Journal #13 Josephine Woods

This week is is very busy busy busy. In my internship I am finishing up on the minor details on my app. I readjusted the text placement so on all slides the text are even on every slide in both the IPhone and android apps. now all I have to do with this app is work on the content and than place it in a PhotoShop mock up presentation so I can present it to the clients and the class.

I want back over my app to make sure I didn’t have to fine tune it, or make any major changes. So far the app is still complete and only thing I need to do is place it in a PhotoShop mock up document to present it to the clients and show it to the class.

My first app I designed was, I had to do a major over haul with this app. Had to change a few of the images and and add two more images to the slider.  I’m still working on this app but I’m sure I can save this app and finish it in time so I can show the clients.

I am hoping that I will finish everything Monday and start emailing the clients. I only have two weeks left of my internship and I want to make sure that everything is complete so that i can add even more work to my portfolio other than school work.

2 thoughts on “Journal #13 Josephine Woods

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Josephine,

    It certainly sounds like you are very busy working on the apps. I certainly look forward to seeing the final results in class, if the client will permit it. I also recommend writing shorter sentences wherever possible.
    For example compare this sentence “I had to do a major over haul with this app. Had to change a few of the images and and add two more images to the slider.” with: “I had to do a major overhaul with this app, changing and adding images to the slider.”
    Also note that “over haul” is one word, even though both “over” and “haul” are also separate words.

    Professor Mason

  2. Josephine

    Thank you for the feedback…I wasn’t in class last week but Melody told me there is class this Wednesday, Is it right?


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