Author Archives: Hvazquez

Humberto MV Journal Entry 15

Another thing I forgot to mention I spend most of the time rendering the “A Journey” videos. Each video took about 2 and half hours to render the 7-10 min video. My macbook really is showing its age. It is really frustrating when trying to get stuff done but being held back by the technology. This week was my last week. I saw where they put the logo that I created. Its on the Media Center website promoting the event for tomorrow 5/13/15. I am going to attend to see what it is about and if I can learn anything about branding myself for freelance. I had to create a poster about the event with the panelist. Its going to have 3 panelist from different companies. One panelist she is VP of marketing solutions at espn. Another is from Music choice and the last one is from MTV Network. Hopefully I can network also. After I created the poster I had to create a intro animation for the poster in the same style, but I had to animate all the elements in the poster like the panelist images and the series logo. Here I had to prepare the logo AI file to make it editable in after effects to have every part of the logo in its separate layer. it was really fun because during the weekend I created a similar type of animation for a mock promo for a mls soccer match between NYCFC vs New York Red Bulls. Here’s the link to the mock promo video. If I can I will post the video of the animation later on during the week after the panel.


Humberto MV Journal Entry 14

This week I came in and everybody in the company all talking about the flop of the century I mean the “fight of the century”  Pacquiao Vs Mayweather. A lot of debates going back and forth on who won and that is was going to be a technical fight. It was entertaining. The logo was finalized and approved. I got another video to edit. This time was for the fight. I thought he had gone to Vegas and got clips, but he went to a club and filmed an event. Most of the time this week I was just editing the video and creating motion graphics transition templates for the designer to use in any video when he needs something quick. I did about 3 transitions. He told me to go video copilot website and look up a tutorial he wanted me to check out and try to do a transition for him he liked and change it up to suit what he was going to use it for. He was going to use it for a teaser of the fight I was working on. I also got assigned to create a flyer for their services for example: printing business cards, banners, stickers, calendars etc.flyer

Humberto MV Journal Entry 13

They finally chose a direction to take to the bridge series logo in. Now I can really focus on the fine details now that I know what they want. It is hard when you don’t have direction. Even though you have creative freedom. The design might not please the client or your boss. That’s why I always ask questions to help me narrow which direction you go in and makes it more easier clearer to design and come up with concepts with these constraints. That’s where our problem solving skills are put to the test. The CEO just said I know it when I see it. That is no help at all, but he did like my concept of building and construction or bridging it all together. As for the CD cover I don’t know if they used it or not. They haven’t mentioned nothing yet. The CEO gave me a side project to work on. He is doing a video series called “A Journey” where he and his friend try a go in depth to what it really means to go on “A Journey”. I have to edit and do corrections to the videos. It looks like its going to be about 6 episodes in total. That’s going to be a lot of rendering. I just hope my computer can handle it. Its really old macbook.

Humberto MV Journal Entry 12

This week at bridge was more of the same. I showed what I came up with on the CD single cover album. Lets see what the client says if they approve or not. I had little time to come up with something really solid and barely any direction to go in. I listened to their unreleased single. It just sounded generic hip-hop. The title “king me” basically explains it. Its about women being in charge with comparisons to Cleopatra and other rulers. Like Beyonce I guess but its nothing to make it stand out. As for the video montage for St. Partricks. The designer told me to put it on hold because the client hasn’t paid or something I don’t really know the details, but it is ready to be exported and approved by the designer. The bridge series logo is coming along well I showed the different variations to them and they are narrowing it down so I can focus more on which direction they want. It looks like the logo will be for a panel discussion. I thought it was going to be for a video series. It is actually going to be for a quarterly panel for business and marketing, but with the same concept in mind of building your brand, expanding and marketing. Here is a sample of the logos and the CD cover.Bridge series logoKing_MeKingMe

Humberto MV Journal Entry #11

This week at my internship I’m still doing the St patrick’s video but the designer told me that the footage I used was not the one he wanted because they were shot in different frames per second. He did not tell me he did not want them mixed. so now I had to create a new montage with the specification he wanted. I had asked him before I started putting it together and he just said pick the ones that look cool and seem to flow. Sometime the lack of info and specification has to be more clear even if you had already asked questions. The senior designer has to be more specific because its just double to work for me and I have other assignments to do also.

