Journal #6 Stephanie Venegas

This week was a drag. I caught the plague so I wasn’t feeling too good. The guys asked me if I was interested in doing the bike decals for the new fleet of bikes. Of course I said yes, I’m not going to turn down any opportunity these guys give me. I received my first set of instructions via email. The only trouble was that it needed to be completed before the end of the week.

Not sure if Wyatt is just horrible at explaining what he wants through email or I’m not great at receiving instructions through email but the email was super complicated. There was a lot of information missing, so I asked the appropriate questions and got started on the assignment.

Wyatt was on a road trip down south so it was very difficult to get a hold of him fairly quickly. Emails would come in every other hour with some more corrections and instructions. Wyatt would tell me what he wanted for new frame decals and I would give him what he wanted. A few hours later, I would get another email saying, “Great job, but lets try something like this…” After the 15th email, I was running out of juice. To be honest I was getting pretty frustrated. I was going on a 13-hour workday going back and forth trying to get these decals perfect. 36 emails later, we’re finally making some progress. I sent in a final file to be reviewed and heard back from Wyatt and Mitch with their favorites. I felt super relived now that it was over. In the midst of all of the emails, Mitch gave me another assignment that needed to be completed very soon. The guys did a collaboration with a wood shop and created a bike shelf. They asked if I could create the packaging for it and I’m super excited to get started!

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