HW7 #8 (also uses Bayes’ Rule!)

Here is a snapshot of Exercise #8 on HW7-ConditionalProbability:

HW7 #8

The first step, as usual, is to write down the given probabilities in terms of the following events:

R = “spends time in the resource room”

> 90” = “speends more than 90mins per week in the resource room”

Then the first two sentences tell us:

P(R) = 0.66  (and so P(not R) = 0.34)

P(> 90 | R) = 0.5

Then by the Multiplication Rule, we can compute P( > 90 ):

P(> 90) = P(> 90 | R) * P(R) = 0.5*0.66 = 0.33

(This should make sense from reading the first two sentences! If 66% of students spend time in the resource room, and half of those spend more than 90 minutes, then it should be clear that 33% of all students spend more than 90 minutes in the resource room.)

Now let’s look at what the exercise is asking us for: “If a randomly chosen student did not pass the course, what is the probability that he or she did not study in the resource room?”

We can rephrase this as “what is the probability that a randomly selected student did not study in the resource room given that the student did not pass the course?”, i.e., we need to calculate the conditional probability

P(not R | fail )

or, if we use “none” in place of “not R” (to match the label in the table), and use “F” for “fail“, we need to calculate:

P(not R | F)

We can do this using Bayes’ Theorem! Recall that Bayes’ Theorem gives us a way of calculating conditional probability:

Bayes Theorem

Applying this to P(not R | fail) gives us:

P(none | F) = P(F |  none)*P(none) / P(F)

We can calculate the numerator as follows:

P(F |  none) = 0.69 (since from the table, 31% of those those students who do not use the resource room pass)

and so

P(F |  none)*P(none) = 0.69*0.34

But for the denominator P(F) we need to overall percentage of students who fail, which is not immediately given in the table. We need to calculate this by accounting for the students who fail in the three different categories (events) given in the table:

  • the 69% of “none” students who fail, i.e., P(F |  none) = 0.69
  • the 54% of “1-90” students who fail, i.e., P(F |  1-90) = 0.54
  • the 33% of “>90” students who fail, i.e., P(F |  >90) = 0.33

We need to multiply each of these by the percentages of students in each category:

  • 34% of the students are in the “none” category, i.e., P(none) = 0.34
  • 33% of the students are in the “1-90” category, i.e., P(1-90) = 0.33
  • 33% of the students are in the “>90” category, i.e., P(>90) = 0.33


P(F) = P(F |  none)*P(none) + P(F |  1-90)*P(1-90) + P(F |  >90)*P(>90)

= (0.69)(0.34) + (0.54)(0.33) + (0.33)(0.33)

Thus, the solution is

P(none | F) = [0.69*0.34] / [(0.69)(0.34)+(0.54)(0.33)+(0.33)(0.33)]

Note: I will post a snapshot of a tree diagram for this exercise that may help visualize these calculations!

I will also post a note about “The Law of Total Probability” which is behind the P(F) calculation above!

An Introduction to Bayes Theorem (including videos!)

We needed to use Bayes’ Theorem to solve HW7 #2. In this post, I try to briefly address the following questions:

  • What is Bayes’ Theorem?
  • Where does it come from?
  • What is the “Bayesian interpretation” of probability?
  • Why is called “Bayes'”  Theorem?

Also, at the bottom of the post are a handful of videos regarding Bayes Theorem (including applications to medical testing!), and links to a couple books entirely about Bayesian probability.

What is Bayes’ Theorem?

Bayes’ Theorem (or Bayes’ Rule) is following formula for computing conditional probability (screenshot taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayes%27_theorem#Statement_of_theorem):

Bayes Theorem

Where does Bayes’ Theorem come from?

Where does formula above for P(A | B) come from?  We just have to do some algebra on the definition of conditional probability.

