Entry #10

I’m an intern at Faculty Commons at City Tech with other 6 students. I get along with them well and they are all very resourceful. Sometimes, we have to ask each other to proofread our work, or to brainstorm new ideas with us. Prof Jordan will usually assign a certain person to go help out the other, but it’s also common to jus see us volunteering to give each other feedback.

One thing that is very important in this group is team work. That is especially true  Since we all share the same area and computers, we have to respect each other’s space. Sometimes, someone has to use one specific desktop, for example, so we have to ask whoever is there the moment if they can let us use it, we can’t just assume that it’s ours. That creates a sense of respect that is essential to this kind of work setup.  Sometimes we use our own computers, which comes in handy, since the office only has two desktops and two laptops for the interns.

My schedule is Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10:30am-2/3pm, depending on the day and on what I have to get done on that day. If I get there early for some reason, I am able to also stay for less time, even though I am free to take advantage of the space, stay and get other stuff done. Usually, not all of us are at the office at the same time, since our internship program is really flexible and adapts to our class schedule.

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