Tag Archives: bike


My last week at the shop was nice, I didn’t have much due and I worked on the billboard as planned. I have a couple of variations (that I cant post right now because they haven’t been chosen) but they are looking good. I am going to miss Tread, and I will definitely keep in contact with them and visit because they are really great people and I enjoyed my time interning there. If I am given then chance to do it again I will. I still have a lot to learn about my work and myself but this was a fantastic start to it. I got to meet many people and work along with people with great ideas and hopes for the shop. I am now a huge fan and supportive of bikes, even more than I was before. It is just so convenient and great for the environment. I am looking forward in working with more places like Tread to expand my skills and work experience related to the industry. I want to continue exercising what I learned and using it in every “problem solving” issue that I encounter in the future.



The second to last week has approached and I can’t believe it. Everything seems like they happened extremely fast, I keep asking myself where did time go? It has been a real learning experience and I will take it everywhere I go. This week I have a final project and that is to create a billboard. The billboard is for our rental bikes. It will be shown at a very busy street so that a lot of people could view it. This kind of ad will display in the kinds of billboards that change every 30 seconds or so, so this billboard has to be straight to the point with not a billion things to read. I still don’t have the dimensions, but it I have started to sketch out the basic layout of different dimensions just to give myself a head start.

Even if I am not done by next week I will still like to work on the project to not leave them hanging and it wouldn’t be very professional of me. It doesn’t matter that it isn’t paid, the reward for me right now is all the experience I could get from here and on.


This has been a great experience so far. I can feel and see myself become a better designer and just learning new things outside of school. Not only am I getting to know about bikes (which I never knew there were so many great things to know about them) I am learning a lot about managing my time and meeting deadlines. I sound a bit hypocritical since I have been slacking with my journals but they all have been for a good caused.

Today I got to see the finalized signs I created printed. They look pretty cool; I like how everyone was able to recognize the kind of bike it was by just looking at the illustrations I made for each of them. I kept them very minimal to no details, but the shape is what makes the brain understand what they are and of course the name helps. Here are the final ads that they chose to print out. These will be hung on the ceiling of the shop and they are all 3 pages each. One page shows the kind of bike it is with an illustration of the bike, second page are the brand names the shop has for that kind of bike and the third one is simply Tread’s logo.

signs2 <—– CLICK ME!