Tag Archives: learning


My last week at the shop was nice, I didn’t have much due and I worked on the billboard as planned. I have a couple of variations (that I cant post right now because they haven’t been chosen) but they are looking good. I am going to miss Tread, and I will definitely keep in contact with them and visit because they are really great people and I enjoyed my time interning there. If I am given then chance to do it again I will. I still have a lot to learn about my work and myself but this was a fantastic start to it. I got to meet many people and work along with people with great ideas and hopes for the shop. I am now a huge fan and supportive of bikes, even more than I was before. It is just so convenient and great for the environment. I am looking forward in working with more places like Tread to expand my skills and work experience related to the industry. I want to continue exercising what I learned and using it in every “problem solving” issue that I encounter in the future.