I am also still continuing the bridge series logo. It has already gone through at least 15 different variations. These guys are really indecisive. They say they like one thing then when I think I got the definitive one they decide to change it for no reason. When I asked them what is the reason they just respond with I don’t know I just don’t feel it. Even after I gave my reasons for choosing the design I chose and its significance of what I think the logo should embody. Hopefully they agree on something with the next batch of variations I do. I also got an emergency design to do.  I got a single cover to do for some artist named Rawyals. I’ve never heard of them. Its a girls rap group but they sound like any other rap group out there. I don’t find anything interesting or unique about them, but I digress I have to sketch up some ideas for next week and they gave me the song I have to the cover on. Its called “King Me”. Lets see how it goes next week.

Humberto MV journal entry #10

I am still continuing the saint Patricks  video editing. Now that I have chosen the clips I need. The art director, well he’s mostly everything, creative director, art director, senior designer because he’s the only designer there since it’s a 4 man start up. He gave me the music track on which I will put all the clips and match the overarching story of the video with the audio to synchronize it and make it look good. As well as add any color correction, brightness and contrast balance etc. hopefully after everything is put together I can add some motion graphics to make it even more appealing. The song being used is called beautiful day by U2 I’ve never heard of the song, but I guess it goes with the clips I have chosen. The video shows everyone is having the best day of their lives even though they are drunk, but they are enjoying themselves with their friends. They have no care in the world, every problem they have goes away just for those instances. I feel it embodies some of what the song is about just by the title.

I have also been tasked to create the logo for their new series they are creating called “brand building”. The series is about as the CEO explained it is sort of the ted talks but for how to build a brand and how to make it recognizable. The videos would be about 5 min along or depending on the topic of that video. The ideas I chose where sort of construction equipment, more specifically a crane. I felt that it signifies building and lifting something both literally and metaphorically from the ground up. Overall it has been a productive couple of weeks. I’m not sure if I can show what I’ve been working on yet I will ask next time I go.

Humberto MV (Journal entry 9)

Finally back to a working flow at bridge agency. It feels like I haven’t left since the summer. My first assignment back was to take a look a footage that the creative director took from a party on St. Patrick’s Day. I had to pick shots in the clip and cut them up in adobe premier, then from those clips I had to put them together into a music track and create like a montage music video of the event. Later during the week my second task was to create a logo for their upcoming web series brand building. The name is still a work in progress, but I was tasked to come up with ideas for the logo. I had to use my time wisely in switching between finishing the video and creating the logo.

Humberto MV (Journal entry 8)

The sachin and babi internship is not for me. It is mostly me laying out templates for their seasonal magazine book for fashion week of each season. They have a layout already and all they want me to do is just replace the pictures for the newest ones and the copy that’s it. Its just copy and paste like a robot. I wont learn anything there, not even the postproduction of the print of the book. The printing company handles all of that. I am sure they will also have me doing office administrative things and go get coffee and other things like that. I have declined their offer as well. I will go back to bridge agency tomorrow.

Humberto MV (Journal entry 7)

The moderns interview went very well, but their office are still being constructed and have a lot of cables and power tools lying around. Looks more like a construction and architecture internship than a design internship. Nothing is set up to work on designs. The person who interviewed me said he wasn’t sure when I could start. This is a disappointment. I felt like it would have been a good fit for me as I would learn the brainstorming stage of a design or campaign and followed through to the final execution. I can’t wait for until they are ready to take in clients again. Hopefully the sachin and babi interview works out to get the internship.