Notes for Mon April 20 / HW8 (Permutations & Combinations)

Here’s a brief recap of today’s Blackboard Collaborate session:

For the first approximately 40mins, we gave an overview of HW8, which consists of permutations and combinations calculations:

  • HW8 is a written homework assignment; you can find the pdf with the homework exercises under Files
    • HW8 is due next Monday (April 27)
    • I will create an Assignment in Blackboard where you can submit your solutions (preferably as a pdf, as you did for Quiz #3 over the weekend)
    • we went through HW8 #1 together–in particular I wanted to demonstrate how to show your work;
    • we will go through at least one more exercise from HW8 during Wednesday’s Blackboard session

We spent the remaining hour reviewing random variables and introducing probability distributions for such random variables.

Please review the Class Outline on those topics–in particular, it’s essential you understand the example involving the probability experiment of flipping a coin 3 times, and constructing the probability distribution for the random variable “X = the number of heads observed.”  We will build on that example when we discuss binomial experiments and binomial random variables.

You can review the Blackboard recording, and/or you can view this Khan Academy  video, which constructs the probability distribution for that same random variable:


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