Journal Entry #4

After about 5 weeks into the semester I had finally started my internship. I was extremely nervous and kept thinking about how my first day would be like on my long ride on the LIRR. I was anxiously awaiting my stop because I just wanted to get started. It would be my first time actually doing design work out in the field.

My supervisor, Mr. Miller welcomed me with open hands and showed me around his other business location. He had apologized for not having a location up and running for Firebooks, but assured me that it was in the process of opening shop in Brooklyn or Queens. He is a busy man and I understand he can’t do it all at once so I was cool with it. He gave me a desk that had everything I need to start off with. On the desk there was a wonderful iMac, bunch of post-its, notepads, writing utensils, external HD, and much more.

He then led me to the conference room they had with a long round table and comfortable seating. He began discussing with me the full specs of the new company he wanted to create. I began to jot down all the important things he had said. Then he handed me first task, which was to create a logo for Firebooks. I was given a two week deadline because things still needed to be established on his part. I asked a couple of questions that would give me a certain direction of what the logo should be like and from there I went to my desk to begin my research. I made a mind map out of some of the research I have done, but it didn’t stop there. I took some key items and wrote it on post-its and laid them out on my desk. Even little sketches have gone on post-it, but some I didn’t like so I crumbled them up to throw them out. Mr. Miller then stopped me and told me to not throw those out because even though they may seem silly that can always spark out a new idea with the others ideas I come up with.  Then without realizing time was already done and they day was over. Time really flies when you get into something you really enjoy doing.

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