Videos/Notes for Tues April 7: Permutations and Combinations

See below for some videos and notes recapping our Tuesday April 7 class session:

  • we spent most the session going through the class outline on “Permutations and Combinations“; please review the outline and try to write out solutions to the Example exercises (I will collect these exercises plus some additional exercises as a homework set; details TBA!)


  • Here are a few YouTube videos by a math teacher whose videos I like (Patrick JMT):
    • see the following video which discusses permutations:


    • we only introduced combinations at the end of the session; we will pick up with that topic next Monday, but in the meantime viewing this video may help:

    • this video is also relevant–please watch it:

  • Finally, I haven’t watched thru this entire video yet (it’s longer, 38mins), but it looks pretty good, and addresses one of the key questions–what is the difference between permutations and combinations?

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