United States as immigrants, my father from Cuba and my mother from the Dominican Republic. I understand the struggle immigrants go through to survive in NYC. The statue show people just looking as if they are wandering and some even praying as if their prayers were answered in coming here. This definetly gives off a strong message on how immigrants came and especially how they feel just by face expressions.