Notes on Mon May 11 Blackboard / Exam #3 / Final Exam schedule

See below for a list of topics we discussed during Monday’s Blackboard session. We also discussed the exam schedule:

  • Exam #3 will be a take-home exam (similar in format to Exam #2), which will be posted later today and will be due Monday (May 18)
    • Recall that the lowest of your three midterm exam scores will be dropped, i.e., your two highest midterm exam scores will be counted towards your course grade.
    • So if you are satisfied with your first two exam scores, you can skip handing in Exam #3. But I encourage you to at least attempt the exercises on Exam #3, since they will be good review for the final exam.
  • The final exam will be a set of WebWork exercises for which you will also submit written solutions.  The final exam exercises will be assigned next Wed (May 20), to be completed by Friday May 22.
    • There will be a set of 10 WebWork exercises for which you will submit answers online via WebWork
    • You will also need to submit written solutions for those WebWork exercises, so that I can check your work and allow the possibility of partial credit.
  • We will have Blackboard sessions today (Wed May 13) as well as next Monday (May 18) and Wednesday (May 20), to discuss the exams and go over some remaining new material.   Wednesday May 20 will be our last Blackboard session.
  • There will be no projects, so I will post a revised grading scheme: your course grade will be made up of your midterm exams, final exam, WebWork, quizzes, and participation (some additional ways of earning participation points will be posted this week.)

Topics discussed on Monday’s Blackboard session:

  • 0-60mins: went over Exam #2 solutions
  • 60-90mins: revisited class outline on binomial experiments, and discussed the binomial distribution formula
  • 90-125mins: set up example for computing a binomial probabilities in Google spreadsheet: Binomial Distribution Calculation

We will continue with that spreadsheet during today’s Blackboard session!  I will also discuss the exercises on Exam #3, so please join today’s Blackboard session.