Journal #10 Stephanie Venegas

New bike day! Mitch gave me the heads up that I would be receiving a bike of my choice in exchange for all of my hard work. Sweet deal! As soon as he asked me, I blurted out that I was one of their track bikes (the most expensive bike they have). When I arrived at the office, the guys presented my brand new bike. I’m so excited to get this bad boy hooked up and ready to go.

Other than the new bike, the guys and I discussed my new project. I’m going to design their catalogue, which will be sent out to all of their dealers and other bike shops across the US. Pretty awesome. I have a lot of experience designing publications so this assignment shouldn’t be too difficult. They want me to design a template so that when they receive the product shots of the new bikes, they can just past them right in. This should be a really interesting assignment given that I won’t be around to help with the final version.

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