Start with the definition of conditional probability, applied to P(A | B) and P(B | A):

P(A | B) = P(A & B)/P(B)

P(B | A) = P(A & B)/P(A)

Now “clear the denominators” on the RHS of each equation by multiplying thru by P(B) and P(A), respectively:

P(A | B) * P(B) = P(A & B)

P(B | A) * P(A) = P(A & B)

Since the RHS is in both these equations, we know the two LHS of the equations are equal to each other!

P(A | B) = P(B | A) * P(A)/P(B)

Now just divide through by P(B) and we get Bayes’ Rule:

P(A | B) * P(B) = P(B | A) * P(A)

What is the “Bayesian interpretation” of probability?

Also from the wikipedia entry for Bayes’ Theorem

Bayesian Interpretation

See the wikipedia entry for Bayesian probability for more on this!

Why is it called Bayes’ Rule?

One more quote from the wikipedia entry for Bayes’ Theorem:

Bayes’ theorem is named after Reverend Thomas Bayes (/bz/; 1701?–1761), who first used conditional probability to provide an algorithm (his Proposition 9) that uses evidence to calculate limits on an unknown parameter, published as An Essay towards solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances (1763). In what he called a scholium, Bayes extended his algorithm to any unknown prior cause. Independently of Bayes, Pierre-Simon Laplace in 1774, and later in his 1812 Théorie analytique des probabilités, used conditional probability to formulate the relation of an updated posterior probability from a prior probability, given evidence. Sir Harold Jeffreys put Bayes’s algorithm and Laplace’s formulation on an axiomatic basis. Jeffreys wrote that Bayes’ theorem “is to the theory of probability what the Pythagorean theorem is to geometry.”

Videos on Bayes Theorem:

Here are two introductions to Bayes Theorem:


An important application of Bayes Theorem is accuracy of medical tests–this is very timely since there is a lot of discussion about the accuracy of coronavirus testing!  Here are two videos specifically on that topic:


Textbooks on Bayesian :

If you want to go even further, there are entire books devoted to Bayesian probability/statistics. Here are two introductory textbooks that look interesting (in fact, I hope to read them myself at some point!):

HW7 #2 (using Bayes’ Rule)

Here is a snapshot of Exercise #2 on HW7-ConditionalProbability:


The first step with this exercise is to write down the given probabilities in terms of events that we can call:

W = neighbor waters the plant

D = plant dies

So we are given the following in the statement of the problem:

P( D | W ) = 0.5 (and so P( not D | W  ) = 1 – 0.5 = 0.5)

P( D | not W ) = 0.85 (and so P( not D | W ) = 1 – 0.85 = 0.15)

Also we are given P(W) = 0.83 (and so P(not W) = 1 – 0.83 = 0.17)

We can arrange these into a tree diagram, and also use the Multiplication Rule along the branches of the tree to compute the “joint probabilities”:

P(W & D) =  P(W) * P(D | W) = (0.83)(0.5) = 0.415

P(W & not D) = P(W) * P(not D | W) = (0.83)(0.5) = 0.415

P(not W & D) = P(not W) * P(D | not W) = (0.17)(0.85) = 0.1445

P(not W & not D) = P(not W) * P(not D | not W) = (0.17)(0.15) = 0.0255

(Note that these four add up to 1, as they should, since these 4 combinations cover the 4 possible outcomes! You can think of this as a probability distribution over these 4 possible outcomes.)

A tricky part of this question is interpreting what probability the question is asking for. It turns out that “What is the probability that the plant died because neighbor forgot to water it?” corresponds to P(not W | D)!

In order to compute this probability from the given probabilities, we need to apply what’s called Bayes’ Theorem, which comes from the definition of conditional probability.

(See this post for a longer introduction to Bayes’ Theorem, including its algebraic derivation from the definition of conditional probability.)

Here is a statement of Bayes’ Theorem, taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayes%27_theorem#Statement_of_theorem:

Bayes Theorem

We can apply Bayes’ Theorem this to compute P(not W | D); here is the tree diagram and the calculation of P(not W | D) (in the bottom left part of the page):

HW7 #2: Solution