This Month on the OpenLab: May 2024 Release

Tulips against a bright blue sky and buildings in Manhattan.
Manhattan tulips by tanakawho is licensed under CC BY-NC.

On May 2, we released version 1.7.77 of the OpenLab. It was a small release with the following bug fixes: 

  • A minor misalignment in Dashboard > Posts and Dashboard > Comments pages
  • Issues with scrolling in the editor on mobile, making it hard to see the post contents
  • A number of mobile display issues with the Typology theme

As always, please contact us with any questions!

This Month on the OpenLab: April 2024 Release

Cat sitting next to new spring leaves and bright red flowers.

On April 16, we released version 1.7.76 of the OpenLab. It included a new feature, two new themes, a few bug fixes, and a few minor theme and plugin updates.

New feature

We’re excited to announce a new feature on the OpenLab homepage called ‘What’s Happening at City Tech’. This includes headlines and events from the City Tech News feed, adding another format for sharing information about events and showcasing the great work being done by and for the City Tech community.

In addition, if there are any active City Tech alerts, such as weather-related closures, these will appear in an ‘Alerts’ section above the news feed.

New themes

We added two new themes, Astra and Twenty Twenty-Four.  Astra offers many options for customization, but also looks good out of the box. It would work well for course, project, club, and portfolio sites.

Twenty Twenty-Four is a full site editing theme,  similar to Twenty Twenty-Two. You can find out more about both themes and full site editing in OpenLab Help. Full site editing offers a very different site editing experience than the other themes on the OpenLab, but provides more flexibility and control. Twenty Twenty-Four is designed to showcase visual and written work, and for more advanced users it would work well for a portfolio site. 

Bug fixes

There were three bug fixes included in this release. 

One was preventing the option to use an existing site from appearing during the creation of a course, project, club, or portfolio. 

There was also a bug causing issues with the display of the OpenLab footer when choosing to hide the WordPress admin bar to non-logged-in site visitors (found in the settings of a course, project, club, or portfolio profile).

Finally, we fixed an issue where the Yoast Duplicate Post plugin added a ‘Copy to a new draft’ item to the admin bar on OpenLab sites. This partially overlapped with the ‘Publish’ button and ‘Save draft’ link on posts and pages. 

As always, please contact us with any questions!

This Month on the OpenLab: March 2024 Release

Martenitsa made from red and white yarn hanging on a tree branch with a budding flower at the end.
Hanging Martenitsa by Georgi Kirichkov is licensed under CC BY-SA.

On March 12, we released version 1.7.75 of the OpenLab. It included a new plugin and a few minor theme and plugin updates.

New plugin: Zotpress

Zotpress allows you to connect your OpenLab site with your Zotero library for easy citations and bibliography creation.

Typology theme

We made a few changes to the default text and background color settings for Typology to ensure accessible color contrast in the footer text.

As always, please contact us with any questions!

This Month on the OpenLab: February 2024 Release

Orange fritillary butterfly with open wings on a bright yellow, pink, and orange lantana flower.
Valentine’s – a fritillary heart, by Vicki DeLoach, is licensed under CC ​​BY-NC-ND.

On February 13, we released version 1.7.74 of the OpenLab. It included a new theme, a few minor plugin and theme updates, and a bug fix.

New theme

We added a new theme called Typology. It allows for a lot of customization in Dashboard > Theme Options, but also looks good as soon as you activate it, without needing to make any changes. 

Help documentation for the theme is coming soon, but there’s also good documentation from the theme authors. 

Bug fix and other updates

There was a bug in the Discussion forum that appears on a Course, Project, or Club profile that was preventing any pages beyond the first page of discussion from showing. This has been fixed.

We made a few small text changes on the sign up page. One was to clarify that when we ask for your email address to sign up it won’t be displayed publicly on your Profile. We also adjusted the text in the avatar upload section to make it more clear that an avatar doesn’t have to be a picture of yourself – it can be anything that represents you or your interests. 


As always, please contact us with any questions!

This Month on the OpenLab: January 2024 Release

Cat bounding through the snow with ears back.

On January 23 we released version 1.7.73 of the OpenLab. It included some new features, as well as updates to all existing themes and plugins, including BuddyPress and WordPress, the two primary plugins that power the OpenLab. 

