This Week in the OpenLab: School’s IN Edition


Welcome back! We hope everyone had a safe, rewarding, relaxing, productive, simply wonderful summer. And we’re excited about the upcoming year and hope you are too!



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If you’re here you’ve surely already noticed: there was a major upgrade to the OL over the summer.… Continue reading this post

This Week in the OpenLab: April 30th Edition


We have a couple of events coming up featuring our student community team we’d like to let you know about!



First, our team will be presenting at the CUNY CUE conference on May 8th. The conference starts at 9 am at City College, and you can register here.… Continue reading this post

This Week in the OpenLab: March 4th Edition

This week we wanted to let our new student community team introduce themselves!  Check them out below, and don’t forget to follow The Buzz for all their wonderful work.


Hello I’m Jean-Luc Antoine, I am a student majoring in Bioinformatics. The program is pretty challenging but what I particularly like about it, is that it’s a link between computer science and biology.… Continue reading this post

This Week in the OpenLab: February 24th Edition

We have had a recent release on the OpenLab, which includes a few new features and plug-ins we think you might be interested in! Here are the important details:



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We have installed the most recent version of the Papercite plug-in, which allows users to upload and display bibtex files on a page or post.… Continue reading this post

This Week In The OpenLab: February 2nd Edition

Groundhog_Day,_Punxsutawney,_2013-2(image by Anthony Quintano via Wikimedia Commons Creative Commons License)


As the new term begins, we want to announce our workshop schedule, and two new OpenLab initiatives:  Office Hours and Open Hours!


Office Hours (please note, office hours are for faculty and staff only)

The Community Team will now be holding regular office hours to help those of you who feel you need extra help, have a quick question, can’t make a workshop, etc.  … Continue reading this post

This Week in the OpenLab: Thanksgiving Edition!


(image by Jelene via Creative Commons license)

Happy Thanksgiving to all who will celebrate it this week, happy to break to anyone who is not. Enjoy the days off!




(image by Kassy via Creative Commons lisence)

Applications have been coming in over the last two weeks for our student blogger and photoblogger opportunities, and we’re thrilled about it.  … Continue reading this post

This Week in the Openlab! November 4th Edition

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Hope your term going swimmingly!  We upgraded our WordPress system not too long ago and want to highlight the features of the new update for our users.  There are plenty more features than this, particularly on the back end, and if you’re interested you can have a look here.  … Continue reading this post

This Week in the OpenLab: October 9th Edition

Last week we highlighted OpenLab courses from this term. This week we thought we’d highlight a few project that are particularly interesting for the term.  Enjoy!



veterans affairs

Created last year, the Office of Veterans Support Services’ goal is to assess, plan, and expedite the required resources for our community of veterans at City Tech.  … Continue reading this post