Exam #2: Take-home exam due Sunday, May 3

Exam #2 is a take-home exam due Sunday; I have uploaded the pdf to Files. We also discussed some of the exam questions at the end of today’s Blackboard Collaborate class session.

As with the recent Quiz #3 and HW8, write out your solutions and submit them via Blackboard-Assignments, preferably as a single pdf file.

You will also need to submit a spreadsheet for the last exercise on the exam. As I wrote on the exam, you can either submit the spreadsheet as an additional attachment with your pdf, or you can copy/paste the share link as a comment when you submit your written solution.

Email me if you have any questions about the exam, or about related examples or exercises! I will have office hours Thursday and Friday via Blackboard Collaborate for questions (times TBA tomorrow morning).

Notes on Mon April 27 Blackboard Session / Exam #2 Announcement

On Monday we discussed the following topics:

  • 1st 30mins: we discussed the upcoming schedule of HWs and related OpenLab posts, and I announced the plan for Exam #2
    • Exam #2 will be a take-home (open book) exam which I will post later today, and will be due Sunday
    • Please join the Blackboard Collaborate session coming up today at 12p, when I will give a preview of the exam questions!
  • 30min-1h20m: we went through some examples of constructing and graphing the probability distribution of a random variables; in particular for the random variables/probability experiments of
    • X = number of heads observed when flipping a coin 3 times;
    • X = sum of two 6-sided  dice
  • 1h20m – 1h45m: we calculated the expected value E[X] of a random variable from its probability distribution