New Features and Functionality

We created additional post privacy options that appear on public sites, allowing you to choose from three different privacy options, for more fine-grained visibility choices when working in the open: 

  • Everyone: This is the default setting, which matches the setting of the open site. 
  • Site members: Only logged-in members of the site can see the post. 
  • OpenLab members: Only logged-in members of the OpenLab can see the post.

You don’t need to activate anything. These options will appear automatically when a site is set to either “Allow search engines to index” or “Ask search engines not to index this site.”

Additional privacy options, as described above.

We added a space for uploading an avatar when people first create an OpenLab account. We’re hoping this will encourage more members to add an avatar to their profile. It doesn’t have to be a picture of yourself – it can be a pet, a drawing, a photograph, or anything!

During the process of portfolio creation, the name and URL of the portfolio has always autofilled with the creator’s first initial and last name. It was possible to change it, but most people did not. In order to better protect members’ privacy and support people’s autonomy in how they choose to be identified on the OpenLab, we removed these default values so that portfolio title and URL must be filled in at the time of creation. People can choose to use their real name or their Display Name, which may not be the same. 


We added four new plugins, and retired one plugin, CM Tooltip Glossary, in favor of a more accessible glossary plugin. The new plugins are:

We recently added the GTranslate plugin, which allows you to add an automatic translation option to your site. TranslatePress allows you to translate it manually, for a more accurate translation.

Reading Time WP 
This plugin adds an estimated reading time to posts and pages. 

WP Reading Progress 
Used alone or together with Reading Time WP, this plugin adds a progress bar to posts and pages, indicating to the reader how far along they are in the text.

Name Directory 
This plugin allows you to create a glossary, or multiple glossaries for your site. You can also allow others to submit glossary entries. 

Bug Fixes

We fixed an issue where the ‘Favorites’ dropdown in the OpenLab Toolbar was being skipped when navigating the site with a keyboard.

We made a few fixes to the OpenLab Attributions plugin to improve keyboard navigation, and to fix an issue preventing existing attributions from being edited.

As always, please contact us with any questions!

This Month on the OpenLab: November 2023 Release

Cardinal sitting on a railing.
Autumn Antics by  likeaduck is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

On November 15 we released version 1.7.72 of the OpenLab. It included one feature improvement, minor theme and plugin updates, accessibility improvements, and a bug fix.

Adding social media to your profile

In the August release, we introduced a new way to add social media links to your profile. In this release, we improved the mobile interface so the experience is cleaner and easier to use.


We made a number of small accessibility fixes around the site, to improve the experience for people using screen readers. 

We also fixed a bug in portfolio creation causing the template chooser containing available site templates to disappear when a template category was chosen from the dropdown menu.

As always, please contact us with any questions!

This Month on the OpenLab: October 2023 Release

On October 11 we released version 1.7.70 of the OpenLab. It included improvements to new features, minor theme and plugin updates, some retired plugins, and a few bug fixes.


When embedding an image in a comment, we added a space to include an alt text description of the image.

We also made some improvements to the way links are added to make it a smoother experience.

OpenLab Connections

We made a few improvements to OpenLab Connections

  • Added a notification to show when a change to the content you’re sharing with other groups has been made
  • Clarified when invitations are pending or there’s an outstanding invitation to accept
  • Improved the accuracy when searching for groups to send a connection invite

Retired plugins

We retired a number of plugins that are no longer being supported or had other issues: 

  • WP Broken Link Status Checker (Broken Link Checker is a replacement for this)
  • Edge Suite 
  • Papercite 
  • Watu Quiz 
  • Quiz Maker 

Bug fixes

We made some small accessibility fixes around the site, mainly to improve the structure of headings on a few pages.

The Reckoning assessment plugin added in the August release was not visible in the site Dashboard. It now appears, and can be activated in Dashboard > Plugins. 

We fixed an issue causing the timestamps in email notifications to be 4 hours ahead of the actual time of site activity.

During Course, Project, Club, creation there was an incorrect error message that could appear when choosing the URL for a site. If there were invalid characters entered, the message would say “Sorry, that URL is already taken.” This has been fixed, and we’ve also made a change so that if spaces are included in a URL, instead of generating an error message they will be automatically converted to dashes. 

As always, please contact us with any questions!

This Month on the OpenLab: August 2023 Release

Dog with green life vest jumping in a wave.
Prepare for landing” by Nathan Rupert is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

On August 17 we released version 1.7.69 of the OpenLab. It included many new features, as well as updates to all existing themes and plugins, including BuddyPress and WordPress, the two primary plugins that power the OpenLab. 

