Amy Journal #6

I came to the work late today because I forgot to set my alarm clock. The moment I came in to the office, I explained to them before they even get to open their mouth. But they do not seem to be interested in my story; instead they questioned me if I ever designed a menu before. Now that made me looked like a complete fool. Then I replied to them that I am very organized when it comes to designing text layouts. They handed me the old version of the restaurant menu and asked me to design multiple panels of it. The supervisor already had the document size set for me. I started typing and organizing the text layout first because that is my way of estimating how much potential it has without the image. The supervisor somehow sneaked behind me and was looking at how I was doing because she was a little worried that I am not familiar with menu design. She was surprised that I did the text layout before the background because she does the opposite of what I did. Looking at the content of the menu it seemed like it should be done very quickly, but I neglected the fact that I have an obsession with texts being horizontally and vertically aligned, and with even spacing for texts and numbers. That took longer than I expected to be complete. By the time I was done with designing the text layouts, I finally started designing the background. As for the background, they just want images of foods so I asked them for images. They told me that the client did not provide any images so that means I have to get images from the websites. Suddenly, I felt a panic. My heartbeat increased as I told them the risk of using Internet images without permission. They reassured me that it would be fine since their targeted audiences were not Americans. To be on the safe side, I warned them that if they ever get caught and sued in the future, I would not have any responsibilities whatsoever.

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