Tag Archives: treadbikeshop


After working on the advertisements for social media, I have been given a next project, and that is to create a sign for rentals and the women’s department. The women’s department is fairly new in the shop, so they needed something so that the female audience is aware that there is a section just for them. Right now I am thinking of clever ways to show the female symbol (which my boss wanted to be included in the execution) I thought it was a great idea to use or have the female symbol because 1. I love working with symbols and 2. It is just very recognizable, plus as a designer there’s so many ways you can go about playing with a symbol.

This is how the ads have been looking like so far, all the pictures that have been used have been taken by me although is in the background, I didn’t want to use pictures from other places because I mean…it is not school anymore and I can’t afford the law suit. IMG_6806-1 IMG_6807-1

The ads have the same layout, just a different image and of course information.