New features

Choose a Template for your Site!

When you create a new Course, Project, Club, or Portfolio, the site created uses a template that is appropriate for each type of site. For example, new Course sites come with pre-created pages for Syllabus, Assignments, etc. Now, instead of one template for each type of site, there can be multiple templates for different types of Course, Project, Club, or Portfolio Sites. For example, there are two templates for Course sites: Interactive, intended for use with active student posting and commenting, and Informational, for sites containing course materials, with instructor posts. You can choose the type of site template you want to use when you’re creating your new Site. Templates for Projects, Clubs, and Portfolios are coming soon! Learn more in OpenLab Help.

Collaboration Tools

When you create a new Course, Project, or Club, you now have the choice to activate the collaboration tools that appear on the Profile of your group: Discussion, Docs, File Library, and Announcements. Announcements is enabled by default, but you can enable or disable any of the tools during creation, or at any time in Profile > Settings.

Collaboration tools in Group Creation and Settings.

Add to Portfolio

If you have an OpenLab Portfolio, you can turn on an ‘Add to My Portfolio’ button that makes it easier to add work from Courses, Projects, or Clubs to your Portfolio. This Add to Portfolio feature has been around for a while, but many OpenLab members aren’t aware of it. To make it more visible, we’ve added a checkbox to enable or disable it in the first step of Portfolio creation. It can still be found in Portfolio Profile > Settings, where you can enable or disable it at any time.

Option to hide OpenLab Toolbar on Sites

Currently, there’s an OpenLab toolbar that appears at the top of your Course, Project, Club, or Portfolio site. If you would like to hide that toolbar for site visitors who are not logged in (for example, potential employers who are viewing your ePortfolio), there’s now a checkbox where you can do that in Profile > Settings. Logged in OpenLab members will always see the toolbar, as it provides important links to the Dashboard (for site members) or back to other parts of the OpenLab. 

Checkbox to Show WordPress admin bar to non-logged-in visitors

Activity Widget & Block

In the January 2023 release, we introduced the Activity page, which appears on every Course, Project, and Club Profile. It includes all activity and can be filtered by type (posts, comments, docs, etc). After feedback from OpenLab members, we created a version of this activity feed that can be included on a Course, Project, or Club Site. This can be done by adding the OpenLab Activity block to a post or page, or the OpenLab Activity widget to the sidebar or footer of your site. Learn more in OpenLab Help.

Non-active Status for Courses, Projects, Clubs, and Portfolios

This new feature allows admins of a Course, Project, Club, or Portfolio to switch it to ‘Not Active’ status if it’s no longer being actively used. This status change means that new members are not able to join or request membership, unless invited by an admin. A notice will be added to the profile and it will display on the last page of My OpenLab > My Courses, Projects, or Clubs. Faculty may wish to set past courses to ‘Not Active’; that way course materials can remain open and available to the community but students won’t be able to join a past course by mistake. Learn more in OpenLab Help.

OpenLab Connections

OpenLab Connections is a new feature that allows you to link related Courses, Projects, or Clubs and share information between them. For instance, members of one course section can follow activity from a connected section without needing to become members of that section (private content will not be shared). Learn more in OpenLab Help.

Membership Privacy in a Course, Project, or Club

This feature allows OpenLab members to hide their membership in a particular Course, Project, or Club, so that it doesn’t appear to others on their profile, and their activity doesn’t appear in activity feeds around the OpenLab. For example, perhaps you joined a Beanie Babies Collectors club, but don’t necessarily want to advertise your love of Beanie Babies to anyone who views your profile. You could switch your membership to private, and no one would see the membership on your OpenLab Profile.

Rich text formatting options for Discussion

We added rich text formatting for Discussion forum posts and replies. This makes it easier to add images and other text formatting to Discussion.

Improvements to image embedding in Site comments

After gathering more information about how people are using media embedding in comments (introduced in the January 2023 release), we made some improvements to this feature to make it clear when images embed properly. When you click on the image embed icon in the comment editor, and paste in the URL for an image, instead of seeing the URL, you’ll now see the image embedded in the comment editor itself. If embedding isn’t supported for the image you’re using, you will just see the URL appear in the comment editor. 

Image embed icon
Using the image embed icon
Image embedded in comment editor
Image is embedded in comment editor

You can now also embed images from the Site’s Media Library and the Files Library on the Profile. Just click the image embed icon and paste the URL for images saved in either of these places. 

