My architectural passion sparked when I was in the fifth grade where an Architect was invited to our class for a few hours for a couple of weeks. I have a very distinct memory of a moment when he asked the class, “how long do you think this room is” and I immediately looked down at the floor tiles and started counting, “twenty-eight feet I said”, he was in shock that I used that method to answer the question. I cannot remember ever being taught that by anyone and so this invokes a feeling on me today that I was destined to be in this field of study. During the architects’ visit, we drew plans and elevations of a dog house and then we drew floor plans for our dream houses, at such a tender age I had very little knowledge of architecture and I was amazed that one day I can have this power to design my own home. That has been the dream ever since.

Throughout my undergraduate studies, I have learned that there is an extensive amount of possibilities in terms of where my architectural studies can take me. Although my initial dream involved me becoming a licensed architect that specializes in small scale residential buildings, I am always learning about the variety of fields to which my studies can be applied. I have recently developed a passion for architectural detailing and I feel like this may be a possible specialty filed in the overall architectural filed that I may be successful and pleased in.

Very recently a selected group of my peers and I visited a local firm in Brooklyn who established an all in house firm, by this I mean they are the owners, developers, real estate, and construction team. Ever since I started my studies and started learning that architects design for clients I soon became very frustrated with this and I would always complain to my peers and boldly and naively say I want to design for my self. Of course, the firm that I have mentioned above still do have clients except that the clients are the community residents. Having witnessed that what I was complaining about for years now is possible I have been extremely intrigued ever since and I am very much leaning towards this career path.

Singh_Dream Career

As I approach the closure of my student career, I found myself in a situation where I must make a decision which will affect my life greatly for the coming few years. By the end of 2019, I will earn bachelors in architectural technology and step into the field of architecture. However, architecture is such a vast field with million different opportunities that I must decide which category of architecture I would most enjoy. To decide, I took some inspiration from my experiences throughout my college career. After much consideration, I figured that I loved doing my projects in B-Tech 3 and B-Tech 4 classes. I remember being in control, organized and inspired to finish the projects on time and with efficiency. I also remembered how much I enjoyed taking the Advance Detailing class with professor Edwards. I resubmitted my drawings as many time as possible to make sure that every detail meets the standards of architecture field that professor Edwards wanted to teach and prepare us for. I realize that I like the small details and the process of putting an extensive amount of information on detail drawings. Knowing all that, a career in drafting and schematic design details will be my first choice. That is because I can operate most detailing software with efficiency and I’m a very organized person judging on the bases of my work and college experience. I have realized and accepted the fact that I cannot work in messy and unorganized situations where I just continue getting distracted by the unnecessary things.  Further, in the future, I would love to become the design project manager to expand my knowledge.

Richardson_Dream Career

My interest in architecture started at a very young age. I’ve always had a fascination with spatial layout and form arrangement. I started first working for an architect before entering into this program to get a feel for this area of study. I soon found I picked up an understanding in this it relatively quickly. My decision entering this program was to see if I had my own design sense, and to explore what avenues I would like to branch off into. I soon realized that this field of study has a vast and overwhelming set of options to delve into. I am still in the process of figuring out what avenue of design makes sense for me.

Recently though my sister has decided to enter this program starting in the spring. Her and I have been mulling over the idea that we would like to start our own design firm. She has an interest in landscape architecture, and I have always been interested in eco designing with green roofs and self-sustain design. I’ve recently been studying in my urban design class the imperative need for vegetation in our cities, not only to control the heat island affect, but also for future flooding issues they are projecting in our city.

My dream occupation would be to have a design team with my sister that would work closely with the city helping create better urban designs for future environmental changes. I would like to contribute back to my community utilizing the design skills I’ve developed in my studies. I have a real interest in geography and meteorology, sort of as a hobby. I find it interesting to analyze different solutions and techniques using natural ways as preventative measures against natural disasters affecting how we live. I strongly believe in a balanced coexistence with the natural world and would love to have an occupation that worked towards that goal.

Dream career

Hanan Chikh mousa
Prof: Mishara Barbara
ARCH 4861
Assignment #1
Blog About My Dream Job
My dream career is to be an interior designer. I think that I can see my creative vision come to real life and drawing come to fruition. Ever since I was young, I have always appreciated a nice, well thought out home because I do believe home is where the heart is. Decorating the house is design that need a lot of knowledge So I have to study Textiles, materials, color, space planning, sustainability, and more.
Interior design is communicating with clients and see what style they like so I can design the decoration of the space. Also I need to think about how my work to be best for me and are most productive to me. This career requires lots of creativity and an eye for design. It also is a good job that brings in a good salary. Interior designer will help me to design and interact with I don’t have to stay in an office. I have to go to the site where my ideas are put to life and see the materials that has to be used. Also I have to create scaled drawings by hand, preparing drawings by computer design technology is more common these days with new advanced, efficient computer programs.. It would be ideal for me to be self-employed in my future because I like to have my own firm.

Jamar_ Dream Career

Dream career


Jamar Dinall
New York City College of Technology
Arch 4861
-Dream Career

         On my last lap at the New York City College of Technology my future plan is to own a business/ firm. However, I see myself working for the government doing major city projects. The main reason I would like to work with the city is that it will open my knowledge more to better opportunities. Overall, for my career goals I want to be a license architect and from having a license this will push me more on owning my business. Also, I am interested in doing international work for example working back home in my country Jamaica West Indies. The main reason I list more than one career goals to focus on is that I don’t want to settle for only one career I want to enlarge my skills to do more than one things in life. From a young age growing up I always motivate myself because from deep inside I know am capable of doing one or more things during the same time period. However, I have plan that after I graduate from college I will be doing like two jobs just to learn more in the architecture field.