Member Profile and My OpenLab improvements

We changed the interface for adding social links to your profile, and updated the list of platforms. We also added Display Name to the top of the profile to make it more prominent. As a reminder, Display Name is the name that you choose to use on the OpenLab. You don’t have to use your real name, unless you want to! (Learn more about privacy on the OpenLab.)

We cleaned up the design of the page in My OpenLab where you can invite new members to the OpenLab (My Invitations > Invite New Members). Now instead of seeing a long list of your Courses, Projects, and Clubs that you can invite the new member to, you can search for them instead.

Embedding for Padlet, Geogebra, and Desmos

After a number of requests for Padlet embedding, we’re happy to have been able to add it in this release. You can find instructions in OpenLab Help.

We’ve made some improvements to the appearance of Geogebra and Desmos embeds in a page or post. 

OpenLab Calendar

In preparation for better integration of City Tech campus-wide calendars, we removed the OpenLab Calendar that used to appear in the About section of the site. Soon we’ll be adding a feed for the campus-wide news, events, and alerts so it’s easier to find the information you need in one place. And there is still a calendar included on the Profile of all Courses, Projects, and Clubs.


We added six new plugins, and made improvements to the two OpenLab grading plugins. 

New plugins

Broken Link Checker is the new and improved version of WP Broken Link Status Checker. You can use it to scan for and alert you to broken links on your site.

Editoria11y Accessibility Checker, developed and maintained by Princeton University’s Web Development Services team, checks your posts and pages for accessibility issues, and displays any existing issues with a thorough description of what they are and how you can address them. It is also helpful as a learning tool, providing easy-to-understand information about making your site more accessible. 

GTranslate allows you to use Google Translate to offer versions of your website in different languages, using Google Translate’s automatic translation service. You can add a widget with a dropdown allowing visitors to choose their language. 

Reckoning is an assessment plugin developed for Blogs@Baruch, and built on by the CUNY Academic Commons, that we’ve brought over to the OpenLab. Made for Course Sites, it allows the instructor to view all member posts and comments in one place. It also incorporates grades from WP Grade Comments, and allows you to export all data to CSV. 

WeBWorK Problem Embed is a new mathematics plugin created as part of City Tech’s “Connect the DOTS” grant that allows faculty to embed WeBWorK math problems on an OpenLab site. Students can interact with the problem directly on the site, rather than having to navigate away to the WeBWorK site.


We made a few changes to WP Grade Comments to clarify when a private vs. public comment is being made. Now, whenever a grade is included, the comment is automatically private. In addition, we’ve added a checkbox for private comments for post authors as well as admins to ensure no one accidentally leaves a public reply to a private comment.   

In OpenLab Gradebook, we updated the options for Midterm Grade to incorporate the recent changes in City Tech’s new grading scale.

As always, please contact us with any questions!

Annotation in Teaching and Learning

Cat laying on its back with its eyes open

I hope everyone is hanging in there as the semester wraps up!

We’re trying to understand more about how OpenLab members are using annotation, and what people’s needs might be.

If you’ve used an annotation tool in your teaching or other work, we would appreciate if you could take a moment to fill out a short survey about annotation. (Please note that if you’re not already logged into the OpenLab, you’ll be prompted to log in to fill out the survey.)

Many thanks!

This Month on the OpenLab: April 2023 Release

Cat looking sleepy with peach blossoms behind it.
Sakura cat by tanakawho is licensed under CC BY-NC.

On April 12 we released version 1.7.68 of the OpenLab. It included a new plugin, support for embedding Yuja videos, and number of bug fixes.

New features

Yuja videos can now be embedded on OpenLab sites. City Tech has its own Yuja site, so members of the City Tech community can upload videos to embed on their OpenLab sites. To embed a video, simply paste the URL as you would for YouTube or Vimeo.

TablePress Automatic URL Conversion is an add-on to the TablePress plugin that will automatically convert URLs in a table to links, avoiding what can be a tedious process of creating links in a large table.

Bug fixes

Invitations to join the OpenLab were not being sent out. This has now been fixed. We also fixed two bugs in My OpenLab. One was causing friend lists to not display all members that had been added as friends. The second caused the information for Major, Department, or Office to be removed from a member’s profile after the profile was edited.

As always, please contact us with any questions!